DWDM & Otn Training

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Basics & Fundamentals



After completing this course, students will be able to:

• Understand the basics of optical communications

• Understand the basics of DWDM
• Explain basic DWDM Network Designs and Engineering
• Identify various optical communication principles as well as communication methodologies
in an optical fiber
• Learn how to analyse optical links based on power budget
• Classify and design DWDM networks based on size and performance
• Understand and basic design nodal architectures for different classification of DWDM
• Understand the basics of Optical Transport Network Technology
Basics Of Communications

What is Communication

Communication is the process of exchanging information.

• Sending and receiving of messages from one place to another is called


• The basic elements involved in communication—

1. Information Source
2. Transmitter
3. Communication Channel
4. Receiver

Mode of Communication

Simplex : This type of communication is one-way.

• Radio
• TV broadcasting

Half Duplex : The form of two-way communication in which only one party transmits at
a time is known as half duplex.

• Police, military, etc. radio transmissions

Full Duplex : When people can talk and listen simultaneously, it is called full duplex.

• Telephone & Mobile communication

Basic Communication System

Optical Communication System

• The basic purpose of any communication system Tx
is to transmit a signal from a Transmitter over a Optical Fiber
Transmission Channel to a Receiver. Tx
• Optical communication system use light signal
transmitted by an optical transmitter (LASER,
LED) over an optical channel (Optical Fiber) to a
receiver (Photodiodes). UV IR
• Commonly used optical wavelengths are in the
Infra-Red (IR) region of electro-magnetic Visible
850 nm
spectrum. 980 nm
1310 nm
• These include communication wavelengths (850, 1480 nm
1550 nm
1310, 1550 nm) and Specialty wavelengths (980, 1625 nm
1480, 1625 nm).

What is optical Fiber?

• An optical fiber is a hair thin

cylindrical fiber of glass or any
transparent dielectric medium.

• The fiber which are used for optical

communication are wave guides
made of transparent dielectrics.

• Its function is to guide visible and

infrared light over long distances.

Section Of Fiber
• Core – central tube of very thin size made up of
optically transparent dielectric medium and carries
the light form transmitter to receiver. The core
diameter can vary from about 5um to 100 um.

• Cladding – outer optical material surrounding the

core having reflecting index lower than core. It helps
to keep the light within the core throughout the
phenomena of total internal reflection.

• Buffer Coating – plastic coating that protects the

fiber made of silicon rubber. The typical diameter of
fiber after coating is 250-300 um.
Principle of Fibre Optics

Total Internal Reflection (TIR)

• When a ray of light travels from a

denser to a rarer medium such that the
angle of incidence is greater than the
critical angle, the ray reflects back into
the same medium this phenomena is
called total internal reflection.

Type of Fiber
Limiting Factors in Optical Fibers

• The optical signal while traversing the optical

fiber is affected by various impairments.
• In optical terms, linear effects are those that
do not depend on the power of the optical
• However, non-linear effects depend on the
power of the optical signals,
Limiting Factors in Optical Fibers

Figure: Attenuation Loss Figure: Chromatic Dispersion Figure: Polarization Mode Dispersion

Figure: Shelf Phase Modulation (SPM) Figure: Four Wave Mixing (FWM) Figure: Scattered Raman Scattering (SRM)
Attenuation/Loss of Power 14
Chromatic Dispersion
Polarization Mode Dispersion
Shelf Phase Modulation (SPM)

An ultrashort pulse of light, when travelling

in a medium, will induce a varying refractive
index of the medium due to the optical Kerr
effect.[1] This variation in refractive index will
produce a phase shift in the pulse, leading
to a change of the pulse's frequency

Figure: Shelf Phase Modulation (SPM)

Cross Phase Modulation (XPM)

Cross-phase modulation (XPM) is

a nonlinear optical effect where one
wavelength of light can affect the phase
of another wavelength of light through the
optical Kerr effect. When the optical
power from a wavelength impacts
the refractive index, the impact of the
new refractive index on another
wavelength is known as XPM.

