Pleural Effusion
Pleural Effusion
Pleural Effusion
~A Case Presentation~
As a partial requirement for
Medical-Surgical Nursing I
Presented By:
Aguado, John Prose
Almarra, Edrianne Paul
Antonino, Jelaine
Bacena, Dianne Jamaica
Marpa, Ian Rafael
Marquez, Charmaine
Ong, Julie Ann
Taguba, Neilson John
Villanueva, Irish
Saligumba, Emyl Cyril
Soliven, Kathlene Chelo
Zacarias, Andrea
Presented To:
Dr. Concordia Eva Garcia RMT, RN, MD
Why Pleural Effusion?
1. Transudative Effusion
2. Exudative Effusion
Transudative effusions
Male prostate Ca
Female breast Ca
Deceased healthy 20
Personal and
Social History
Health Perception
and Health Management Pattern:
½ bowl of goto
1 bowl of Arozcaldo
Breakfast 1 bowl of soup 2pcs. Medium-sized
1 glass of milk
(7:30AM) 1 glass of milk pandesal
1 glass of water
1 glass of milk
½ bowl of ginataan
½ cup of steamed rice
Lunch 1 bowl champorado 2 slices of tasty bread
½ serving of menudo
(12:30NN) 1 glass of water 1 glass of orange juice
1 glass of orange juice
2 glasses of water
Mrs. M is the one who prepares the food for her family
before. Most of the time, she cooks Filipino dishes
such as pork adobo & pork sinigang. Mrs. M does not
forget to wash her hands everytime before she
prepares the food.
Mrs. M stated that she is not taking any vitamins
since before.
The patient lost a total of 7 kg in her weight before
hospital admission.
Elimination Pattern:
Regarding her defecation, she usually
defecates once a day and the stool is dark
brown in color and the consistency is solid.
The patient doesn’t have any discomforts
upon defecation. She seldom experiences
constipation or diarrhea.
Regarding her urinary elimination pattern,
Mrs. M frequently urinates (4-5x/day) because
she is taking Furosemide every night. She
stated that she doesn’t feel any discomfort or
pain during micturition.
Activity-Exercise Pattern:
• Mrs. M is a high school
teacher. She goes to school in
the morning and goes home at
1:00 pm. She said that before
she felt the symptoms of easy
fatigability, she exercises during
weekend morning for 30 minutes
using a waist twisting disc. She
also considers walking to her
school for work as an exercise.
Sleep and Rest Pattern:
Anthropometric Measurement:
Weight: 40 kg
Height: 1.49 cm
BMI: 18 Abnormal
Vital Sign:
Nursing Diagnoses:
• Ineffective Breathing Pattern r/t decreased lung volume capacity
• Acute Pain r/t accumulation of fluid in the pleural space and rubbing of
thoracostomy tube to the lungs
• Imbalanced Nutrition: less than body requirement r/t inability to ingest
adequate nutrients
• Hyperthermia r/t disease process
• Sleep Deprivation r/t Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
• Risk for fluid volume deficit related to administration of diuretic drugs
• Risk for Injury related to thoracentesis
• Risk for infection r/t presence of ctt
Exposure to Air Living in Poorly-
Exposure to TB
Pollutants lighted and
Inhalation of TB
Tubercle Formation
(Primary Infection)
Productive cough,
Fever 39C, Anorexia,
Formation of weight loss, easy
Granuloma fatigability
AFB (+)
subpleural caseous focus in the lung ruptures into the pleural space
(Accumulation of fluid in
the pleural cavity)
Decrease breath sounds, Irritation of sensory
stony dull sound when nerves in the parietal
percussed pleura during deep
(Accumulation of fluid in the
pleural cavity)
CXR: Opaque
densities on the right
Dyspnea, Pleuritic
lower lobe
chest pain,
& blunting of
Increase in intra-alveolar Orthopnea,
costophrenic angle
& intra-pleural pressure Paroxysmal
nocturnal dyspnea
Dyspnea, Increase
RR Decrease lung
Decrease respiratory expansion Prolonged pleural
excursion effusion
Lung collapse
Risk for infection of pleural
Complete Blood Count
Procedure/Item Abnormal flags Result Units Reference
Hemoglobin 16 g/DL ( 13.0 – 18.0 )
pH 7.48 7.35-7.45
PCO2 47 35-45mmHg
HCO3 23 22-26mmHg
PaO2 88 80-100%
To decrease mucus
viscosity, urge patient
to consume 2 to 3 L of
fluid daily unless
contraindicated by
another condition.
