Lesson Metals and Non Metals
Lesson Metals and Non Metals
Lesson Metals and Non Metals
• Code: S7MT-Ij-7
Properties of Metals
• The property of metals which in the pure state usually shines. The
shine on the metallic surface is the metallic luster. Metallic luster gives
the shiny appearance of metals especially when they are hit by light.
• Example: Gold
• Most metals are malleable. Malleability refers to the property of
metals by which they can be beaten into thin sheets.
• Example: Aluminum
• Most metals are ductile. Electrical wires are made from copper,
aluminum, iron, and magnesium. This property of drawing the metal
into thin wires is called ductility.
• Example: Copper
• This property allows electricity to pass through in a material. Metals
are good conductor of heat and electricity. The best conductors of
electricity are silver and copper, however, lead and mercury are poor
conductors of electricity.
• Metals are generally sonorous. They make a ringing sound when
struck. Some examples are – Iron, Gold, Copper, Aluminum,
Magnesium, and many more.
• Non – metals are materials not holding the characteristics of metals,
means they are not shiny, hard, malleable, ductile, etc. Many materials
like coal and Sulphur are very soft and dull in appearance. They break
down into very fine thin powdery mass on tapping with the hammer.
They are neither in – sonorous and also are a very poor conductor of
heat and electricity. Few examples of non – metals are carbon, oxygen,
water, etc.
Properties of Non-Metals
Properties of Non-Metals
• Non-Malleable and Ductile: non-metals are very brittle and soft as
they can be broken down into powdery substances.
• Poor Conduction: They are poor conductors of heat and electricity.
• Non-Lustrous: These have no metallic luster and do not reflect light.
• Non-Sonorous: They do not produce ringing sounds.
Uses of Metals and
Uses of Metals
• Metals are used for various purposes, from making wires and sheets.
For example – Copper and aluminum wires in electrical equipment’s,
especially for conduction of electricity.
• Metals are also used in making automobiles, machinery, water boilers,
industrial gadgets, etc.
• The metals are used in making utensils and water boilers due to its
property of being a good conductor of heat.
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