Figure: Cross Phase Modulation (SPM)


Four-wave mixing

When three frequencies (f1, f2, and f3) interact in a

nonlinear medium, they give rise to a fourth wavelength
(f4) which is formed by the scattering of the incident
photons, producing the fourth photon.

Figure: Four Wave Mixing (FWM)


Optical Bands

DWDM concept

What is DWDM

DWDM is a transmission technology by which we can transmit/multiplex/Demux different

wavelengths on a single fiber by which we can utilize maximum bandwidth via optical
fiber cable.
Basic Components of DWDM 23

1 2 3 4
1. Transponder converts 1. At the transmit end, 1. Amplifier amplifies the 1. Optical Fiber provides the
non-colored (grey) multiplexer combines line signal on its way to medium for transmission.
client signal into multiple wavelengths into a destination. 2. Generally, SMF (G.652 or
colored line signal. single multiplexed output 2. May be used as pre-, G.655) are used for WDM
2. Transmitter may be signal. post- or inline- amplifier applications.
LASER or LED. 2. At the receive end, De- configuration.
3. Receiver may be multiplexer splits the
photo-diode multiplexed input signal into
(PIN/Avalanche). its constituent signals.
3. Mux/demux are available as
single module for bi-
directional WDM system.

What is Transponder/Receiver

Transponders convert optical signals

from one incoming wavelength to another
outgoing wavelength suitable for DWDM
applications. Transponders are Optical-
Electrical-Optical (O-E-O) wavelength

Within the DWDM system, a transponder

converts the client optical signal back to
an electrical signal (O-E) and then
performs either 2R (Reamplify, Reshape)
or 3R (Reamplify, Reshape, and Retime)

On other side An optical receiver do the

invers operation of Transmitter.


It is known to us that multiple wavelengths

created by multiple transmitters operate on
different fibers. The role of optical filter
(multiplexer filter) is to combine these multiple
wavelengths onto one fiber. The output signal of
an optical multiplexer is referred to as a
composite signal.

Then an optical drop filter (demultiplexer) at the

receiving end performs the function of separating
out all the individual wavelengths of the
composite signal to individual fibers.
What is Optical Amplifier 

Optical amplifiers boost the amplitude or add

gain to optical signals passing on a fiber by
directly stimulating the photons of the signal
with extra energy. They are “in-fiber” devices.

Optical amplifiers amplify optical signals across

a broad range of wavelengths, which is very
important for DWDM system application.

What is EDFA Amplifier 

When an EDFA is pumped at 1480 nm, Er

ion doped in the fibre absorbs the pump light
and is excited to an excited state. When
sufficient pump power is launched to the fiber
and population inversion is created between
the ground state and Excited state 1,
amplification by stimulated emission takes
place at around 1550 nm. When an EDFA is
pumped at 980 nm, Er ion absorbs the pump
light and is excited to another excited
state.The lifetime of the Excited state is
relatively short, and as a result, the Er ion is
immediately relaxed to the Excited state 1 by
radiating heat (i.e. no photon emission). This
relaxation process creates a population
inversion between the ground level and
Excited state 1, and amplification takes place
at around 1550 nm.

What is RAMAN Amplifier 

Spontaneous Raman scattering, a small portion of the incident light is transformed into a new wave with lower or higher
frequency. This transformation is because of the interaction of the photon with the vibrational modes of the material.
When a photon with the frequency Fp strikes the molecule of the material, molecules get excited & reach to the
higher/virtual level of the energy band. in the process of re-emission or returning back to the initial state, that molecule
emits new photon with the frequency of Fs , which is know as stoke wave. The frequency is less as compare to the incident
photon means Fs<Fp.
While the transition from virtual state to a certain lower level of energy band i.e. intermediate state, the energy difference
between the intermediate state to ground state is lesser compare to the difference between the Virtual state & the ground
state. this delta E , helps molecules of the material to reach vibrational state. These vibrated molecules now transfer their
energy to the adjacent lower frequency. this is how frequencies are getting amplified in the RAMAN amplifier with the help
of Stoke & anti strike waves.

