Import Export: Export Involves Selling of Good and Services From The

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Export involves selling of good and services from the

domestic country to a foreign country.
Whereas Import refers to purchase of foreign products
and bringing into one’s home country.
There are certain advantages of Import and Export :
No nation is self sufficient, import and export are crucial
for the growth of t he nation.
It is one of the simplest routes to trade globally and
import export
generate employment opportunities as
It is economical in terms of money and
times and requires less investment when
contrasted with other methods of
entering into global trade.
Help other countries to access the best
technologies and products available in the
Import Export Business
• The Export/Import business is primarily an expansion of
trade boundaries wherein several business models exist.
Just like the conventional business, a person with the
requisite Export/Import license can sell his manufactured
goods to clients abroad, can act as an intermediary
between the local manufacture and overseas buyer or
vice versa, and can be directly purchasing good produced
abroad and selling them in the native market. The export-
import business becomes unique with the involvement of
various stakeholders and risks, which do not come into
picture with domestic trade.
• An import is a good brought into a
jurisdiction, especially across a 
national border, from an external source. The
party bringing in the good is called
an importer.[1][2] An import in the receiving
country is an export from the sending country.
Importation and exportation are the defining 
financial transactions of international trade.
Types of import

• There are two basic types of import:

• 1-Industrial and consumer goods
• 2-Intermediate goods and services
• Companies import goods and services to supply
to the domestic market at a cheaper price and
better quality than competing goods
manufactured in the domestic market.
Companies import products that are not
available in the local market.
• An export in international trade is a good or 
service produced in one country that is bought
by someone in another country. The seller of
such goods and services is an exporter; the
foreign buyer is an importer.

• Methods of exporting a product or good or

information include mail, hand delivery, air
shipping, shipping by vessel, uploading to an
internet site, or downloading from an internet
site. Exports also include distribution of
information sent as email, an email
attachment, fax or in a telephone
Advantages of exporting

• Exporting has two distinct advantages. First, it

avoids the often substantial cost of
establishing manufacturing operations in the
host country.[7]
• Second, exporting may help a company
achieve experience curve effects and 
location economies.
Disadvantages of exporting

• Exporting from the firm's home base may not be appropriate

if lower-cost locations for manufacturing the product can be
found abroad. It may be preferable to manufacture where
conditions are most favorable to value creation, and to
export to the rest of the world from that location.[]
• A second drawback to exporting, is that high transport cost
can make exporting uneconomical, particularly for bulk
products. One way to fix this, is to manufacture bulk
products regionally.[
• Another drawback, is that high tariff barriers can make
exporting uneconomical and very risky
• Reduce dependence on existing market
• Exploit international international trade
• Extend sales potential of existing products
Disadvantages of import
• It leads to excessive competition
• It also increase risk of other diseases from
which the country is exporting the goods
• Importation of items from others countries
can increase the risk the risk of getting them
which is no more common in the warm
Customs duty
• Customs Duty is a tariff or tax imposed on
goods when transported across international
borders. The purpose of Customs Duty is to
protect each country's economy, residents,
jobs, environment, etc., by controlling the flow
of goods, especially restrictive and prohibited
goods, into and out of the country

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