Nandha Engineering College (Autonomous) : 17mex12 - Internal Combustion Engines
Nandha Engineering College (Autonomous) : 17mex12 - Internal Combustion Engines
Nandha Engineering College (Autonomous) : 17mex12 - Internal Combustion Engines
Monopoint Injection
a) Injection upstream of the throttle, common for all of the
cylinders – called Throttle Body Injection – TBI or Single Point
Multipoint Injection
b) Injection into the individual intake channels of each cylinder –
called Port Fuel Injection – PFI or Multipoint Injection – MPI
Direct injection
c) Injection directly into the each cylinder, Direct Injection – DI
Monopoint Injection Multipoint Injection Direct injection
There are three stages of combustion in SI Engine as shown
• Ignition lag stage
• Flame propagation stage
• After burning stage
i. Ignition lag stage:
• There is a certain time interval between instant of spark and instant where
there is a noticeablerise in pressure due to combustion. This time lag is
• Ignition lag is the time interval in the process of chemical reaction during
which molecules get heated up to self-ignition temperature , get ignited and
produce a self-propagating nucleus of flame.
• The ignition lag is generally expressed in terms of crank angle (θ1).
• The period of ignition lag is shown by path ab. Ignition lag is very small and
lies between 0.00015 to 0.0002 seconds.
• An ignition lag of0.002 seconds corresponds to 35 deg crank rotation when
the engine is running at 3000 RPM.
• Angle of advance increase with the speed.
• This is a chemical process depending upon the nature of fuel, temperature
and pressure, proportions of exhaust gas and rate of oxidation or burning.
ii. Flame propagation stage:
• Once the flame is formed at ‘b’, it should be self-sustained and
must be able to propagate through the mixture.
• This is possible when the rate of heat generation by burning is
greater than heat lost by flame to surrounding.
• After the point ‘b’, the flame propagation is abnormally low at
the beginning as heat lost is more than heat generated.
• Therefore pressure rise is also slow as mass of mixture burned
is small.
• Therefore it is necessary to provide angle of advance 30 to35
deg, if the peak pressure to be attained 5-10 deg after TDC.
• The time required for crank to rotate through an angle θ2 is
known as combustion period during which propagation of flame
takes place.
iii. After burning:
• Combustion will not stop at point ‘c‛ but continue after attaining
peak pressure and this combustion is known as after burning.
• This generally happens when the rich mixture is supplied to
It also increases both temperature and density, which
increase the knocking tendency of engine
iii. Coolant Temperature
Delay period decreases with increase of coolant temperature,
decreased delay period increase the tendency to knock
v. Turbulence of mixture
• Decreasing the turbulence of the mixture decreases the flame
speed and hence increases the tendency to knock.
• Turbulence depends on the design of combustion chamber and
one engine speed.
i. Molecular Structure
• The knocking tendency is markedly affected by the type of
the fuel used.
• Petroleum fuels usually consist of many hydro-carbons of
different molecular structure.
• The structure of the fuel molecule has enormous effect on
knocking tendency.
• Unsaturated hydrocarbons have less knocking tendency
than saturated hydrocarbons.
ii.Humidity of air:
Increasing atmospheric humidity decreases the tendency to knock
by decreasing the reaction time of the fuel
iii. Fuel-air ratio:
• The most important effect of fuel-aft ratio is on the reaction time
or ignition delay.
• When the mixture is nearly 10% richer than stoichiometric (fuel-
air ratio =0.08) ignition lag of the end gas is minimum and the
velocity of flame propagation is maximum.
• By making the mixture leaner or richer (than F/A 0.08) the
tendency to knocks decreased.
• A too rich mixture is especially effective in decreasing or
eliminating the knock due to longer delay and lower
temperature of compression.
Factors that are involved in either producing (or) preventing
The factors that are involved in either producing (or)
preventing knock are
• temperature,
• pressure,
• density of the unburned charge and
• the time factor.
• T-Head type,
• L- Head type,
• I- Head type,
• F- Head type