Introducing Windows Applications: Lesson 1
Introducing Windows Applications: Lesson 1
Introducing Windows Applications: Lesson 1
Lesson 1
Windows GUI Applications
• To create Windows GUI applications Visual Studio provides 3
• The Windows Forms .NET Framework.
• The Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).
• Windows Store apps (Metro UI)
• With the introduction of the .NET Framework, Visual Studio has
enabled developers to create GUI-based Windows application
by using the .NET Framework’s System.Windows and
System.Windows.Forms namespaces.
• These two namespaces combined provide all of the graphical
elements required to give a rich graphical user interface and
Windows Forms (WinForms)
• Windows Forms (WinForms) applications
support all of the standard Windows
application User Interface (UI) elements.
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
• With the introduction of .NET
Framework 3.0, Visual Studio
enabled developers to create GUI-
based Windows applications by
using the Windows Presentation
Foundation (WPF).
• WPF is a unified programming
model for combining UI, media,
and document elements into one
Windows application.
Update: Metro UI
• Metro is the new UI concept of windows 8
• Metro UI applications are classified as ‘Store apps’ in
Visual Studio.
• Can be developed using C#, VB, C++ & HTML/JavaScript
Windows Non-GUI Applications
Tool Bar
Tree View Button
List View
Start Notification
Menu Progress Command Area
TextBox Status Bar
Bar Button