Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII: Application Letter

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Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII



SMK Negeri 5 Luwu
Tujuan Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan model
Discovery Learning yang dipadukan dengan metode tanya

Pembelajaran jawab dan diskusi dan pendekatan saintifik peserta didik

diharapkan mampu:

Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan dari teks berbentuk surat
01 lamaran kerja

Membuat setiap bagian surat lamaran kerja

disesuaikan dengan persyaratan yang tertera
02 di iklan lowongan kerja
Menyusun surat lamaran kerja, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

03 dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan

sesuai konteks

Mempresentasikan application letter yang

04 telah dibuat kepada teman-teman di depan
What are you
What is application letter?

Application letter is a
letter that you write to a
company when you are
applying for a job
Sakia Wulandari
Jl. Sompu-sompu No. 76
1 Luwu
[email protected]
June 25, 2021
Mr. Abdul Mahir
3 Personal Manager
Paramount Hospital

4 Dear Mr. Abdul Mahir

I am writing in response to the advertisement posted in the Fajar news paper for the
5 position of registered practical nurse maternal-newborn program. I am graduate from Stikes
Mega Reski Makassar.

6 I have completed a large component of my clinical nursing placement at you facility. I am

sure can work together with as a part of the maternal-newborn team.

My attached resume provides more details about my skills and accomplishments. I would
7 like to hearing from you soon. Thank for your kind attention.

Sakia Wulandari
Lets study
Application letter, What for?
As a written proof when applying
for a job. Sebagai bukti tertulis pada saat
melamar pekerjaan.

As a means of communication.
Sebagai alat komunikasi
As a consideration for employee.
Sebagai bahan pertimbangan bagi karyawan
Abdul Mahir
Jl. Semangka No. 76
Applicant's address Makassar
[email protected]

June 25, 2021

Mr. Muhammad As’ad
Personal Manager
Generic Structure

Employer’s address Pt. Mandiri Sejahtera


Salutation Dear Mr. Muhammad As’ad

I'm writing to apply for the position of Motorcycle Mechanic as advertised in Palopo Pos newspaper on
Opening Paragraph Wednesday, June 23, 2021.

As you can see from my enclosed curriculum vitae, my qualifications match the requirements for this
position. I graduated from SMK Negeri 5 Luwu, Kab. Luwu majoring in Automotive Engineering. My
internship at Pt. Suraco Jaya Belopa afforded me with the crucial skills To work with professional technicians.
Middle paragraph I assisted them in general repairs of various brands of motorcycles. I am familiar with proper standard care in
automotive repairs. I am a fast learner and hard worker. I am able to work under pressure in a team.

I greatly appreciate the time you spend for reviewing my application, and the opportunity for an interview
Closing Paragraph which I can attend at your most convenient time. I can be reached by phone or email any time.

Closing Thank you for your kind attention.

You sincerely
Signature `
Abdul Mahir
Language Feature?
• Using Simple Present Tense
• Using past tense
• Future tense
• Present continues
• Use formal language or not slang
• Write politely, effectively, and
Thank You

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