Financial Incentives For Salesman

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M. S.



ARCHAL SHAH (Roll No. 26)

Objective & Trends
 Objective in most companies

 Major Trends
Only Fixed Salary – Extinct Spices
Incentive quotient – Increasing
Incentive α (Sales Vol., Mktg. Obj.)
Use of Incentive
 In 1967, 444 Mfg companies (across 20 ind.
employing 16,263 employees) were surveyed
Variation in Industry
 Heavy Ads | Sales Promotion
Non-Technical => Less payment
Ex Cigarette industry (USD 6500/yr)

 Custom Built | WOM (Little Ads)

=> Highly paid
Ex Footwear mfg for retailer (USD 22,500/yr)

Avg. Salary (as per survey) USD 12,100/yr

Earning Correlation
 Company size α Salesman salary
Small company >> High Salary
(Ex In paper industry, as per survey
Avg. Co. ($2m) >> $1000. Big ($80m) >> $ 790

 Reasons
1. Less well known, less Ads, Less Repo
2. No training, so borrow from competitor at
higher wages
Age Relationship


Sales Volume

Salesman Age
Compensation Practices
 Overpayment Policy
There are examples of salesman paid equivalent
or more than sales executive or even MD

1. Impossible to persuade to leave field
2. Sales manager will resent (Exec. Turnover)
3. Largest element of selling cost
Compensation Practices
 Underpayment policy

1. Buyer gets the quality, he pays for
2. If good ppl, higher turnover
3. Salesman gone to competitor means info gone
4. Hidden cost of turnover
5. Customer distraction
Compensation Practices
 Average Approach
Apt for company with large sales force

1. Hire young men, train as per firm
2. Unspoiled men

1. More aggressive supervision
2. Rules required
Compensation Practices
 Above Average concept
Apt for company with small sales team

1. No extra trg cost
2. Get info of competitors
3. Highly motivated environment

1. Long run above avg compensation
2. Must have above avg sales
Developing a plan
 Salesman expectation & company obj
 Gross amt company wants to and afford to pay
 Once hw much is decide, Decide hw much fixed
and hw much variable
Full fixed, Full variable & Combination
 Depends on
1. Company objective
2. Characteristics of selling job
3. Sales support provided
Ultimate Objective
 Today salesman is not mere order getter
 Salesman is territorial mktg manager
 OBJ max. co. profits inline mktg. manager
 Incentive plan should consider
Full line selling
Missionary work
Sales service of accounts
Feedback of imp mktg intelligence
Cooperation with other co. personnel
Control of selling expense
Preparation of prompt & complete report & records
Fundamental aims
 Motivate the salesman
1. To plan ahead & max. effectivenes
2. Do as per sales management
3. Lower direct selling cost & more profits

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