Unit 3. Social and Value Dimensions in Technology
Unit 3. Social and Value Dimensions in Technology
Unit 3. Social and Value Dimensions in Technology
• There are many more issues in Technology Ethics than privacy and
ownership of software.
• Space Program worthwhile ? Supercollider ? Experiments ?
• Tuskegee experiment
• Impact on environment ?
• Democratic dilemma : In a democracy, debates about public
policy regarding science and technology encounter a
• One hand, the public has the prerogative of making the final
• On the other hand, this same public has difficulty in understanding
something as complex as science and technology
• The responsibilities of engineers with regard to the democratic
• Alert
• Inform
• Advice
• Engineers also have a responsibility to inform the public of the issues on both
sides of a debate.
• New technology may pose dangers, but it may also have great potential benefits.
• Apart from tutoring by experts, the public has little chance of gaining even a
minimal insight into such issues.
Engineering design ethics concerns issues that arise during the design
of technological products, processes, systems, and services. This
includes issues such as safety, sustainability, user autonomy, and
Steps in Designing
• Problem analysis and definition, including the formulation of design
requirements and the planning for the design and development of the
product, process, system, or service.
• Conceptual design, including the creation of alternative conceptual
solutions to the design problem, and possible reformulation of the problem.
• Embodiment design, in which a choice is made between different
conceptual solutions, and this solution is then worked out in structural
• Detail design, leading to description that can function as a guide to the
production process.
Problem analysis and definition
An important ethical question in this phase concerns what design
requirements to include in the problem definition. Usually design
requirements will be based on the intended use of the artifact.