Amplification of each wavelength or frequency is not same. so the out put of the raman would be stepped in nature.
OADM Concept

Amplifier Amplifier
Optical fiber Optical fiber
 - n

1 ,  2 , … , n 1 , 2 , … , n

n n

DWDM Evolution to ROADM

 First Generation Point to Point WDM:

 Strictly point to point applications
 Regeneration required for pass-through wavelengths

 Second Generation Fixed OADM (FOADM):

 Optical add/drop via fixed filters
 WDM still painful because of:
 Wavelength stranding in banded add/drop approaches
 Per wavelength engineering
 Manual jumper cabling

 Third Generation Reconfigurable OADM (ROADM):

 Dynamic reconfigurable OADM with single wavelength granularity
 Jumper less provisioning

FOADM : Fixed Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer

The FOADM is a traditional
wavelength arrangement
scheme that can only input
or output a single
wavelength via the fixed
port. FOADM is used to add
or drop a certain set of
wavelengths dedicated to
specific DWDM channels.

ROADM : Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer

A reconfigurable optical add-drop

multiplexer (ROADM) is a device that
can add, block, pass or redirect
modulated infrared (IR) and visible
light beams of various wavelengths in
a fiber optic network. ROADMs are
used in systems that employ
wavelength division multiplexing.
ROADM : Configurations
Important Terminology: Units
Important Terminology: Optical Power
Optical Power Budget

The Optical Power Budget is: Optical Power Budget = Power Sent – Receiver Sensitivity
Grid Systems
Flexible Grid Terminology
Media Channel # 1 Media Channel # 1
Signal Signal

6.25GHz deadband

6.25GHz deadband
6.25GHz deadband
6.25GHz deadband







1x Media Channel = 12x Network Media Channel 1x Media Channel = 12x Network Media Channel

Roundup((12x 37.5 + 2x 6.25),6.25) = 462.5GHz Roundup((12x 37.5 + 2x 6.25),6.25) = 462.5GHz

Media Channel (MC) Network Media Channel (NMC)

Allocation of spectrum in the transmission fiber
The allocation of spectral BW within a MC inside
Filtering and switching of MCs achieved using WSS’s,
which the signal is expected to be confined
requires 6.25GHz deadband on either side of MC
NMCs within a MC are routed together – they go from
Edges of Media Channel aligned to ITU defined
same source node to destination node
frequency slots on a 6.25GHz grid
Each MC can accommodate multiple Network Media
Channels (NMC)
Example of Flexible Grid Spectrum Utilization

Unused spectrum



5x 16-QAM (=1Tbps) 1x 1Tbps 37.5GHz

BW = 200GHz BW = 200GHz
Flexible Grid: NMCs in one MC (super channel)

OTN concept

What is OTN
According to the ITU-T Recommendation G.709, an Optical Transport Network (OTN) is composed of a
set of optical network elements connected by optical fiber links. The network provides functionality of
transport, multiplexing, routing, management, supervision, and survivability of optical channels carrying
client signals.
This architecture a combination of the advantages of SDH technology with the flexibility of DWDM.

Using OTN, the OAM&P functionality of SDH is applied to DWDM optical networks.

OTN offers the following advantages relative to SDH:

• Stronger error correction mechanisms,
• More levels of tandem connection monitoring,
• Transparent transport of client signals,
• Switching scalability.
OTN Hierarchy overview

OTN Layers

According to the ITU-T Recommendation G.709, the following layers are defined in OTN:
• OPUk: Optical channel payload unit k (k = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
• ODUk: Optical channel data unit k (k = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
• OTUk: Optical channel transport unit k (k = 1, 2, 3, 4)
• OCh: Optical channel, a single wavelength
• OMSn: Optical multiplex section of order n (Capacities for n = 0 and n = 16 are defined)
• OTSn: Optical transmission section of order n (Capacities for n = 0 and n = 16 are defined)
• OTM-n.m: Optical transport module of rate m with n optical channels. Possible values for m are: 1:
2.5 Gb/s, 2: 10 Gb/s, 3: 40 Gb/s, 4: 100 Gb/s.

