PHP is a scripting language used to create dynamic web pages. It allows embedding scripts in HTML pages to interact with databases and generate customized output. PHP scripts are executed on the server and the output is sent to the browser as plain HTML. PHP files have a .php extension and can contain text, HTML tags, and PHP scripts. Variables in PHP do not require declaration and are automatically treated as the correct data type based on their value. Conditional statements like if/else are used to perform different actions based on different conditions.
PHP is a scripting language used to create dynamic web pages. It allows embedding scripts in HTML pages to interact with databases and generate customized output. PHP scripts are executed on the server and the output is sent to the browser as plain HTML. PHP files have a .php extension and can contain text, HTML tags, and PHP scripts. Variables in PHP do not require declaration and are automatically treated as the correct data type based on their value. Conditional statements like if/else are used to perform different actions based on different conditions.
PHP is a scripting language used to create dynamic web pages. It allows embedding scripts in HTML pages to interact with databases and generate customized output. PHP scripts are executed on the server and the output is sent to the browser as plain HTML. PHP files have a .php extension and can contain text, HTML tags, and PHP scripts. Variables in PHP do not require declaration and are automatically treated as the correct data type based on their value. Conditional statements like if/else are used to perform different actions based on different conditions.
PHP is a scripting language used to create dynamic web pages. It allows embedding scripts in HTML pages to interact with databases and generate customized output. PHP scripts are executed on the server and the output is sent to the browser as plain HTML. PHP files have a .php extension and can contain text, HTML tags, and PHP scripts. Variables in PHP do not require declaration and are automatically treated as the correct data type based on their value. Conditional statements like if/else are used to perform different actions based on different conditions.
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1 of 37 PHP is a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages. PHP is the widely-used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft's !P. "n our PHP tutorial you will learn about PHP, and how to e#ecute scripts on your server. PHP is a server-side scripting language. What is PHP? PHP stands for PHP$ Hyperte#t Preprocessor PHP is a server-side scripting language, like !P PHP scripts are e#ecuted on the server PHP supports many databases %My!&', "nformi#, (racle, !ybase, !olid, Postgre!&', )eneric (*+,, etc.- PHP is an open source software PHP is free to download and use What is a PHP File? PHP files can contain te#t, H.M' tags and scripts PHP files are returned to the browser as plain H.M' PHP files have a file e#tension of /.php/, /.php0/, or /.phtml/ What is MySQL? My!&' is a database server My!&' is ideal for both small and large applications My!&' supports standard !&' My!&' compiles on a number of platforms My!&' is free to download and use PHP + MySQL PHP combined with My!&' are cross-platform %you can develop in Windows and serve on a 1ni# platform- Why PHP? PHP runs on different platforms %Windows, 'inu#, 1ni#, etc.- PHP is compatible with almost all servers used today %pache, ""!, etc.- PHP is 2344 to download from the official PHP resource$ PHP is easy to learn and runs efficiently on the server side Download PHP *ownload PHP for free here$ http$55www.php.net5downloads.php Download MySQL Database *ownload My!&' for free here$ http$55www.mys6l.com5downloads5 Download Apache Server *ownload pache for free here$ http$55httpd.apache.org5download.cgi PHP Syntax PHP code is e#ecuted on the server, and the plain H.M' result is sent to the browser. asic PHP Syntax PHP scripting block always starts with !?php and ends with ?". PHP scripting block can be placed anywhere in the document. (n servers with shorthand support enabled you can start a scripting block with 78 and end with 89. 2or ma#imum compatibility, we recommend that you use the standard form %78php- rather than the shorthand form. 78php 89 PHP file normally contains H.M' tags, :ust like an H.M' file, and some PHP scripting code. +elow, we have an e#ample of a simple PHP script which sends the te#t /Hello World/ to the browser$ 7html9 7body9 M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 2 of 37 78php echo /Hello World/; 89 75body9 75html9 4ach code line in PHP must end with a semicolon. .he semicolon is a separator and is used to distinguish one set of instructions from another. .here are two basic statements to output te#t with PHP$ echo and print. "n the e#ample above we have used the echo statement to output the te#t /Hello World/. #ote$ .he file must have a .php e#tension. "f the file has a .html e#tension, the PHP code will not be e#ecuted. %o&&ents in PHP "n PHP, we use 55 to make a single-line comment or 5< and <5 to make a large comment block. 7html9 7body9 78php 55.his is a comment 5< .his is a comment block <5 89 75body9 75html9 PHP 'ariables variable is used to store information. 'ariables in PHP =ariables are used for storing values, like te#t strings, numbers or arrays. When a variable is declared, it can be used over and over again in your script. ll variables in PHP start with a > sign symbol. .he correct way of declaring a variable in PHP$ >var?name @ value; Aew PHP programmers often forget the > sign at the beginning of the variable. "n that case it will not work. 'et's try creating a variable containing a string, and a variable containing a number$ 78php >t#t@/Hello WorldB/; >#@CD; 89 PHP is a Loosely (yped Lan)*a)e "n PHP, a variable does not need to be declared before adding a value to it. "n the e#ample above, you see that you do not have to tell PHP which data type the variable is. PHP automatically converts the variable to the correct data type, depending on its value. "n a strongly typed programming language, you have to declare %define- the type and name of the variable before using it. "n PHP, the variable is declared automatically when you use it. #a&in) +*les ,or 'ariables variable name must start with a letter or an underscore /?/ variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores %a-E, -F, G-H, and ? - variable name should not contain spaces. "f a variable name is more than one word, it should be separated with an underscore %>my?string-, or with capitaliEation %>my!tring- M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 3 of 37 PHP Strin) 'ariables string variable is used to store and manipulate te#t. Strin) 'ariables in PHP !tring variables are used for values that contain characters. "n this chapter we are going to look at the most common functions and operators used to manipulate strings in PHP. fter we create a string we can manipulate it. string can be used directly in a function or it can be stored in a variable. +elow, the PHP script assigns the te#t /Hello World/ to a string variable called >t#t$ 78php >t#t@/Hello World/; echo >t#t; 89 .he output of the code above will be$ Hello World Aow, lets try to use some different functions and operators to manipulate the string. (he %oncatenation -perator .here is only one string operator in PHP. .he concatenation operator %.- is used to put two string values together. .o concatenate two string variables together, use the concatenation operator$ 78php >t#tC@/Hello WorldB/; >t#tI@/What a nice dayB/; echo >t#tC . / / . >t#tI; 89 .he output of the code above will be$ Hello WorldB What a nice dayB "f we look at the code above you see that we used the concatenation operator two times. .his is because we had to insert a third string %a space character-, to separate the two strings. (he strlen./ ,*nction .he strlen%- function is used to return the length of a string. 'et's find the length of a string$ 78php echo strlen%/Hello worldB/-; 89 .he output of the code above will be$ CI .he length of a string is often used in loops or other functions, when it is important to know when the string ends. %i.e. in a loop, we would want to stop the loop after the last character in the string-. (he strpos./ ,*nction .he strpos%- function is used to search for a character5te#t within a string. "f a match is found, this function will return the character position of the first match. "f no match is found, it will return 2'!4. 