Bayer Villager Oxidation

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What is oxidation?

Oxidation is nothing but a process in which either;

⚫ Addition of oxygen.
⚫ Removal of hydrogen.
⚫ Loss of an electron.
⚫ Increase in oxidation number takes place.
⚫ Ethanol can be oxidized to ethanal:


Oxidation by loss of hydrogen

• We would need to use an oxidizing agent to remove the

from ethanol.

• The commonly used oxidizing agent is Potassium Dichromate(VI)

Solution acified with dil.H2SO4.
⚫ The transformation for ketones into esters and
cyclic ketones into lactones or hydroxy acid
by peroxy acid was discovered as early as
1899 by A.Baeyer and Villiger.
⚫ A wide range of oxidizing agents can be used to
perform the Baeyer-Villiger oxidations.
⚫ Reagents typically used to carryout this
rearrangement is peroxy acid.
⚫ The mechanism of Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement is
not clear, however it is believed the reaction
proceed as follows:
⚫ Initial protonation of the carbonyl oxygen is
followed by addition of peracid to yield an adduct
which undergoes rearrangement where the R group
migrates to the electron deficient oxygen. This is
followed by deprotonation.
⚫ Salient points are retention of stereochemistry by
the migrating group, migration concerted with
departure of leaving group and increased migratory
aptitude of groups possessing greater electron
donating power.
⚫ Retention of stereochemistry by the migrating group.
⚫ Migration is concerted with the departure of
the leaving group. The concerted step is rate
⚫Migrating groups with greater electron donating
power have correspondingly greater migratory
aptitude because of the increased ability to stabilize
a positive charge in the transition state. This renders
stereoselectivity to the oxidation of unsymmetrical
⚫ Migration is favored when the migrating group is
antiperiplanar to the O-O bond of the leaving group;
this is known as the primary stereoelectronic
⚫ The order of preference for migration among alkyl
group is, Tertiary > Secondary > Primary >

⚫ Aryl group migrates in preference to methyl and

primary alkyl groups.

⚫ In aryl series, migration is facilitated by

para position.
⚫ Baeyer-Villiger oxidation has great synthesis utility
as it permits the transformation of ketones into
esters. An oxygen atom is inserted next to the
carbonyl group. This reaction is applicable to both
acyclic ketones and cyclic ketones. Oxidation of
cyclic ketones occurs with ring expansion and form
lactones as illustrated in the conversion of
Cyclohexanone to lactone by this method.
⚫ Baeyer-Villiger oxidation is also possible by the
action of enzymes. For eg. Cyclohexanone is
converted into lactone by using purified
cyclohexanone oxygenase enzyme.

⚫ Aldehydes also undergo Baeyer-Villiger oxidation to

usually give carboxylic acids. The reaction involves
either migration of hydrogen of fragmentation of the

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