Apocryphal Books

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Apocryphal Books

‘’Why is it not included in the Bible’’

The True Revelation of God
God revealed Himself through written words. (John 5:39)

• Special Revelation
1. God’s self-revelation through both old and new
Ancient Versions
O.T.- Hebrew and Aramaic
N.T.- Greek
• Autograph- Original writings of the prophets
• Manuscripts- Copies of the Autograph
1. Sepuagint (IXX)- Greek translator of the OT prepared by 70 Learn
ed Scholars
2. Aramaic Targum- Targums means Translation, happened
After their return of captivity.
3. Syriac- Most ancient copy of the whole Bible
4. Coptic- Native large of the ancient Egyptians
5. Gothic- Language of the Goths lived during the Roman
6. Latin Vulgate- Latin Translation
Different claims as books of the Bible

• Jewish people claims the 3

9 books of the Old testame
nt are composed of the Hol
y scripture
• other groups accepted only
5 books of Moses
Jewish Books for their Belief and
Traditions and Doctrines

• Jewish Talmud talks about

the 39 Categories of sabb
ath work.
• There are 1500 laws of ke
eping the sabbath accordi
ng to Jewish people.
Different Claims as books of the Bible

Protestants claim that there are 66

Books composed of the Bible
Different Claims as books of the Bible

• Jewish claims 39 books

other group accepted only 5
books of Moses.
• Protestants claims 66 Books
• Roman Catholic Church
claims 73 Books
Views about the Bible

1.The Bible become the word of God

2.The Bible contains the words of God
3.The Bible is the Word of God
Apocryphal Books

Apocrypha- means mysterious, secret, unknown

in origin, spurious refers to uncanonized books
The Cannonization of the Bible, and How did the Bible
come into being?
The Term ‘’Canon’’ is used to describe the books that are divinely inspired
and Therefore belongs to the Bible

The Biblical Canon is the collection of scriptural books that God has given his
cooperate people, which are distinguished by their qualities, reception by the
Collective body, and their apostolic connection either by authorship or
Canonization of The Bible
• Cannonization means a listing of Books which p
osses divine authority

There are several Cannonization happened in the e

arly century
-Refers to 393 A.D the 66 books of the Bible wrere universaly
accepted without debate during the council of Hippo.
-Refers to 397 A.D 2nd cannonical session with 91 questions which
apocryphal books were included as divinely inspired books and a
part the books of the Bible during the council of Carthage
During the Cannonization of the Bible
Catholic Criteria for Canonization
1. Apostolisity
2. Orthodoxy
3. Antiquity
4. Catholicity
5. Spiritual value
6. Acceptable by Jewish Church

Inherent authority
That made the books as accepted as inspired by God without the Church
Intervention of Cannonization.
The Lost Books of the Bible
The following Books one referred to the Bible, but not included in it, so they have become known as
Lost Books of the Bible

1. The Book of wars of the Lord- Num. 21:14

2. The Book of Jasher- Joshua 10;13, 2 Sam. 1:18
3. The Book of Samuel the Seer- 1 Chron. 29:29
4. The Book of Nathan and the Prophets- 1 Chron. 29:29
5. The Book of Gad the Seer- 1 Chron. 29:29
6. The Book of Alhijah, the Sholonte- 1 Chron. 9:29
7. The Vision of Eddo, the Seer- 2 Chron. 9:29
Source: 343 Bible question by Charles D. UTT- Pacific Publishing Association Mountain View, CA Brookfeild illinios omaha
Nebrasak Portland Oregon. P. 10
The Lost Books of the Bible
The following Books one referred to the Bible, but not included in it, so they have become known as
Lost Books of the Bible

8. The Book of Kings of Israel and Judah- 1 Chron. 9:1

9. The Book of Shemaiah, The prophe- 2 Chron. 12:15
10. The story of prophets and eddo- 2 Chron. 13:22
11. The Book of Jehu, son of Hanani- 2 Chron. 20:34
12. The prophecy of Enoch- Judah 1:4
13. The Chronicles of king David- 1 Chron. 27:24
14. The Book of Kings- 2 Chron. 24:27
Source: 343 Bible question by Charles D. UTT- Pacific Publishing Association Mountain View, CA Brookfeild illinios omaha
Nebrasak Portland Oregon. P. 10
Great Men in Christian Church History who
did not Accept Apocryphal Books
• Josephus- A Jewish Historian 90 A.D.
• Ben Joseph Akiba- A delegate council of james 100 AD
• Origin- Most Learned man before agustin and founder of
christian scholars
• Tertullian- Scholar of the 3rd century
• Athanasius- a Champion in the Council of nicaea
• Jerome- an Translator of apocryphal books have no part in
the old testament but was forced to translate
• Tomas Aquainas- 1225 AD, says cannonical scripture alone is the
rule of faith
• Eusebious- Pronounced that in 364 AD all cannonical books are only 66
Reasons why protestants did not accept the
apocryphal books
1. These are not received by the Jewish Chruch-
(Rom,. 3:2)
2.These are not quoted by Christ and his Apostles
3. They are rejected by most eniment Christian
4. Ben Joseph Akiba did not included them in the
cannonization of the O.T. Testament in the council
of Jamia on 100 A.D
5. These content teachings of false doctrines.
6. Even the translator of these apocryha in Latin
Father Jerome did not believed on it.
The false teachings in Apocryphal books

1. Judith 1:1-7 King Nebuchadnezzar king of Assyria/Nineveh

2. Tobeth 4:11- To help a person to be deliverd from death.
3. Wisdom 7;12- The Creation of the world is from the existed matter
4. Wisdom 3:1-4- The doctrine of immortality and purgatory
5. Tobias 6:5-6 – An angel said Tobias, get the heart and liver of this fish it is for me
dicine, if you put smoke In the fire the smoke driveth away all kinds of devil.
6. Judith 9:2- The Lord giveth the sword to Simeon to execute vengeance against thep
eople of Shechem. Gen. 49;5-7 Jacob said cursed to simeon.
7. Tobit 4:11, 12:9- Forgiveness of sins by almsgiving
8. 2 Maccabees- Offering money for the sins of the dead
9. Baruk 3:4- Lord of Israel please listen to prayers of the dead
10. Judith 8:5 a woman who fasted for the whole year of her life.

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