RPP Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12
RPP Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12
RPP Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12
A. StandarKompetensidanKompetensiDasar
3. BerkomunikasidenganbahasaInggrissetaraLevel Intermediate
3.1 Memahami monolog yang muncul pada situasi kerja tertentu
B. TujuanPembelajaran
1. Listening
2. Speaking
Siswamampumengungkapkan, danmeresponungkapantentanggambaranpekerjaan.
3. Reading
Siswamampumembacaparagraf, teks yang berisitentanggambaranpekerjaanmenterjemahkannya;
menjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitandenganisibacaantersebut
4. Writing
Siswamampumenyusun, danataumelengkapi dialog yang berisitentanggambaranpekerjaan.
C. PendekatandanMetodePembelajaran
1. Pendekatan : Kontekstual
2. Metode : Question and answer, role playing, observation, lecture
D. Sumber, AlatdanBahanPembelajaran
Buku 2 Get Along with English for Vocational School Grade XII IntermediateLevel danBuku-bukupelajaranbahasaInggris
yang relevan
E. Langkah-LangkahPembelajaran
1. KegiatanAwal (Pendahuluan)
Listening and matching pictures with the appropriate description
Listening for information and answering questions
Giving opinions.
2. KegiatanInti
Matching jobs with their descriptions;
Reading a dialog, answering questions and acting it out with a partner;
Creating and role playing dialogues based on the situation given;
Reading for information: a passage;
Matching words with their synonyms;
Matching words with their meaning;
Answering questions based on the text;
Finding the references of words based on the text;
Discussing questions in a group of three;
Completing a table of job or occupation; and the definitions;
Arranging jumbled sentences into a meaningful paragraph;
Writing descriptions of jobs in the pictures;
3. KegiatanAkhir (Penutup)
F. Penilaian
1. Written test;
2. Multiple choice and performance test (oral test).
B. Work in pairs. Create a dialog about your parent’s job and then practice it.
A. StandarKompetensidanKompetensiDasar
3. BerkomunikasidenganbahasaInggrissetaraLevel Intermediate
3.2. Memahamipercakapanterbatasdenganpenuturasli
B. TujuanPembelajaran
1. Listening
2. Speaking
Siswamampumengungkapkan, danmeresponungkapan yangdigunakandalampemesanan.
3. Reading
Siswamampumembacaparagraf, teks yang berisitentangpemesananan; menterjemahkannya; menjawabpertanyaan-
pertanyaan yang berkaitandenganisibacaantersebut
4. Writing
Siswamampumenyusun, danmelengkapi dialog yang berisitentangpemesanan.
C. PendekatandanMetodePembelajaran
1. Pendekatan : Kooperatif
2. Metode : Question and answer, role playing, observation, lecture
D. Sumber, AlatdanBahanPembelajaran
Buku 2 Get Along with English for Vocational School Grade XII IntermediateLevel danBuku-bukupelajaranbahasaInggris
yang relevan
E. Langkah-LangkahPembelajaran
1. KegiatanAwal (Pendahuluan)
Looking at the picture and answering questions;
Listening to a dialog and filling in the reservation form;
Listening and deciding if the statements are true or false;
Giving opinions.
2. KegiatanInti
Identifying expressions commonly used in reservation;
Role playing dialogs about reservation;
Answering questions according to the dialog;
Aranging jumbled sentences to make a good dialog;
In pairs, cerating dialogs based on the situations given;
Putting sentences into the correct headings;
Reading for information and answering questions;
Choosing the correct form of phrases;
Answering questions about conditional sentence type I, II, and III;
Completing a dialog with suitable words;
Filling in the form of reservation based on the dialog;
3. KegiatanAkhir (Penutup)
Students submit their task;
Their teacher concludes the lesson instructed then by giving questions to some of the students at random;
He gives them an assignment;
He tells them of the next meeting lesson;
He suggests to the students that they keep studying hard.
F. Penilaian
1. Written test;
2. Multiple choice and performance test (oral test).
B. In pairs, create your own reservation dialog based on the following situations.
Situation 1
The Smith’s family is going to have a vacation in Belitung from July 15 to July 20. During their vacation, they want to stay in
the Bagawan Hotel. Since the Smuth’s family consists of four people (parents and two daughters), they need 2 double-bed
rooms with a beach view. To make sure her family will get the appropriate rooms, Mrs. Smith makes reservation first.
Situation 2
The Rangkuti’s family is going to have dinner at the Queen Restaurant on August 5 at 7 p.m. They need a table for five in
the non-smoking section. Mr. Rangkuti will make a reservation first to make sure they get the table they want.