'et's see if we can find the string /world/ in our string$ 78php echo strpos%/Hello worldB/,/world/-; 89 .he output of the code above will be$ M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 4 of 37 D .he position of the string /world/ in the e#ample above is D. .he reason that it is D %and not J-, is that the first character position in the string is G, and not C. PHP -perators (perators are used to operate on values. PHP -perators .his section lists the different operators used in PHP. Arith&etic -perators -perator Description 0xa&ple +es*lt K ddition #@I #KI L - !ubtraction #@I M-# 0 < Multiplication #@L #<M IG 5 *ivision CM5M M5I 0 I.M N Modulus %division remainder- MNI CGNO CGNI C I G KK "ncrement #@M #KK #@D -- *ecrement #@M #-- #@L Assi)n&ent -perators -perator 0xa&ple 1s (he Sa&e As @ #@y #@y K@ #K@y #@#Ky -@ #-@y #@#-y <@ #<@y #@#<y 5@ #5@y #@#5y .@ #.@y #@#.y N@ #N@y #@#Ny %o&parison -perators -perator Description 0xa&ple @@ is e6ual to M@@O returns false B@ is not e6ual MB@O returns true 79 is not e6ual M79O returns true 9 is greater than M9O returns false 7 is less than M7O returns true 9@ is greater than or e6ual to M9@O returns false 7@ is less than or e6ual to M7@O returns true Lo)ical -perators -perator Description 0xa&ple PP and #@D M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 5 of 37 y@0 %# 7 CG PP y 9 C- returns true QQ or #@D y@0 %#@@M QQ y@@M- returns false B not #@D y@0 B%#@@y- returns true PHP 1,2220lse State&ents ,onditional statements are used to perform different actions based on different conditions. %onditional State&ents =ery often when you write code, you want to perform different actions for different decisions. Rou can use conditional statements in your code to do this. "n PHP we have the following conditional statements$ i, state&ent - use this statement to e#ecute some code only if a specified condition is true i,222else state&ent - use this statement to e#ecute some code if a condition is true and another code if the condition is false i,222elsei,2222else state&ent - use this statement to select one of several blocks of code to be e#ecuted switch state&ent - use this statement to select one of many blocks of code to be e#ecuted (he i, State&ent 1se the if statement to e#ecute some code only if a specified condition is true. Syntax if %condition- code to be executed if condition is true; .he following e#ample will output /Have a nice weekendB/ if the current day is 2riday$ 7html9 7body9 78php >d@date%/*/-; if %>d@@/2ri/- echo /Have a nice weekendB/; 89 75body9 75html9 Aotice that there is no ..else.. in this synta#. .he code is e#ecuted only i, the speci,ied condition is tr*e. (he i,222else State&ent 1se the if....else statement to e#ecute some code if a condition is true and another code if a condition is false. Syntax if %condition- code to be executed if condition is true; else code to be executed if condition is false; 0xa&ple .he following e#ample will output /Have a nice weekendB/ if the current day is 2riday, otherwise it will output /Have a nice dayB/$ 7html9 7body9 M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 6 of 37 78php >d@date%/*/-; if %>d@@/2ri/- echo /Have a nice weekendB/; else echo /Have a nice dayB/; 89 75body9 75html9 "f more than one line should be e#ecuted if a condition is true5false, the lines should be enclosed within curly braces$ 7html9 7body9 78php >d@date%/*/-; if %>d@@/2ri/- S echo /HelloB7br 59/; echo /Have a nice weekendB/; echo /!ee you on MondayB/; T 89 75body9 75html9 (he i,222elsei,2222else State&ent 1se the if....elseif...else statement to select one of several blocks of code to be e#ecuted. Syntax if %condition- code to be executed if condition is true; elseif %condition- code to be executed if condition is true; else code to be executed if condition is false; 0xa&ple .he following e#ample will output /Have a nice weekendB/ if the current day is 2riday, and /Have a nice !undayB/ if the current day is !unday. (therwise it will output /Have a nice dayB/$ 7html9 7body9 78php >d@date%/*/-; if %>d@@/2ri/- echo /Have a nice weekendB/; elseif %>d@@/!un/- echo /Have a nice !undayB/; else echo /Have a nice dayB/; 89 75body9 75html9 PHP Switch State&ent ,onditional statements are used to perform different actions based on different conditions. M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 7 of 37 (he PHP Switch State&ent 1se the switch statement to select one of many blocks of code to be e#ecuted. Syntax switch %n- S case label1: code to be executed if n=label1; break; case label2: code to be executed if n=label2; break; default$ code to be executed if n is different from both label1 and label2; T .his is how it works$ 2irst we have a single e#pression n %most often a variable-, that is evaluated once. .he value of the e#pression is then compared with the values for each case in the structure. "f there is a match, the block of code associated with that case is e#ecuted. 1se brea3 to prevent the code from running into the ne#t case automatically. .he default statement is used if no match is found. 0xa&ple 7html9 7body9 78php switch %>#- S case C$ echo /Aumber C/; break; case I$ echo /Aumber I/; break; case 0$ echo /Aumber 0/; break; default$ echo /Ao number between C and 0/; T 89 75body9 75html9 PHP Arrays n array stores multiple values in one single variable. What is an Array? variable is a storage area holding a number or te#t. .he problem is, a variable will hold only one value. n array is a special variable, which can store multiple values in one single variable. "f you have a list of items %a list of car names, for e#ample-, storing the cars in single variables could look like this$ >carsC@/!aab/; >carsI@/=olvo/; M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 8 of 37 >cars0@/+MW/; However, what if you want to loop through the cars and find a specific one8 nd what if you had not 0 cars, but 0GG8 .he best solution here is to use an arrayB n array can hold all your variable values under a single name. nd you can access the values by referring to the array name. 4ach element in the array has its own inde# so that it can be easily accessed. "n PHP, there are three kind of arrays$ #*&eric array - n array with a numeric inde# Associative array - n array where each "* key is associated with a value M*ltidi&ensional array - n array containing one or more arrays #*&eric Arrays numeric array stores each array element with a numeric inde#. .here are two methods to create a numeric array. C. "n the following e#ample the inde# are automatically assigned %the inde# starts at G-$ >cars@array%/!aab/,/=olvo/,/+MW/,/.oyota/-; I. "n the following e#ample we assign the inde# manually$ >carsUGV@/!aab/; >carsUCV@/=olvo/; >carsUIV@/+MW/; >carsU0V@/.oyota/; 0xa&ple "n the following e#ample you access the variable values by referring to the array name and inde#$ 78php >carsUGV@/!aab/; >carsUCV@/=olvo/; >carsUIV@/+MW/; >carsU0V@/.oyota/; echo >carsUGV . / and / . >carsUCV . / are !wedish cars./; 89 .he code above will output$ !aab and =olvo are !wedish cars. Associative Arrays n associative array, each "* key is associated with a value. When storing data about specific named values, a numerical array is not always the best way to do it. With associative arrays we can use the values as keys and assign values to them. 0xa&ple 4 "n this e#ample we use an array to assign ages to the different persons$ >ages @ array%/Peter/@90I, /&uagmire/@90G, /Woe/@90L-; 0xa&ple 5 .his e#ample is the same as e#ample C, but shows a different way of creating the array$ >agesU'Peter'V @ /0I/; >agesU'&uagmire'V @ /0G/; >agesU'Woe'V @ /0L/; .he "* keys can be used in a script$ 78php >agesU'Peter'V @ /0I/; >agesU'&uagmire'V @ /0G/; >agesU'Woe'V @ /0L/; echo /Peter is / . >agesU'Peter'V . / years old./; M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 9 of 37 89 .he code above will output$ Peter is 0I years old. M*ltidi&ensional Arrays "n a multidimensional array, each element in the main array can also be an array. nd each element in the sub-array can be an array, and so on. 0xa&ple "n this e#ample we create a multidimensional array, with automatically assigned "* keys$ >families @ array % /)riffin/@9array % /Peter/, /'ois/, /Megan/ -, /&uagmire/@9array % /)lenn/ -, /+rown/@9array % /,leveland/, /'oretta/, /Wunior/ - -; .he array above would look like this if written to the output$ rray % U)riffinV @9 rray % UGV @9 Peter UCV @9 'ois UIV @9 Megan - U&uagmireV @9 rray % UGV @9 )lenn - U+rownV @9 rray % UGV @9 ,leveland UCV @9 'oretta UIV @9 Wunior - - 0xa&ple 5 'ets try displaying a single value from the array above$ echo /"s / . >familiesU')riffin'VUIV . / a part of the )riffin family8/; .he code above will output$ "s Megan a part of the )riffin family8 M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 10 of 37 PHP Loopin) 6 While Loops 'oops e#ecute a block of code a specified number of times, or while a specified condition is true. PHP Loops (ften when you write code, you want the same block of code to run over and over again in a row. "nstead of adding several almost e6ual lines in a script we can use loops to perform a task like this. "n PHP, we have the following looping statements$ while - loops through a block of code while a specified condition is true do222while - loops through a block of code once, and then repeats the loop as long as a specified condition is true ,or - loops through a block of code a specified number of times ,oreach - loops through a block of code for each element in an array (he while Loop .he while loop e#ecutes a block of code while a condition is true. Syntax while %condition- S code to be executed; T 0xa&ple .he e#ample below defines a loop that starts with i@C. .he loop will continue to run as long as i is less than, or e6ual to M. i will increase by C each time the loop runs$ 7html9 7body9 78php >i@C; while%>i7@M- S echo /.he number is / . >i . /7br 59/; >iKK; T 89 75body9 75html9 (utput$ .he number is C .he number is I .he number is 0 .he number is L .he number is M (he do222while State&ent .he do...while statement will always e#ecute the block of code once, it will then check the condition, and repeat the loop while the condition is true. Syntax do S code to be executed; T while %condition-; M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 11 of 37 0xa&ple .he e#ample below defines a loop that starts with i@C. "t will then increment i with C, and write some output. .hen the condition is checked, and the loop will continue to run as long as i is less than, or e6ual to M$ 7html9 7body9 78php >i@C; do S >iKK; echo /.he number is / . >i . /7br 59/; T while %>i7@M-; 89 75body9 75html9 (utput$ .he number is I .he number is 0 .he number is L .he number is M .he number is D .he for loop and the foreach loop will be e#plained in the ne#t chapter. PHP Loopin) 6 For Loops 'oops e#ecute a block of code a specified number of times, or while a specified condition is true. (he ,or Loop .he for loop is used when you know in advance how many times the script should run. Syntax for %init; condition; increment- S code to be executed; T Parameters$ init$ Mostly used to set a counter %but can be any code to be e#ecuted once at the beginning of the loop- condition$ 4valuated for each loop iteration. "f it evaluates to .314, the loop continues. "f it evaluates to 2'!4, the loop ends. increment$ Mostly used to increment a counter %but can be any code to be e#ecuted at the end of the loop- #ote$ 4ach of the parameters above can be empty, or have multiple e#pressions %separated by commas-. 0xa&ple .he e#ample below defines a loop that starts with i@C. .he loop will continue to run as long as i is less than, or e6ual to M. i will increase by C each time the loop runs$ 7html9 7body9 78php for %>i@C; >i7@M; >iKK- S echo /.he number is / . >i . /7br 59/; T M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 12 of 37 89 75body9 75html9 (utput$ .he number is C .he number is I .he number is 0 .he number is L .he number is M (he ,oreach Loop .he foreach loop is used to loop through arrays. Syntax foreach %>array as >value- S code to be executed; T 2or every loop iteration, the value of the current array element is assigned to >value %and the array pointer is moved by one- - so on the ne#t loop iteration, you'll be looking at the ne#t array value. 0xa&ple .he following e#ample demonstrates a loop that will print the values of the given array$ 7html9 7body9 78php >#@array%/one/,/two/,/three/-; foreach %># as >value- S echo >value . /7br 59/; T 89 75body9 75html9 (utput$ one two three PHP F*nctions .he real power of PHP comes from its functions. "n PHP, there are more than JGG built-in functions. PHP *ilt6in F*nctions PHP F*nctions "n this chapter we will show you how to create your own functions. .o keep the script from being e#ecuted when the page loads, you can put it into a function. function will be e#ecuted by a call to the function. Rou may call a function from anywhere within a page. %reate a PHP F*nction function will be e#ecuted by a call to the function. Syntax function functionName%- S M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 13 of 37 code to be executed; T PHP function guidelines$ )ive the function a name that reflects what the function does .he function name can start with a letter or underscore %not a number- 0xa&ple simple function that writes my name when it is called$ 7html9 7body9 78php function writeAame%- S echo /Xai Wim 3efsnes/; T echo /My name is /; writeAame%-; 89 75body9 75html9 (utput$ My name is Xai Wim 3efsnes PHP F*nctions 6 Addin) para&eters .o add more functionality to a function, we can add parameters. parameter is :ust like a variable. Parameters are specified after the function name, inside the parentheses. 0xa&ple 4 .he following e#ample will write different first names, but e6ual last name$ 7html9 7body9 78php function writeAame%>fname- S echo >fname . / 3efsnes.7br 59/; T echo /My name is /; writeAame%/Xai Wim/-; echo /My sister's name is /; writeAame%/Hege/-; echo /My brother's name is /; writeAame%/!tale/-; 89 75body9 75html9 (utput$ My name is Xai Wim 3efsnes. My sister's name is Hege 3efsnes. My brother's name is !tale 3efsnes. 0xa&ple 5 .he following function has two parameters$ 7html9 7body9 78php function writeAame%>fname,>punctuation- M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 14 of 37 S echo >fname . / 3efsnes/ . >punctuation . /7br 59/; T echo /My name is /; writeAame%/Xai Wim/,/./-; echo /My sister's name is /; writeAame%/Hege/,/B/-; echo /My brother's name is /; writeAame%/!tYle/,/8/-; 89 75body9 75html9 (utput$ My name is Xai Wim 3efsnes. My sister's name is Hege 3efsnesB My brother's name is !tYle 3efsnes8
PHP F*nctions 6 +et*rn val*es .o let a function return a value, use the return statement. 0xa&ple 7html9 7body9 78php function add%>#,>y- S >total@>#K>y; return >total; T echo /C K CD @ / . add%C,CD-; 89 75body9 75html9 (utput$ C K CD @ CJ PHP For&s and 7ser 1np*t .he PHP >?)4. and >?P(!. variables are used to retrieve information from forms, like user input. PHP For& Handlin) .he most important thing to notice when dealing with H.M' forms and PHP is that any form element in an H.M' page will a*to&atically be available to your PHP scripts. 0xa&ple .he e#ample below contains an H.M' form with two input fields and a submit button$ 7html9 7body9 7form action@/welcome.php/ method@/post/9 Aame$ 7input type@/te#t/ name@/fname/ 59 ge$ 7input type@/te#t/ name@/age/ 59 7input type@/submit/ 59 75form9 75body9 75html9 When a user fills out the form above and click on the submit button, the form data is sent to a PHP file, called /welcome.php/$ M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 15 of 37 /welcome.php/ looks like this$ 7html9 7body9 Welcome 78php echo >?P(!.U/fname/V; 89B7br 59 Rou are 78php echo >?P(!.U/age/V; 89 years old. 75body9 75html9 (utput could be something like this$ Welcome WohnB Rou are IO years old. .he PHP >?)4. and >?P(!. functions will be e#plained in the ne#t chapters. For& 'alidation 1ser input should be validated on the browser whenever possible %by client scripts-. +rowser validation is faster and reduces the server load. Rou should consider server validation if the user input will be inserted into a database. good way to validate a form on the server is to post the form to itself, instead of :umping to a different page. .he user will then get the error messages on the same page as the form. .his makes it easier to discover the error. PHP 89:0( F*nction .he built-in >?)4. function is used to collect values in a form with method@/get/. (he 89:0( F*nction .he built-in >?)4. function is used to collect values from a form sent with method@/get/. "nformation sent from a form with the )4. method is visible to everyone %it will be displayed in the browser's address bar- and has limits on the amount of information to send. 0xa&ple 7form action@/welcome.php/ method@/get/9 Aame$ 7input type@/te#t/ name@/fname/ 