Drug Name Classification Action Dosage/Frequency Nursing responsibilities Evaluation
Evaluate effectiveness
Generic Anti-TB Agents Inhibits cell 400mg + 275mg Take it continously and of medication through
Name: action of PO never skip doses to observing the clients
Pyrazinamide Mycobacterium avoid multi-drug coughing and coping
+ Ethambutol tuberculosis resistance. mechanism with the
Monitor Vision of
patient. Ethambutol
Bacteriostatic causes optic neuritis.
Examine patients at
regular intervals and
question about
possible signs of
toxicity: Liver
enlargement or
tenderness, jaundice,
fever, anorexia,
malaise, impaired
vascular integrity
Report to physician
onset of difficulty in
voiding. Keep fluid
intake at 2000 mL/d if
Drug Name Classification Action Dosage/Frequency Nursing responsibilities Evaluation
Do not mix
aminoglycosides with
penicillin in the same
IV infusion –
Generic: Loop diuretic Acts in loop of 10 mg/mL TIV q8 Monitor for adequate Evaluate effectiveness
Furosemide Henle, proximal intake and output and of Furosemide through
and distal tubule potassium loss. frequently monitoring
urinary output.
Monitor client’s weight
and vital signs esp BP
Inhibits Na and Monitor for signs and
Cl reabsorption symptoms of hearing
loss, which may last
from 1 to 24 hrs.
Obtain specimens
for culture and
sensitivity before
initiating therapy.
Observe patient
for signs and
symptoms of
( rash, pruritus,
laryngeal edema,
Drug Name Classification Action Dosage/Freque Nursing Evaluation
ncy responsibilities
Generic Opioids/anal 50mg/2mL TIV Assess onset, type, Evaluate
Name: gesic binds to µ- location, and effectiveness of
Tramadol opiate duration of pain. medication through
receptors and Effect of monitoring vital
inhibits medication is signs of client and
reuptake of reduced if full pain assessing pain
norepinephrin recurs before next recurrence.
e and dose.
serotonin Assess drug
history especially
CNS depressant
reduces medication, MAOIs.
intensity of Review past
pain stimuli medical history,
sponse to especially epilepsy
pain. or seizures.
Assess renal or
hepatic function
laboratory values.
Give without
regards to meals
Monitor pulse and
blood pressure.
Assist with
ambulation if
dizziness or vertigo
Drug Name Classification Action Dosage/Freque Nursing Evaluation
ncy responsibilities
Generic Thrombolytic 250,000 units Continuous Evaluate
Name: enzyme Produces intrapleurally monitoring of HR effectiveness of
plasmin and rhythm Streptokinase
Streptokina throughout through checking
se Breaks thrombolytic for blood in the
down fibrin administration. chest tube
Vital observations :
Dissolves record 15 minutely
blood clots for at least 1 hour
from onset of
infusion until stable.
Notify physician if
allergic reactions
may include fever
increased liver
enzymes, reduced
renal function,
polyarthritis and
Drug Name Classification Action Dosage/Frequency Nursing responsibilities Evaluation
Generic Anti-pyretic inhibiting the 300g TIV Check vital signs of the Evaluate effectiveness
Name: hypothalamic client esp temperature. of Paracetamol through
Paracetamol heat-regulating monitoring a decrease
centre. Inspect IM and in the temperature of
IVinjection the client.
sitesfrequently for
signs of phlebitis.
Inhibits fever
Report onset of loose
stools or diarrhea
• Out-Patient Follow-up Care: Advised the client for a follow up check up and for
chest xray.
• Diet: We advised the client to increase intake of protein to increase healing of wound
brought about by chest tube thoracostomy. We also advised to take 8-10 glasses of
water everyday to avoid dehydration.