A. StandarKompetensidanKompetensiDasar
3. BerkomunikasidenganbahasaInggrissetaraLevel Intermediate
3.4. Memahami manual penggunaanperalatan
B. TujuanPembelajaran
1. Listening
2. Speaking
Siswamampumengungkapkan, danmeresponungkapaninstruksiuntukmelakukansesuatuyangsesuaidengansituasi
yang diberikan.
3. Reading
Siswamampumembacaparagraf, teks yang berisitentanginstruksiuntukmelakukansesuatu; menterjemahkannya;
menjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitandenganisibacaantersebut.
4. Writing
Siswamampumenyusun, danmelengkapi dialog yang berisitentanginstruksiuntukmelakukansesuatu.
C. PendekatandanMetodePembelajaran
1. Pendekatan : Kontekstual
2. Metode : Question and answer, role playing, observation, lecture
D. Sumber, AlatdanBahanPembelajaran
Buku 2 Get Along with English for Vocational School Grade XII IntermediateLevel danBuku-bukupelajaranbahasaInggris
yang relevan
E. Langkah-LangkahPembelajaran
1. KegiatanAwal (Pendahuluan)
Listening to a dialog for information and answering questions;
Listening and deciding if the statements are true or false;
Listening to each of the manuals and giving a suitable title;
Answering questions asked by teacher.
2. KegiatanInti
Identifying the common expressions of giving instructions from a manual;
Reading a dialog and answering questions;
In pairs, making a similar dialog with one of the situations given;
Reading for information and answering questions;
Identifying the sequence of instructions and linking words;
Rearranging sentences into good instructions;
Writing some instructions based on the pictures;
3. KegiatanAkhir (Penutup)
Students hand in their work;
Their teacher concludes the lesson instructed then by giving questions to some of the students at random;
He gives them an assignment;
He tells them of the next meeting lesson;
He suggests to the students that they keep studying hard.
F. Penilaian
1. Written test;
2. Multiple choice and performance test (oral test).
B. Work in pairstomake a short dialogue which has todo with instruction to operate something.Use the situation of
your own!
A. StandarKompetensidanKompetensiDasar
3. BerkomunikasidenganbahasaInggrissetaraLevel Intermediate
3.6. Memahamidokumen-dokumenteknis
B. TujuanPembelajaran
1. Listening
SiswamampumenyimakberbagaibentukungkapanmengenaiStandaroperasionalprosedur (SOP)
2. Speaking
Siswamampumengungkapkan, danmeresponungkapantentangmenyampaikanprsedurmelakukansesuatu (SOP)
sesuaidengansituasi yang diberikan.
3. Reading
Siswamampumembacaparagraf, teks yang berisitentangstandaroperasionalprosedur (SOP); menterjemahkannya;
menjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitandenganisibacaantersebut.
4. Writing
Siswamampumenyusun, danmelengkapi dialog yang berisitentangSOP
C. PendekatandanMetodePembelajaran
1. Pendekatan : Kontekstual
2. Metode : Question and answer, role playing, observation, lecture
D. Sumber, AlatdanBahanPembelajaran
Buku 2 Get Along with English for Vocational School Grade XII IntermediateLevel danBuku-bukupelajaranbahasaInggris
yang relevan
E. Langkah-LangkahPembelajaran
1. KegiatanAwal (Pendahuluan)
Dictation: Listening to the sentences and writing them down;
Listening for information;
Giving opinions.
2. KegiatanInti
Identifying the expressions commonly used in explaining SOP;
Retelling the content of Standard OperatingProcedures (SOP);
Understanding and discussing about Standard Operating Procedures (SOP);
Reading for information: passages;
Finding synonym and antonym of words;
Arranging jumbled procedure;
Matching a procedure with its title;
Writing a procedure of doing something.
3. KegiatanAkhir (Penutup)
Students hand in the report of thir discussion;
Their teacher concludes the lesson instructed then by giving questions to some of the students at random;
F. Penilaian
1. Written test;
2. Multiple choice and performance test (oral test).
B. Work in pairs tomake a short dialogue which has todo with SOP.
Use the situation of your own!
A. StandarKompetensidanKompetensiDasar
3. BerkomunikasidenganbahasaInggrissetara Level Elementary
3.5. Memahamisurat-suratbisnissederhana
3.7. Menulissuratbisnisdanlaporansederhana
B. TujuanPembelajaran
1. Listening
Siswamampumenyimakberbagaimacambentukungkapanyang biasaadadalamsuratdengantepat.
2. Speaking
Siswamampumengungkapkan, danmeresponungkapanyang biasaadadalamjob interview.
