1st Lect 1st Semester 29.3.19 Introduction Bioerhics
1st Lect 1st Semester 29.3.19 Introduction Bioerhics
1st Lect 1st Semester 29.3.19 Introduction Bioerhics
Inayat U Memon
1. What is ETHICS
2. What is BIOETHICS and Medical Ethics
3. History of Bioethics
4. Milestones in history of Bioethics
5. Why Bioethics for Medical Students
6. What are Ethical Principles
7. Application of Bioethics Principles
Inayat U Memon
1. What is ETHICS?
Inayat U Memon
2. What is BIOETHICS?
Inayat U Memon
Inayat U Memon
3. History of Bioethics
Inayat U Memon
Dr Inayat Memon
Inayat U Memon
Inayat U Memon
Inayat U Memon
I U Memon
Inayat U Memon
A. Autonomy
• What is Autonomy?
▫ Self-governance
▫ Self-determination
▫ Self-rule
• Limitations:
▫ While self governing, take care of others, not to
encroach upon (violate) their rights
▫ Equal importance or respect of others’ rights
Inayat U Memon
B. Justice
• Fairness
• Impartiality
• Objectivity
• Evenhandedness
• Righteousness
• Treat / behave others equally, irrespective of
their status or position
Inayat U Memon
Justice (cont:)
Inayat U Memon
Inayat U Memon
Goddess of Justice
Inayat U Memon
C. Beneficence
• Action that is done for the benefit of others.
Beneficent actions can be taken to help prevent
or remove harms or to simply improve the
situation of others.
• Examples:
▫ Resuscitating a drowning victim
▫ Vaccination for general population
Inayat U Memon
D. Non-maleficence
• Non-maleficence means to “do no harm”.
Physicians must refrain from providing ineffective
treatments or acting with malice towards patients.
• Examples:
▫ Stopping medication that is harmful to the patients
▫ Refusing to provide treatment that has not been
shown to be effective.
Inayat U Memon
Inayat U Memon
I U Memon
Inayat U Memon