59 ge$ 7input type@/te#t/ name@/age/ 59 7input type@/submit/ 59 75form9 When the user clicks the /!ubmit/ button, the 13' sent to the server could look something like this$ http$55www.sathyabama.com5welcome.php8fname@PeterPage@0J .he /welcome.php/ file can now use the >?)4. function to collect form data %the names of the form fields will automatically be the keys in the >?)4. array-$ Welcome 78php echo >?)4.U/fname/V; 89.7br 59 Rou are 78php echo >?)4.U/age/V; 89 years oldB When to *se ðod;<)et<? When using method@/get/ in H.M' forms, all variable names and values are displayed in the 13'. #ote$ .his method should not be used when sending passwords or other sensitive informationB However, because the variables are displayed in the 13', it is possible to bookmark the page. .his can be useful in some cases. #ote$ .he get method is not suitable for very large variable values. "t should not be used with values e#ceeding IGGG characters. PHP 89P-S( F*nction .he built-in >?P(!. function is used to collect values in a form with method@/post/. (he 89P-S( F*nction .he built-in >?P(!. function is used to collect values from a form sent with method@/post/. M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 16 of 37 "nformation sent from a form with the P(!. method is invisible to others and has no limits on the amount of information to send. #ote$ However, there is an O Mb ma# siEe for the P(!. method, by default %can be changed by setting the post?ma#?siEe in the php.ini file-. 0xa&ple 7form action@/welcome.php/ method@/post/9 Aame$ 7input type@/te#t/ name@/fname/ 59 ge$ 7input type@/te#t/ name@/age/ 59 7input type@/submit/ 59 75form9 When the user clicks the /!ubmit/ button, the 13' will look like this$ http$55www.sathyabama.com5welcome.php .he /welcome.php/ file can now use the >?P(!. function to collect form data %the names of the form fields will automatically be the keys in the >?P(!. array-$ Welcome 78php echo >?P(!.U/fname/V; 89B7br 59 Rou are 78php echo >?P(!.U/age/V; 89 years old. When to *se ðod;<post<? "nformation sent from a form with the P(!. method is invisible to others and has no limits on the amount of information to send. However, because the variables are not displayed in the 13', it is not possible to bookmark the page. (he PHP 89+0Q70S( F*nction .he PHP built-in >?34&14!. function contains the contents of both >?)4., >?P(!., and >?,((X"4. .he >?34&14!. function can be used to collect form data sent with both the )4. and P(!. methods. 0xa&ple Welcome 78php echo >?34&14!.U/fname/V; 89B7br 59 Rou are 78php echo >?34&14!.U/age/V; 89 years old. PHP Date./ F*nction .he PHP date%- function is used to format a time and5or date. (he PHP Date./ F*nction .he PHP date%- function formats a timestamp to a more readable date and time. timestamp is a se6uence of characters, denoting the date and5or time at which a certain event occurred. Syntax date%format,timestamp- Para&eter Description format 3e6uired. !pecifies the format of the timestamp timestamp (ptional. !pecifies a timestamp. *efault is the current date and time PHP Date./ 6 For&at the Date .he re6uired format parameter in the date%- function specifies how to format the date5time. Here are some characters that can be used$ d - 3epresents the day of the month %GC to 0C- m - 3epresents a month %GC to CI- R - 3epresents a year %in four digits- M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 17 of 37 (ther characters, like/5/, /./, or /-/ can also be inserted between the letters to add additional formatting$ 78php echo date%/R5m5d/- . /7br 59/; echo date%/R.m.d/- . /7br 59/; echo date%/R-m-d/-; 89 .he output of the code above could be something like this$ IGGH5GM5CC IGGH.GM.CC IGGH-GM-CC PHP Date./ 6 Addin) a (i&esta&p .he optional timestamp parameter in the date%- function specifies a timestamp. "f you do not specify a timestamp, the current date and time will be used. .he mktime%- function returns the 1ni# timestamp for a date. .he 1ni# timestamp contains the number of seconds between the 1ni# 4poch %Wanuary C CHJG GG$GG$GG )M.- and the time specified. Syntax ,or &3ti&e./ mktime%hour,minute,second,month,day,year,is?dst- .o go one day in the future we simply add one to the day argument of mktime%-$ 78php >tomorrow @ mktime%G,G,G,date%/m/-,date%/d/-KC,date%/R/--; echo /.omorrow is /.date%/R5m5d/, >tomorrow-; 89 .he output of the code above could be something like this$ .omorrow is IGGH5GM5CI PHP 1ncl*de File Server Side 1ncl*des .SS1/ Rou can insert the content of one PHP file into another PHP file before the server e#ecutes it, with the include%- or re6uire%- function. .he two functions are identical in every way, e#cept how they handle errors$ include%- generates a warning, but the script will continue e#ecution re6uire%- generates a fatal error, and the script will stop .hese two functions are used to create functions, headers, footers, or elements that will be reused on multiple pages. !erver side includes saves a lot of work. .his means that you can create a standard header, footer, or menu file for all your web pages. When the header needs to be updated, you can only update the include file, or when you add a new page to your site, you can simply change the menu file %instead of updating the links on all your web pages-. PHP incl*de./ F*nction .he include%- function takes all the content in a specified file and includes it in the current file. "f an error occurs, the include%- function generates a warning, but the script will continue e#ecution. 0xa&ple 4 ssume that you have a standard header file, called /header.php/. .o include the header file in a page, use the include%- function$ 7html9 7body9 78php include%/header.php/-; 89 7hC9Welcome to my home pageB75hC9 M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 18 of 37 7p9!ome te#t.75p9 75body9 75html9 0xa&ple 5 ssume we have a standard menu file, called /menu.php/, that should be used on all pages$ 7a href@/5default.php/9Home75a9 7a href@/5tutorials.php/9.utorials75a9 7a href@/5references.php/93eferences75a9 7a href@/5e#amples.php/94#amples75a9 7a href@/5about.php/9bout 1s75a9 7a href@/5contact.php/9,ontact 1s75a9 ll pages in the Web site should include this menu file. Here is how it can be done$ 7html9 7body9 7div class@/leftmenu/9 78php include%/menu.php/-; 89 75div9 7hC9Welcome to my home page.75hC9 7p9!ome te#t.75p9 75body9 75html9 "f you look at the source code of the page above %in a browser-, it will look like this$ 7html9 7body9 7div class@/leftmenu/9 7a href@/5default.php/9Home75a9 7a href@/5tutorials.php/9.utorials75a9 7a href@/5references.php/93eferences75a9 7a href@/5e#amples.php/94#amples75a9 7a href@/5about.php/9bout 1s75a9 7a href@/5contact.php/9,ontact 1s75a9 75div9 7hC9Welcome to my home pageB75hC9 7p9!ome te#t.75p9 75body9 75html9 PHP re=*ire./ F*nction .he re6uire%- function is identical to include%-, e#cept that it handles errors differently. "f an error occurs, the include%- function generates a warning, but the script will continue e#ecution. .he re6uire%- generates a fatal error, and the script will stop. 0rror 0xa&ple incl*de./ F*nction 7html9 7body9 78php include%/wrong2ile.php/-; echo /Hello WorldB/; 89 75body9 75html9 4rror message$ Warnin)$ include%wrong2ile.php- Ufunction.includeV$ failed to open stream$ Ao such file or directory in ,$ZhomeZwebsiteZtest.php on line M M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 19 of 37 Warnin)$ include%- Ufunction.includeV$ 2ailed opening 'wrong2ile.php' for inclusion %include?path@'.;,$ZphpMZpear'- in ,$ZhomeZwebsiteZtest.php on line M Hello WorldB Aotice that the echo statement is e#ecutedB .his is because a Warning does not stop the script e#ecution. 0rror 0xa&ple re=*ire./ F*nction Aow, let's run the same e#ample with the re6uire%- function. 