3. Reading
Siswamampumembacaparagraf, dialog yang berisitentangsuratlamarandansuratbisnislaiinya; menterjemahkannya;
menjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitandenganisibacaantersebut
4. Writing
C. PendekatandanMetodePembelajaran
1. Pendekatan : Kontekstual
2. Metode : Question and answer, role playing, observation, lecture
D. Sumber, AlatdanBahanPembelajaran
Buku 2 Get Along with English for Vocational School Grade XII IntermediateLevel danBuku-bukupelajaranbahasaInggris
yang relevan
E. Langkah-LangkahPembelajaran
1. KegiatanAwal (Pendahuluan)
a. Listening and matching words with parts of a letter;
b. Listening and completing a letter;
c. Giving opinions when teacher asks.
2. KegiatanInti
a. Identifying expressions commonly used in business letters and job interview;
b. Communication practice on a job interview by replying to the jo interview questions provided;
c. Reading for information: letters, a resume;
d. Answering questions based on the letters and resume;
e. Arranging jumbled sentences into a good letter;
f. Filling in a resume;
3. KegiatanAkhir (Penutup)
a. Students make the report of their discussion;
b. Their teacher concludes the lesson instructed then by giving questions to some of the students at random;
c. He gives them an assignment;
d. He tells them of the next meeting lesson;
e. He suggests to the students that they keep studying hard.
F. Penilaian
1. Written test;
2. Multiple choice and performance test (oral test).
A. Read the following letter.
9 JalanBuahBatu
East Java
Personnel Manager
PT. Mahkota Raya
Jl. Dewaruci
Jakarta 13210
Dear Sirs,
I, herewith, send you my application for the post of technician in your company. I have completed my technical course at
Paramitha Course. Having finished my course , I worked for PT. United Lima as a part timer for 2 months. I quit for
environmental reason. For further consideration, I enclose my curriculum vitae and copies of my certificates. I would be very
grateful if you could provide me with an opportunity for an interview.
Sincerely yours,
1. What position does the applicant apply for?
A. personnel manager D. mechanic
B. technician E. engineer
C. interviewer
2. What does Marina expect?
A. She will take a one year Diploma Program. D. She will complete the course.
B. She will be invited for interview. E. She will finished the study.
C. She will be promoted.
3. What is the synonym of the word ‘ completed’( line 2 ) in the text?
A. finished D. learnt
B. started E. begun
C. continued
4. Where is the letter addressed to?
A. Personeel manager D. PT. Mahkota Raya
B. Bandung E. BuahBatu, Malang
C. Jl. Dewaruci Jakarta
5. How long did she work for PT. United Lim
A. Two weeks D. Two years
B. Two months E. Five months
C. one year
A. StandarKompetensidanKompetensiDasar
3. BerkomunikasidenganbahasaInggrissetaraLevel Intermediate
3.3. Menyajikanlaporan
B. TujuanPembelajaran
1. Listening
2. Speaking
Siswamampumengungkapkan, merespondanmenyatakanungkapantentangpenyajianlaporanpadasituasi yang
3. Reading
Siswamampumembacaparagraf, teks/ surat yang berisitentangpenyajianlaporan; menterjemahkannya;
menjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitandenganisibacaantersebut.
4. Writing
C. PendekatandanMetodePembelajaran
1. Pendekatan : Kontekstual
2. Metode : Question and answer, role playing, observation, lecture
D. Sumber, AlatdanBahanPembelajaran
Buku 2 Get Along with English for Vocational School Grade XII IntermediateLevel danBuku-bukupelajaranbahasaInggris
yang relevan
E. Langkah-LangkahPembelajaran
1. KegiatanAwal (Pendahuluan)
Matching the pictures with statements expressing agreement and disagreement;
Listening for information
Listening and completingthe table
Listening to a business letter and answering questions
Giving opinions.
2. KegiatanInti
The teacher explains to his students formal and informal expressions commonly used in presenting a report;
Making the outline of a report;
Question and answer;
Presenting a report;
reading for information and answering questions;
Writing the out line of anapprenticeship report;
Writing the report.
3. KegiatanAkhir (Penutup)
Students make the report of their discussion;
Their teacher concludes the lesson instructed then by giving questions to some of the students at random;
He gives them an assignment;
He tells them of the next meeting lesson;
He suggests to the students that they keep studying hard.
F. Penilaian
1. Written test;
2. Multiple choice and performance test (oral test).
A. Make an outline of your job-training report on a Powerpoint file. Present the outline in front of the class.
B. Get involved in the discussion when your friend is giving a presentation by asking some questions or making
some statements.
1. How did you get the data?
2. How did you make your opinion strong?
3. Why did you choose the topic as your presentation?
4. What kind of references did you choose to support your data?
5. How long did it take to prepare your presentation?