Unit 1-Omd553-Telehealth Technology
Unit 1-Omd553-Telehealth Technology
Unit 1-Omd553-Telehealth Technology
History and Evolution of telemedicine, Organs
of telemedicine, Global and Indian scenario,
Ethical and legal aspects of Telemedicine -
Confidentiality, Social and legal issues, Safety
and regulatory issues, Advances in
• “Telehealth is different from Telemedicine
because it addresses a broader range of
telemedicine services.
• Telemedicine refers to remote clinical services,
whereas Telehealth refers to both clinical and
non-clinical services. Remote sessions, such as
meetings, ongoing training. “
• A public health app that alerts the public of a
disease outbreak
• A video-conferencing platform for medical
• Telemedicine is the remote delivery of
healthcare services, such as health
assessments or consultations, over the
telecommunications infrastructure.
• It allows healthcare providers to evaluate,
diagnose and treat patients using common
technology, such as videoconferencing and
smartphones, without the need for an in-
person visit.
• A mobile app that lets physicians treat their
patients remotely via video-chat
• A software solution that lets primary care
providers send patient photos of a rash or
mole to a dermatologist at another location
for quick diagnosis
Remote patient monitoring (RPM)
• Remote patient monitoring (RPM), also referred to as
telemonitoring, allows providers to track and monitor
their patients with chronic diseases (diabetes,
hypertension, etc.).
• RPM solutions equip remote caregivers with vital patient
data such as blood sugar or blood pressure levels so that
they can review such data in nearly real time and get
notified if a measurement is abnormal. RPM solutions
makes it possible for chronically ill, at-risk or recovery
patients to stay at home instead of being confined to a
hospital or clinic.
Examples of RPM
• Glucose trackers
• Wearable devices that track health and fitness
• Smart beds that monitors patients‘ health,
communicate with hospital devices and equipment
and automatically make necessary adjustments
• Sensors that monitor the gait and balance of
patients with walkers and canes