7html9 7body9 78php re6uire%/wrong2ile.php/-; echo /Hello WorldB/; 89 75body9 75html9 4rror message$ Warnin)$ re6uire%wrong2ile.php- Ufunction.re6uireV$ failed to open stream$ Ao such file or directory in ,$ZhomeZwebsiteZtest.php on line M Fatal error$ re6uire%- Ufunction.re6uireV$ 2ailed opening re6uired 'wrong2ile.php' %include?path@'.;,$ZphpMZpear'- in ,$ZhomeZwebsiteZtest.php on line M .he echo statement is not e#ecuted, because the script e#ecution stopped after the fatal error. "t is recommended to use the re6uire%- function instead of include%-, because scripts should not continue after an error. PHP File Handlin) .he fopen%- function is used to open files in PHP. -penin) a File .he fopen%- function is used to open files in PHP. .he first parameter of this function contains the name of the file to be opened and the second parameter specifies in which mode the file should be opened$ 7html9 7body9 78php >file@fopen%/welcome.t#t/,/r/-; 89 75body9 75html9 .he file may be opened in one of the following modes$ Modes Description r 3ead only. !tarts at the beginning of the file rK 3ead5Write. !tarts at the beginning of the file w Write only. (pens and clears the contents of file; or creates a new file if it doesn't e#ist wK 3ead5Write. (pens and clears the contents of file; or creates a new file if it doesn't e#ist a ppend. (pens and writes to the end of the file or creates a new file if it doesn't e#ist M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 20 of 37 aK 3ead5ppend. Preserves file content by writing to the end of the file # Write only. ,reates a new file. 3eturns 2'!4 and an error if file already e#ists #K 3ead5Write. ,reates a new file. 3eturns 2'!4 and an error if file already e#ists #ote$ "f the fopen%- function is unable to open the specified file, it returns G %false-. 0xa&ple .he following e#ample generates a message if the fopen%- function is unable to open the specified file$ 7html9 7body9 78php >file@fopen%/welcome.t#t/,/r/- or e#it%/1nable to open fileB/-; 89 75body9 75html9 %losin) a File .he fclose%- function is used to close an open file$ 78php >file @ fopen%/test.t#t/,/r/-; 55some code to be e#ecuted fclose%>file-; 89 %hec3 0nd6o,6,ile .he feof%- function checks if the /end-of-file/ %4(2- has been reached. .he feof%- function is useful for looping through data of unknown length. #ote$ Rou cannot read from files opened in w, a, and # modeB if %feof%>file-- echo /4nd of file/; +eadin) a File Line by Line .he fgets%- function is used to read a single line from a file. #ote$ fter a call to this function the file pointer has moved to the ne#t line. 0xa&ple .he e#ample below reads a file line by line, until the end of file is reached$ 78php >file @ fopen%/welcome.t#t/, /r/- or e#it%/1nable to open fileB/-; 55(utput a line of the file until the end is reached while%Bfeof%>file-- S echo fgets%>file-. /7br 59/; T fclose%>file-; 89 M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 21 of 37 +eadin) a File %haracter by %haracter .he fgetc%- function is used to read a single character from a file. #ote$ fter a call to this function the file pointer moves to the ne#t character. 0xa&ple .he e#ample below reads a file character by character, until the end of file is reached$ 78php >file@fopen%/welcome.t#t/,/r/- or e#it%/1nable to open fileB/-; while %Bfeof%>file-- S echo fgetc%>file-; T fclose%>file-; 89 PHP %oo3ies cookie is often used to identify a user. What is a %oo3ie? cookie is often used to identify a user. cookie is a small file that the server embeds on the user's computer. 4ach time the same computer re6uests a page with a browser, it will send the cookie too. With PHP, you can both create and retrieve cookie values. How to %reate a %oo3ie? .he setcookie%- function is used to set a cookie. #ote$ .he setcookie%- function must appear +42(34 the 7html9 tag. Syntax setcookie%name, value, e#pire, path, domain-; 0xa&ple 4 "n the e#ample below, we will create a cookie named /user/ and assign the value /le# Porter/ to it. We also specify that the cookie should e#pire after one hour$ 78php setcookie%/user/, /le# Porter/, time%-K0DGG-; 89 7html9 ..... #ote$ .he value of the cookie is automatically 13'encoded when sending the cookie, and automatically decoded when received %to prevent 13'encoding, use setrawcookie%- instead-. 0xa&ple 5 Rou can also set the e#piration time of the cookie in another way. "t may be easier than using seconds. 78php >e#pire@time%-KDG<DG<IL<0G; setcookie%/user/, /le# Porter/, >e#pire-; 89 7html9 ..... "n the e#ample above the e#piration time is set to a month %60 sec * 60 min * 24 hours * 0 days-. How to +etrieve a %oo3ie 'al*e? M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 22 of 37 .he PHP >?,((X"4 variable is used to retrieve a cookie value. "n the e#ample below, we retrieve the value of the cookie named /user/ and display it on a page$ 78php 55 Print a cookie echo >?,((X"4U/user/V; 55 way to view all cookies print?r%>?,((X"4-; 89 "n the following e#ample we use the isset%- function to find out if a cookie has been set$ 7html9 7body9 78php if %isset%>?,((X"4U/user/V-- echo /Welcome / . >?,((X"4U/user/V . /B7br 59/; else echo /Welcome guestB7br 59/; 89 75body9 75html9 How to Delete a %oo3ie? When deleting a cookie you should assure that the e#piration date is in the past. *elete e#ample$ 78php 55 set the e#piration date to one hour ago setcookie%/user/, //, time%--0DGG-; 89 What i, a rowser Does #-( S*pport %oo3ies? "f your application deals with browsers that do not support cookies, you will have to use other methods to pass information from one page to another in your application. (ne method is to pass the data through forms %forms and user input are described earlier in this tutorial-. .he form below passes the user input to /welcome.php/ when the user clicks on the /!ubmit/ button$ 7html9 7body9 7form action@/welcome.php/ method@/post/9 Aame$ 7input type@/te#t/ name@/name/ 59 ge$ 7input type@/te#t/ name@/age/ 59 7input type@/submit/ 59 75form9 75body9 75html9 3etrieve the values in the /welcome.php/ file like this$ M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 23 of 37 7html9 7body9 Welcome 78php echo >?P(!.U/name/V; 89.7br 59 Rou are 78php echo >?P(!.U/age/V; 89 years old. 75body9 75html9 PHP Sessions PHP session variable is used to store information about, or change settings for a user session. !ession variables hold information about one single user, and are available to all pages in one application. PHP Session 'ariables When you are working with an application, you open it, do some changes and then you close it. .his is much like a !ession. .he computer knows who you are. "t knows when you start the application and when you end. +ut on the internet there is one problem$ the web server does not know who you are and what you do because the H..P address doesn't maintain state. PHP session solves this problem by allowing you to store user information on the server for later use %i.e. username, shopping items, etc-. However, session information is temporary and will be deleted after the user has left the website. "f you need a permanent storage you may want to store the data in a database. !essions work by creating a uni6ue id %1"*- for each visitor and store variables based on this 1"*. .he 1"* is either stored in a cookie or is propagated in the 13'. Startin) a PHP Session +efore you can store user information in your PHP session, you must first start up the session. #ote$ .he session?start%- function must appear +42(34 the 7html9 tag$ 78php session?start%-; 89 7html9 7body9 75body9 75html9 .he code above will register the user's session with the server, allow you to start saving user information, and assign a 1"* for that user's session. Storin) a Session 'ariable .he correct way to store and retrieve session variables is to use the PHP >?!4!!"(A variable$ M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 24 of 37 78php session?start%-; 55 store session data >?!4!!"(AU'views'V@C; 89 7html9 7body9 78php 55retrieve session data echo /Pageviews@/. >?!4!!"(AU'views'V; 89 75body9 75html9 (utput$ Pageviews@C "n the e#ample below, we create a simple page-views counter. .he isset%- function checks if the /views/ variable has already been set. "f /views/ has been set, we can increment our counter. "f /views/ doesn't e#ist, we create a /views/ variable, and set it to C$ 78php session?start%-; if%isset%>?!4!!"(AU'views'V-- >?!4!!"(AU'views'V@>?!4!!"(AU'views'VKC; else >?!4!!"(AU'views'V@C; echo /=iews@/. >?!4!!"(AU'views'V; 89 Destroyin) a Session "f you wish to delete some session data, you can use the unset%- or the session?destroy%- function. .he unset%- function is used to free the specified session variable$ 78php unset%>?!4!!"