Sleep Hygiene Workshop April 2019: DR Nirja Beehuspoteea and Marcia Knight
Sleep Hygiene Workshop April 2019: DR Nirja Beehuspoteea and Marcia Knight
Sleep Hygiene Workshop April 2019: DR Nirja Beehuspoteea and Marcia Knight
April 2019
We will be asking for feedback at the end of the session – please add
your goal or goals to this sheet and rate where you are at now out of ten.
What is sleep?
• An extended bout of rest we experience on a daily basis,
where we are unconscious (unaware of what’s going on
around us) and our brain, nerves and muscles go into
“rest and recover”
• Often these ideas don’t work straight away; you have to try them
for a few nights first.
Your Bedroom
• Make your room dark (use black out curtains)
• Too much light can disrupt melatonin
production needed for sleepiness
• Turn off all screens + LED displays an hour
before bed
• Technology gives off ‘blue light’ and can
disrupt melatonin
• Noises from phones can be distracting and
tempting to look at when trying to get to sleep
• If you’re too hot or too cold, you won’t sleep
soundly. 16-18° C is ideal.
• Make your room relaxing to you.
• Avoid treating your bedroom like an
extension of the rest of your house. That
means you shouldn’t use it for work,
watching TV etc.
• Save the bedroom for sleep
• A tidy room makes for a tidy mind… and a
restful night’s sleep!
• De-clutter your bedroom and make separate
“zones” for play, work and sleep.
Your Bed
During the day, she tends not to think about it because she has so
much to do, but when she lies in bed trying to fall asleep, all the worry
comes back and she finds it difficult not to think about this. She keeps
tossing and turning in bed and ends up spending the whole night
sleeping in fits and starts, waking up really tired the next morning.
This affects her concentration at school which makes her worry even
Any questions?