The Encourager 1-9
The Encourager 1-9
The Encourager 1-9
From Your Pastor [email protected]
It’s the first week of 2022, and right on schedule – I’m back at the gym this week, of course it’s only Monday and we’ll see how
this goes. Each year often begins with a new set of expectations, longings, and commitments. Some years these resolutions
are met with greater degrees of success than others, and the difference is always the way we work to accomplish those goals.
Imagine if you, like me, resolved to eat a little healthier and exercise along the way, but then on the first day the alarm goes off
and you hit “snooze” a few times. Then on the way out the door to a shortened workout (remember you overslept) you grabbed a
donut or two and a coke just to get you through until lunch. At lunch you go with a co-worker and order a double cheeseburger
and fries (can you tell that all I’ve eaten today is a salad?) because surely one more meal can’t hurt. I’m not saying this to make
you feel guilty if you didn’t get off to a great start, but eventually if you are going to achieve your goals you’ll have to start
working toward your goal.
This year at Eastmont Baptist Church we are inviting everyone to join us on a journey to read through the Bible together. To be
sure this is a commitment that is no small undertaking, but it is the sort of commitment that offers tremendous reward for
those who go with us. There will be obstacles and times that some of us just don’t feel like reading that day, but on those days I
pray that we will hear the words of the Apostle Paul to a weary and often distracted church to, “run in such a way that you may
The faith family of Eastmont Baptist Church has been called to know, to love, and to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
And that beginning of answering that call is to know the one who has revealed Himself to us through His Word. May the Lord
use our joint commitment to knowing His Word to strengthen and nourish our souls, to heal our brokenness, and to mobilize us
for effective ministry in 2022.
FAMILY Reading Plan
Patrick and Anna Jackson on the
Week 1 - Jan. 3-8 Week 2 - Jan 10-15 Week 3 - Jan 17-22
birth of their son, George McGuire Day 1 Day 1 Day 1
"Mac" Jackson. Genesis 1-2 Genesis 12-13 Genesis 30-30
Day 2 Day 2 Day 2
John 1:1-3 Psalm 8; 104 Genesis 14-16 Genesis 34-37
Day 3 Day 3 Day 3
Brian Gjesvold in the loss of his Genesis 3-5 Genesis 17-19 Genesis 38-40
father, Wayne Gjesvold, who passed Day 4 Day 4 Day 4
away on January 1, 2022. Genesis 6-7 Genesis 20-23 Genesis 41-43
Day 5 Day 5 Day 5
Genesis 8-9; Psalm 12 Genesis 24-26 Genesis 44-46
Day 6 Day 6 Day 6
Genesis 10-11 Genesis 27-29 Genesis 47-29
GENERAL FUND $29,768.10
Thank you to those who continue to
pray for and encourage the Goodwyn GENERAL FUND $33,060.00
Middle School staff. Your efforts are EMERGENCY FUND $867.50
making Kingdom impacts. The
following note was sent to Eastmont LOTTIE MOON OFFERING
from a teacher at Goodwyn Middle GIVEN TO DATE: $50,375.02
Eastmont Baptist Church,
Thank you for giving motivation and guidance to the teachers and staff at DEC. 26 DEC. 19
Goodwyn Middle School. I am sure I speak for all there at GMS when I say, "We PRESCHOOL 11 23
look forward to our continued partnership. You have done wonders to help us CHILDREN 39 57
stay motivated on those difficult days, renewing our faith in our chosen STUDENTS 42 51
profession." ADULTS 248 378
Personally, your words have helped the young souls soar with faith as I read the TOTAL 340 509
cards to them. They, too, look forward to them. They are seeing and feeling that
they belong to a large community and that they all are children of God. Thank
you for being the beacon of light.
Year-Long Chronological Bible Reading Plan
From your Pastor
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OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm; Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm