SYNTHESIS: Theory of Plate Tectonics
SYNTHESIS: Theory of Plate Tectonics
SYNTHESIS: Theory of Plate Tectonics
– The new hypotheses of the early 1960s explained several
puzzling sets of observations. All that remained was a synthesis
of these hypotheses.
ure 12.16
Island Arcs
a trench is a long and complex affair,
apparent on the face of the earth.
ns its arduous descent,
s is created. The plate then starts to heat up
certain magmas are melted and rise toward
gmas make their way up into the leading edge
y add material to the crust and build volcanoes above it. If the upper plate is oceanic, the vol
e of the earth].
Figure 12.16
• At a transform plate
boundary, plates slide
past each other.
• The San Andreas
fault in California is an
example of a
transform plate
boundary, where the
Pacific Plate slides
past the North
American Plate.
70,000 MY; 6,000 miles long
• Map of part of the Pacific basin
showing the volcanic trail of the
Hawaiian hotspot-- 6,000-km-long
Hawaiian Ridge-Emperor
Seamounts chain.
• A sharp bend in the chain
indicates that the motion of the
Pacific Plate abruptly changed
about 43 million years ago, as it
took a more westerly turn from its
earlier northerly direction. Why the
Pacific Plate changed direction is
not known, but the change may be
related in some way to the
collision of India into the Asian
continent, which began about the
same time.
• Not all plate boundaries are as simple as the main types
discussed above. In some regions, the boundaries are
not well defined because the plate-movement
deformation occurring there extends over a broad belt
(called a plate-boundary zone). One of these zones
marks the Mediterranean-Alpine region between the
Eurasian and African Plates, within which several smaller
fragments of plates (microplates) have been recognized.
Because plate-boundary zones involve at least two large
plates and one or more microplates caught up between
them, they tend to have complicated geological
structures and earthquake patterns.
North American Terranes
Figure 12.6
• We can measure how fast tectonic plates are moving
today, but how do scientists know what the rates of plate
movement have been over geologic time? The oceans
hold one of the key pieces to the puzzle. Because the
ocean-floor magnetic striping records the flip-flops in the
Earth's magnetic field, scientists, knowing the
approximate duration of the reversal, can calculate the
average rate of plate movement during a given time
span. These average rates of plate separations can
range widely. The Arctic Ridge has the slowest rate (less
than 2.5 cm/yr), and the East Pacific Rise near Easter
Island, in the South Pacific about 3,400 km west of Chile,
has the fastest rate (more than 15 cm/yr).
Wilson Cycle
• Continents move
apart and then crash
into each other about
every 500 million
• Pangea broke up
about 250 mya
• In another 250 years
there will be one
Wilson Cycle
• each round of the Wilson cycle
increases the diversity of rocks
on the earth, and increases the
volume of felsic igneous rocks.
• The Earth is not just a rock
cycle, it is an evolutionary rock
cycle. So, to answer the
question, Does the Earth Cycle,
Or Has It Evolved Cyclically?
we conclude that it evolves
cyclically through Wilson
Cycles, each cycle adding a
little more felsic igneous rock to
the planet, and not incidently
increasing the size of the
Plate Motion Summary