(AU'views'V-; 89 Rou can also completely destroy the session by calling the session?destroy%- function$ 78php session?destroy%-; 89 #ote$ session?destroy%- will reset your session and you will lose all your stored session data. PHP 0rror Handlin) .he default error handling in PHP is very simple. n error message with filename, line number and a message describing the error is sent to the browser. PHP 0rror Handlin) When creating scripts and web applications, error handling is an important part. "f your code lacks error checking code, your program may look very unprofessional and you may be open to security risks. .his tutorial contains some of the most common error checking methods in PHP. We will show different error handling methods$ M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 25 of 37 !imple /die%-/ statements ,ustom errors and error triggers 4rror reporting asic 0rror Handlin)$ 7sin) the die./ ,*nction .he first e#ample shows a simple script that opens a te#t file$ 78php >file@fopen%/welcome.t#t/,/r/-; 89 "f the file does not e#ist you might get an error like this$ Warnin)$ fopen%welcome.t#t- Ufunction.fopenV$ failed to open stream$ Ao such file or directory in %$>web,older>test2php on line 5 .o avoid that the user gets an error message like the one above, we test if the file e#ist before we try to access it$ 78php if%Bfile?e#ists%/welcome.t#t/-- S die%/2ile not found/-; T else S >file@fopen%/welcome.t#t/,/r/-; T 89 Aow if the file does not e#ist you get an error like this$ 2ile not found .he code above is more efficient than the earlier code, because it uses a simple error handling mechanism to stop the script after the error. However, simply stopping the script is not always the right way to go. 'et's take a look at alternative PHP functions for handling errors. %reatin) a %*sto& 0rror Handler ,reating a custom error handler is 6uite simple. We simply create a special function that can be called when an error occurs in PHP. .his function must be able to handle a minimum of two parameters %error level and error message- but can accept up to five parameters %optionally$ file, line-number, and the error conte#t-$ Syntax error?function%error?level,error?message, error?file,error?line,error?conte#t- Para&eter Description error?level 3e6uired. !pecifies the error report level for the user-defined error. Must be a value number. !ee table below for possible error report levels error?message 3e6uired. !pecifies the error message for the user-defined error error?file (ptional. !pecifies the filename in which the error occurred error?line (ptional. !pecifies the line number in which the error occurred error?conte#t (ptional. !pecifies an array containing every variable, and their values, in use when the error occurred 0rror +eport levels .hese error report levels are the different types of error the user-defined error handler can be used for$ M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 26 of 37 'al*e %onstant Description I 4?W3A"A) Aon-fatal run-time errors. 4#ecution of the script is not halted O 4?A(.",4 3un-time notices. .he script found something that might be an error, but could also happen when running a script normally IMD 4?1!43?433(3 2atal user-generated error. .his is like an 4?433(3 set by the programmer using the PHP function trigger?error%- MCI 4?1!43?W3A"A) Aon-fatal user-generated warning. .his is like an 4?W3A"A) set by the programmer using the PHP function trigger?error%- CGIL 4?1!43?A(.",4 1ser-generated notice. .his is like an 4?A(.",4 set by the programmer using the PHP function trigger?error%- LGHD 4?34,(=43+'4?433(3 ,atchable fatal error. .his is like an 4?433(3 but can be caught by a user defined handle %see also set?error?handler%-- OCHC 4?'' ll errors and warnings, e#cept level 4?!.3",. %4?!.3",. will be part of 4?'' as of PHP D.G- Aow lets create a function to handle errors$ function custom4rror%>errno, >errstr- S echo /7b94rror$75b9 U>errnoV >errstr7br 59/; echo /4nding !cript/; die%-; T .he code above is a simple error handling function. When it is triggered, it gets the error level and an error message. "t then outputs the error level and message and terminates the script. Aow that we have created an error handling function we need to decide when it should be triggered. Set 0rror Handler .he default error handler for PHP is the built in error handler. We are going to make the function above the default error handler for the duration of the script. "t is possible to change the error handler to apply for only some errors, that way the script can handle different errors in different ways. However, in this e#ample we are going to use our custom error handler for all errors$ set?error?handler%/custom4rror/-; !ince we want our custom function to handle all errors, the set?error?handler%- only needed one parameter, a second parameter could be added to specify an error level. 0xa&ple .esting the error handler by trying to output variable that does not e#ist$ 78php 55error handler function function custom4rror%>errno, >errstr- S echo /7b94rror$75b9 U>errnoV >errstr/; T 55set error handler set?error?handler%/custom4rror/-; 55trigger error echo%>test-; 89 .he output of the code above should be something like this$ 0rror$ UOV 1ndefined variable$ test M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 27 of 37 (ri))er an 0rror "n a script where users can input data it is useful to trigger errors when an illegal input occurs. "n PHP, this is done by the trigger?error%- function. 0xa&ple "n this e#ample an error occurs if the /test/ variable is bigger than /C/$ 78php >test@I; if %>test9C- S trigger?error%/=alue must be C or below/-; T 89 .he output of the code above should be something like this$ #otice$ =alue must be C or below in %$>web,older>test2php on line ? n error can be triggered anywhere you wish in a script, and by adding a second parameter, you can specify what error level is triggered. Possible error types$ 4?1!43?433(3 - 2atal user-generated run-time error. 4rrors that can not be recovered from. 4#ecution of the script is halted 4?1!43?W3A"A) - Aon-fatal user-generated run-time warning. 4#ecution of the script is not halted 4?1!43?A(.",4 - *efault. 1ser-generated run-time notice. .he script found something that might be an error, but could also happen when running a script normally 0xa&ple "n this e#ample an 4?1!43?W3A"A) occurs if the /test/ variable is bigger than /C/. "f an 4?1!43?W3A"A) occurs we will use our custom error handler and end the script$ 78php 55error handler function function custom4rror%>errno, >errstr- S echo /7b94rror$75b9 U>errnoV >errstr7br 59/; echo /4nding !cript/; die%-; T 55set error handler set?error?handler%/custom4rror/,4?1!43?W3A"A)-; 55trigger error >test@I; if %>test9C- S trigger?error%/=alue must be C or below/,4?1!43?W3A"A)-; T 89 .he output of the code above should be something like this$ 0rror$ UMCIV =alue must be C or below 4nding !cript Aow that we have learned to create our own errors and how to trigger them, lets take a look at error logging. M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 28 of 37 0rror Lo))in) +y default, PHP sends an error log to the servers logging system or a file, depending on how the error?log configuration is set in the php.ini file. +y using the error?log%- function you can send error logs to a specified file or a remote destination. !ending errors messages to yourself by e-mail can be a good way of getting notified of specific errors. Send an 0rror Messa)e by 06Mail "n the e#ample below we will send an e-mail with an error message and end the script, if a specific error occurs$ 78php 55error handler function function custom4rror%>errno, >errstr- S echo /7b94rror$75b9 U>errnoV >errstr7br 59/; echo /Webmaster has been notified/; error?log%/4rror$ U>errnoV >errstr/,C, /someone[,/2rom$ webmaster[; T 55set error handler set?error?handler%/custom4rror/,4?1!43?W3A"A)-; 55trigger error >test@I; if %>test9C- S trigger?error%/=alue must be C or below/,4?1!43?W3A"A)-; T 89 .he output of the code above should be something like this$ 0rror$ UMCIV =alue must be C or below Webmaster has been notified nd the mail received from the code above looks like this$ 4rror$ UMCIV =alue must be C or below .his should not be used with all errors. 3egular errors should be logged on the server using the default PHP logging system. PHP 0xception Handlin) 4#ceptions are used to change the normal flow of a script if a specified error occurs What is an 0xception With PHP M came a new ob:ect oriented way of dealing with errors. 