3.7 Chain Rule and Implicit Differentiation

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Stating Chain Rule &

Calculating Derivatives
The Chain Rule tells us how to find the derivative of a composite
The Chain Rule can be stated in two ways:
1. If the function g is differentiable at x and the function f is
differentiable at then the composite function is differentiable at x,
2. If the Leibniz notation is used for the derivative, the chain rule
can be stated as follows:
If y is a function of u, defined by and exists, and if u is a
function of x, defined by and exists, then y is a function of x and
exists and is given by
3.7.1 Stating Chain Rule & Calculating

3.7.1 Stating Chain Rule & Calculating


3.7.1 Stating Chain Rule & Calculating


3.7.1 Stating Chain Rule & Calculating

Differentiating and
Determining Implicit
Implicit Differentiation
Implicit differentiation is a technique based on
chain rule that helps us find the derivative of y
with respect to x without solving the given
equation for y. This is especially helpful if it is
difficult or impossible to transform an implicit
equation to an explicit one.

3.7.2 Differentiating and Determining Implicit

Given , find .

3.7.1 Stating Chain Rule & Calculating

Given , find .

3.7.1 Stating Chain Rule & Calculating


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