OTN Network Example

OTN Layered Architecture (Optical Layers)
Optical Transmission Section (OTS)
• Physical optical signal consisting of multiplexed wavelengths and an optical supervisory channel
• Provides optical amplification, dispersion compensation, and management overhead for the physical optical section

Optical Multiplex Section (OMS)

• Optical signal consisting of multiplexed wavelengths (each wavelength representing an individual optical channel)
• Provides multiplexing/demultiplexing of optical channels and management overhead for the optical multiplex section

Optical Channel (OCh)

• Represents a single traffic signal (single wavelength), contains optical and electrical functions some of which reside in the OTU frame
• Provides traffic signal generation and recovery (framing, scrambling, FEC, etc.) and management overhead for the optical channel
OTN Layered Architecture (Digital Layers)

Optical Channel Transport Unit (OTU)

• Provides the electrical functions to support the management of an optical channel section, i.e., section monitor
(section trail trace identifier, section error detection code (BIP-8), defect indication functions, general
communications channel)
• Provides for transport of the optical channel data unit

Optical Channel Data Unit (ODU)

• Provides the electrical functions to support the management of an optical channel data path, i.e., path monitor
(path trail trace identifier, path error detection code (BIP-8), defect indication functions, general communications
channel, automatic protection switching channel)
• Provides the electrical functions to support the management of tandem optical channel data paths, i.e., tandem
connection monitors (tandem connection trail trace identifier, tandem connection path error detection code (BIP-
8), defect indication functions, automatic protection switching channel)
• Provides for transport of the optical channel payload

Optical Channel Payload Unit (OPU)

• Supports the mapping of a variety of client signal types (GFP, constant bit-rate (SDH), etc.)
• Provides payload type defect detection
OTN Frame Structure

The key sections of the OTN frame are the OTU (Optical channel Transport Unit) overhead section,
ODU (Optical channel Data Unit) overhead section, OPU (Optical channel Payload Unit) overhead
section, OPU payload section and FEC (Forward Error Correction) overhead section shown in Figure.
OTN Maintenance – Overhead Bytes
OTN-OPUk Frame
• The optical channel payload unit (OPU) transports the client signals. According to this purpose,
the OPUk overhead provides information about the mapping and concatenation of the client
signals and on the type of signal transported.

• The OPUk overhead consists of:

 payload structure identifier (PSI) including the payload type (PT)

 overhead associated with concatenation

OTN-ODUk Frame
The ODUk frame is based on the OPUk and extends it with overhead for path monitoring (PM),
automatic protection switching (APS), and tandem connection monitoring (TCM) purposes.
OTN-ODUk Frame
OTN-OTUk Frame

• The OTUk[V] conditions the ODUk for transport over an optical channel network connection. While
OTUk is completely standardized, OTUkV is only partly standardized.
• The OTUk[V] is based on the ODUk frame structure and extends it with a forward error correction
(FEC). 256 columns are added to the ODUk frame for the FEC and the reserved overhead bytes in
row 1, columns 8 to 14 of the ODUk overhead are used for OTUk specific overhead, resulting in an
octet-based block frame structure with four rows and 4080 columns.
OTN-OTUk Frame
OTN-OCh Structure
OTN- Tandem Connection Monitoring

Tandem connection monitoring offers

a way to support network operators in
the “carrier's carrier” situation.

In a complex optical network, like

shown in previous slide, network
operator “A” wants network operator
“B” to carry a signal and also needs a
way to monitor it. As a result, the
signal is monitored twice, by “A” and
by “B” – this lead to the term “tandem
connection monitoring”. While SDH
offer a single tandem connection
monitoring field, OTN offers six fields.
Operators sharing network resources
have to agree on how to use the
available TCM resources.

OTN- Line & Client Rates


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