4#ception handling is used to change the normal flow of the code e#ecution if a specified error %e#ceptional- condition occurs. .his condition is called an e#ception. .his is what normally happens when an e#ception is triggered$ .he current code state is saved .he code e#ecution will switch to a predefined %custom- e#ception handler function *epending on the situation, the handler may then resume the e#ecution from the saved code state, terminate the script e#ecution or continue the script from a different location in the code We will show different error handling methods$ +asic use of 4#ceptions ,reating a custom e#ception handler M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 29 of 37 Multiple e#ceptions 3e-throwing an e#ception !etting a top level e#ception handler #ote$ 4#ceptions should only be used with error conditions, and should not be used to :ump to another place in the code at a specified point. asic 7se o, 0xceptions When an e#ception is thrown, the code following it will not be e#ecuted, and PHP will try to find the matching /catch/ block. "f an e#ception is not caught, a fatal error will be issued with an /1ncaught 4#ception/ message. 'ets try to throw an e#ception without catching it$ 78php 55create function with an e#ception function checkAum%>number- S if%>number9C- S throw new 4#ception%/=alue must be C or below/-; T return true; T 55trigger e#ception checkAum%I-; 89 .he code above will get an error like this$ Fatal error$ 1ncaught e#ception '4#ception' with message '=alue must be C or below' in ,$ZwebfolderZtest.php$D !tack trace$ \G ,$ZwebfolderZtest.php%CI-$ checkAum%IO- \C SmainT thrown in %$>web,older>test2php on line ? (ry@ throw and catch .o avoid the error from the e#ample above, we need to create the proper code to handle an e#ception. Proper e#ception code should include$ C. .ry - function using an e#ception should be in a /try/ block. "f the e#ception does not trigger, the code will continue as normal. However if the e#ception triggers, an e#ception is /thrown/ I. .hrow - .his is how you trigger an e#ception. 4ach /throw/ must have at least one /catch/ 0. ,atch - /catch/ block retrieves an e#ception and creates an ob:ect containing the e#ception information 'ets try to trigger an e#ception with valid code$ 78php 55create function with an e#ception function checkAum%>number- S if%>number9C- S throw new 4#ception%/=alue must be C or below/-; T return true; T 55trigger e#ception in a /try/ block try S M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 30 of 37 checkAum%I-; 55"f the e#ception is thrown, this te#t will not be shown echo '"f you see this, the number is C or below'; T 55catch e#ception catch%4#ception >e- S echo 'Message$ ' .>e-9getMessage%-; T 89 .he code above will get an error like this$ Message$ =alue must be C or below 0xa&ple explained$ .he code above throws an e#ception and catches it$ C. .he checkAum%- function is created. "t checks if a number is greater than C. "f it is, an e#ception is thrown I. .he checkAum%- function is called in a /try/ block 0. .he e#ception within the checkAum%- function is thrown L. .he /catch/ block retrives the e#ception and creates an ob:ect %>e- containing the e#ception information M. .he error message from the e#ception is echoed by calling >e-9getMessage%- from the e#ception ob:ect However, one way to get around the /every throw must have a catch/ rule is to set a top level e#ception handler to handle errors that slip through. %reatin) a %*sto& 0xception %lass ,reating a custom e#ception handler is 6uite simple. We simply create a special class with functions that can be called when an e#ception occurs in PHP. .he class must be an e#tension of the e#ception class. .he custom e#ception class inherits the properties from PHP's e#ception class and you can add custom functions to it. 'ets create an e#ception class$ 78php class custom4#ception e#tends 4#ception S public function errorMessage%- S 55error message >errorMsg @ '4rror on line '.>this-9get'ine%-.' in '.>this-9get2ile%- .'$ 7b9'.>this-9getMessage%-.'75b9 is not a valid 4-Mail address'; return >errorMsg; T T >email @ /someone[; try S 55check if if%filter?var%>email, 2"'.43?='"*.4?4M"'- @@@ 2'!4- S 55throw e#ception if email is not valid throw new custom4#ception%>email-; T M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 31 of 37 T catch %custom4#ception >e- S 55display custom message echo >e-9errorMessage%-; T 89 .he new class is a copy of the old e#ception class with an addition of the errorMessage%- function. !ince it is a copy of the old class, and it inherits the properties and methods from the old class, we can use the e#ception class methods like get'ine%- and get2ile%- and getMessage%-. 0xa&ple explained$ .he code above throws an e#ception and catches it with a custom e#ception class$ C. .he custom4#ception%- class is created as an e#tension of the old e#ception class. .his way it inherits all methods and properties from the old e#ception class I. .he errorMessage%- function is created. .his function returns an error message if an e-mail address is invalid 0. .he >email variable is set to a string that is not a valid e-mail address L. .he /try/ block is e#ecuted and an e#ception is thrown since the e-mail address is invalid M. .he /catch/ block catches the e#ception and displays the error message M*ltiple 0xceptions "t is possible for a script to use multiple e#ceptions to check for multiple conditions. "t is possible to use several if..else blocks, a switch, or nest multiple e#ceptions. .hese e#ceptions can use different e#ception classes and return different error messages$ 78php class custom4#ception e#tends 4#ception S public function errorMessage%- S 55error message >errorMsg @ '4rror on line '.>this-9get'ine%-.' in '.>this-9get2ile%- .'$ 7b9'.>this-9getMessage%-.'75b9 is not a valid 4-Mail address'; return >errorMsg; T T >email @ /someone[; try S 55check if if%filter?var%>email, 2"'.43?='"*.4?4M"'- @@@ 2'!4- S 55throw e#ception if email is not valid throw new custom4#ception%>email-; T 55check for /e#ample/ in mail address if%strpos%>email, /e#ample/- B@@ 2'!4- S throw new 4#ception%/>email is an e#ample e-mail/-; T T M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 32 of 37 catch %custom4#ception >e- S echo >e-9errorMessage%-; T catch%4#ception >e- S echo >e-9getMessage%-; T 89 0xa&ple explained$ .he code above tests two conditions and throws an e#ception if any of the conditions are not met$ C. .he custom4#ception%- class is created as an e#tension of the old e#ception class. .his way it inherits all methods and properties from the old e#ception class I. .he errorMessage%- function is created. .his function returns an error message if an e-mail address is invalid 0. .he >email variable is set to a string that is a valid e-mail address, but contains the string /e#ample/ L. .he /try/ block is e#ecuted and an e#ception is not thrown on the first condition M. .he second condition triggers an e#ception since the e-mail contains the string /e#ample/ D. .he /catch/ block catches the e#ception and displays the correct error message "f there was no custom4#ception catch, only the base e#ception catch, the e#ception would be handled there +e6throwin) 0xceptions !ometimes, when an e#ception is thrown, you may wish to handle it differently than the standard way. "t is possible to throw an e#ception a second time within a /catch/ block. script should hide system errors from users. !ystem errors may be important for the coder, but is of no interest to the user. .o make things easier for the user you can re-throw the e#ception with a user friendly message$ 78php class custom4#ception e#tends 4#ception S public function errorMessage%- S 55error message >errorMsg @ >this-9getMessage%-.' is not a valid 4-Mail address.'; return >errorMsg; T T >email @ /someone[; try S try S 55check for /e#ample/ in mail address if%strpos%>email, /e#ample/- B@@ 2'!4- S 55throw e#ception if email is not valid throw new 4#ception%>email-; T T catch%4#ception >e- M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 33 of 37 S 55re-throw e#ception throw new custom4#ception%>email-; T T catch %custom4#ception >e- S 55display custom message echo >e-9errorMessage%-; T 89 0xa&ple explained$ .he code above tests if the email-address contains the string /e#ample/ in it, if it does, the e#ception is re-thrown$ C. .he custom4#ception%- class is created as an e#tension of the old e#ception class. .his way it inherits all methods and properties from the old e#ception class I. .he errorMessage%- function is created. .his function returns an error message if an e-mail address is invalid 0. .he >email variable is set to a string that is a valid e-mail address, but contains the string /e#ample/ L. .he /try/ block contains another /try/ block to make it possible to re-throw the e#ception M. .he e#ception is triggered since the e-mail contains the string /e#ample/ D. .he /catch/ block catches the e#ception and re-throws a /custom4#ception/ J. .he /custom4#ception/ is caught and displays an error message "f the e#ception is not caught in its current /try/ block, it will search for a catch block on /higher levels/. Set a (op Level 0xception Handler .he set?e#ception?handler%- function sets a user-defined function to handle all uncaught e#ceptions. 78php function my4#ception%>e#ception- S echo /7b94#ception$75b9 / , >e#ception-9getMessage%-; T set?e#ception?handler%'my4#ception'-; throw new 4#ception%'1ncaught 4#ception occurred'-; 89 .he output of the code above should be something like this$ 0xception$ 1ncaught 4#ception occurred "n the code above there was no /catch/ block. "nstead, the top level e#ception handler triggered. .his function should be used to catch uncaught e#ceptions. +*les ,or exceptions ,ode may be surrounded in a try block, to help catch potential e#ceptions 4ach try block or /throw/ must have at least one corresponding catch block Multiple catch blocks can be used to catch different classes of e#ceptions 4#ceptions can be thrown %or re-thrown- in a catch block within a try block simple rule$ "f you throw something, you have to catch it. PHP Filter PHP filters are used to validate and filter data coming from insecure sources, like user input. M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 34 of 37 What is a PHP Filter? PHP filter is used to validate and filter data coming from insecure sources. .o test, validate and filter user input or custom data is an important part of any web application. .he PHP filter e#tension is designed to make data filtering easier and 6uicker. Why *se a Filter? lmost all web applications depend on e#ternal input. 1sually this comes from a user or another application %like a web service-. +y using filters you can be sure your application gets the correct input type. Ao* sho*ld always ,ilter all external dataB "nput filtering is one of the most important application security issues. What is e#ternal data8 "nput data from a form ,ookies Web services data !erver variables *atabase 6uery results F*nctions and Filters .o filter a variable, use one of the following filter functions$ filter?var%- - 2ilters a single variable with a specified filter filter?var?array%- - 2ilter several variables with the same or different filters filter?input - )et one input variable and filter it filter?input?array - )et several input variables and filter them with the same or different filters "n the e#ample below, we validate an integer using the filter?var%- function$ 78php >int @ CI0; if%Bfilter?var%>int, 2"'.43?='"*.4?"A.-- S echo%/"nteger is not valid/-; T else S echo%/"nteger is valid/-; T 89 .he code above uses the /2"'.43?='"*.4?"A./ filter to filter the variable. !ince the integer is valid, the output of the code above will be$ /"nteger is valid/. "f we try with a variable that is not an integer %like /CI0abc/-, the output will be$ /"nteger is not valid/. 'alidatin) and SanitiCin) .here are two kinds of filters$ =alidating filters$ re used to validate user input !trict format rules %like 13' or 4-Mail validating- 3eturns the e#pected type on success or 2'!4 on failure !anitiEing filters$ re used to allow or disallow specified characters in a string Ao data format rules lways return the string M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 35 of 37 -ptions and Fla)s (ptions and flags are used to add additional filtering options to the specified filters. *ifferent filters have different options and flags. "n the e#ample below, we validate an integer using the filter?var%- and the /min?range/ and /ma#?range/ options$ 78php >var@0GG; >int?options @ array% /options/@9array % /min?range/@9G, /ma#?range/@9IMD - -; if%Bfilter?var%>var, 2"'.43?='"*.4?"A., >int?options-- S echo%/"nteger is not valid/-; T else S echo%/"nteger is valid/-; T 89 'ike the code above, options must be put in an associative array with the name /options/. "f a flag is used it does not need to be in an array. !ince the integer is /0GG/ it is not in the specified range, and the output of the code above will be$ /"nteger is not valid/. 'alidate 1np*t 'et's try validating input from a form. .he first thing we need to do is to confirm that the input data we are looking for e#ists. .hen we filter the input data using the filter?input%- function. "n the e#ample below, the input variable /email/ is sent to the PHP page$ 78php if%Bfilter?has?var%"AP1.?)4., /email/-- S echo%/"nput type does not e#ist/-; T else S if %Bfilter?input%"AP1.?)4., /email/, 2"'.43?='"*.4?4M"'-- S echo /4-Mail is not valid/; T else S echo /4-Mail is valid/; T T 89 M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 36 of 37 0xa&ple 0xplained .he e#ample above has an input %email- sent to it using the /)4./ method$ C. ,heck if an /email/ input variable of the /)4./ type e#ist I. "f the input variable e#ists, check if it is a valid e-mail address SanitiCe 1np*t 'et's try cleaning up an 13' sent from a form. 2irst we confirm that the input data we are looking for e#ists. .hen we sanitiEe the input data using the filter?input%- function. "n the e#ample below, the input variable /url/ is sent to the PHP page$ 78php if%Bfilter?has?var%"AP1.?P(!., /url/-- S echo%/"nput type does not e#ist/-; T else S >url @ filter?input%"AP1.?P(!., /url/, 2"'.43?!A"."F4?13'-; T 89 0xa&ple 0xplained .he e#ample above has an input %url- sent to it using the /P(!./ method$ C. ,heck if the /url/ input of the /P(!./ type e#ists I. "f the input variable e#ists, sanitiEe %take away invalid characters- and store it in the >url variable "f the input variable is a string like this /http$55www.!athyabama.com5/, the >url variable after the sanitiEing will look like this$ http$55www.!athyabama.com5 Filter M*ltiple 1np*ts form almost always consist of more than one input field. .o avoid calling the filter?var or filter?input functions over and over, we can use the filter?var?array or the filter?input?array functions. "n this e#ample we use the filter?input?array%- function to filter three )4. variables. .he received )4. variables is a name, an age and an e-mail address$ 78php >filters @ array % /name/ @9 array % /filter/@92"'.43?!A"."F4?!.3"A) -, /age/ @9 array % /filter/@92"'.43?='"*.4?"A., /options/@9array % /min?range/@9C, /ma#?range/@9CIG - -, /email/@9 2"'.43?='"*.4?4M"', -; M.E. CSE (WP)2010-2012 Web Technology Page 37 of 37 >result @ filter?input?array%"AP1.?)4., >filters-; if %B>resultU/age/V- S echo%/ge must be a number between C and CIG.7br 59/-; T elseif%B>resultU/email/V- S echo%/4-Mail is not valid.7br 59/-; T else S echo%/1ser input is valid/-; T 89 0xa&ple 0xplained .he e#ample above has three inputs %name, age and email- sent to it using the /)4./ method$ C. !et an array containing the name of input variables and the filters used on the specified input variables I. ,all the filter?input?array%- function with the )4. input variables and the array we :ust set 0. ,heck the /age/ and /email/ variables in the >result variable for invalid inputs. %"f any of the input variables are invalid, that input variable will be 2'!4 after the filter?input?array%- function- .he second parameter of the filter?input?array%- function can be an array or a single filter "*. "f the parameter is a single filter "* all values in the input array are filtered by the specified filter. "f the parameter is an array it must follow these rules$ Must be an associative array containing an input variable as an array key %like the /age/ input variable- .he array value must be a filter "* or an array specifying the filter, flags and options 7sin) Filter %allbac3 "t is possible to call a user defined function and use it as a filter using the 2"'.43?,''+,X filter. .his way, we have full control of the data filtering. Rou can create your own user defined function or use an e#isting PHP function .he function you wish to use to filter is specified the same way as an option is specified. "n an associative array with the name /options/ "n the e#ample below, we use a user created function to convert all /?/ to whitespaces$ 78php function convert!pace%>string- S return str?replace%/?/, / /, >string-; T >string @ /Peter?is?a?great?guyB/; echo filter?var%>string, 2"'.43?,''+,X, array%/options/@9/convert!pace/--; 89 .he result from the code above should look like this$ Peter is a great guyB 0xa&ple 0xplained .he e#ample above converts all /?/ to whitespaces$ C. ,reate a function to replace /?/ to whitespaces I. ,all the filter?var%- function with the 2"'.43?,''+,X filter and an array containing our function