Baseband Pulse and Digital Signaling
Baseband Pulse and Digital Signaling
Baseband Pulse and Digital Signaling
analog pulses.
Channel decoder inverses operation of channel
• Baseband operation
• Transforming continuous time analog signals into
discrete time analog pulses
• Information carried in amplitude of pulses.
• First step in the analog to digital conversion
• Pre-cursor to Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
• Sometimes, PAM signals are used directly for
transmission without making it into PCM
• Two types of PAM
– Gating
– Sample and hold
Analog Source over Digital Communication
Analog A/D D/A Analog
Source Conversio Conversio Output
n n
sin f
where f s 2 B and H ( f ) F h(t) .
Signals in PCM Process
Design Issues for
- Analog to Digital Conversion
Sample timing accuracy
Quantization noise
D/A accuracy
Reconstruction filter
M : quantizati on levels
Pe : probabilit y of bit error in channel
Let M 2n M 2 2n 22 n
S 2
N out
N dB N out
This equation states that for each bit added to the PCM scheme, about 6 - dB is gained
in the signal - to - noise ratio.
Performance of PCM
(Pe 0, uniform quantization steps)
Example) PCM used in telephone systems
-V V
input w1(t)
Region of operation
For M=2n levels, step size :
= 2V /2n = V(2-n+1)
Quantization Error, e
output w2(t)
-V V
input w1(t)
Error, e
-/2 input w1(t)
Error is symmetric
around zero. 0
values input
for most time
of time
“Compressing-and-expanding” is called “companding.”
Nonuniform quantizer
- law compressor
(very popular internationally)
w1 (t ) 1
ln 1 w1 (t )
w2 (t )
In the U.S., 255 is used.
Practical Implementation of µ-law compressor
Output SNR of 8-bit PCM systems
with and without companding.
Baseband Signaling
Transmitter Receiver
w(t) w#(t) Optimal
Baseband Channel
Signaling H(f)
K k 0
At the receiver, wk
w #
(t ) k (t ) dt , for k 1,2,3,..., N .
This process is called the matched filter (i.e., use the same orthogonal
basis to get the original signal back.) Then, the receiver reconstructs w(t ) by
w(t ) wk#k (t ), for 0 t To . If the channel was clean (i.e., no noise),
k 1
p j (t ) p j (t )
Let j (t )
p 2j (t )dt
T j 1T t jT
j (t )
0 elsewhere
s s1 , s2 , s3 5 T , 0, 5 T
s (t ) s j j (t )
j 1
Binary signaling with M 256 messages. To 8 ms. M 2n 22 256. n 8
Given a codeword 01001110 : w w1 , w2 , w3 , w4 , w5 , w6 , w7 , w8 0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0
1 1 1 1 1
5 volt
static voltage
0 volt
0 0 0 0 0 0
Types of Line Code
• Unipolar signaling: 1 = +A volt, 0 = 0 volt
• Polar signaling: 1 = +A volt, 0 = -A volt
• Biopolar signaling: 1 = +A or –A, 0 = 0 volt
(Also called the alternate mark inversion – AMI)
• Machester signaling:
1 = +A (half duration) followed by –A (half duration)
0 = -A (half duration) followed by +A (half duration)
At the source, wT (t ) an f (t nTb )
n 1
Suppose for any given bit, Pe probability that this bit is incorrectly regenerated by a
regenerative repeater. If this bit were to go through a series of m regenerative repeaters,
Pi Pei 1 Pe
m i
where Pi is the probability that this bit is incorrectely regenerated
by i regenerative repeaters. After m regenerative repeaters, this bit will be in error,
if an odd number of errors take place.
m i
Pme probability a bit in error after m regenerative repeaters Pe 1 Pe m i mPe
i 1 i
i is odd
Bit Synchronization
To accurately detect received signals,
synchronization timing is needed.
- derived from received data
- separate signal sent from source
- bit level
- frame level
- carrier level
Binary-to-Multilevel Conversion
Spectral Efficiency
Definition . Spectral efficiency η bits per second.
By Shannon : ηmax log 2 1
Let win (t ) be a flat top L - level signal. ( an can take on one of L values.)
t 1
Suppose win (t ) an h(t nTs ) where h(t ) Π . Symbol rate D
n Ts Ts
win (t ) an h(t ) (t nTs ) an (t nTs ) h(t )
n n
Then, wout (t ) an (t nTs ) he (t ) where he (t ) h(t ) hT (t ) hC (t ) hR (t ).
he (t ) : equvalent impulse response function. he (t ) H e ( f ) H ( f ) H T ( f ) H C ( f ) H R ( f ).
C k 0
Find he (t ) such that he (kTs )
0 k 0
is needed to account for the offset in the receiver sampling clock.
If such he (t ) can be found, a single input pulse at t 0 creates a non zero value at the output of the
receiver at t , but all other sampling times t kTs (for k 0), the receiver output is zero. zero ISI.
sin f st 1 f
If 0, then one possible solution is he (t ) H e ( f )
f st fs fs
This is impractical because :
he (t ) is non causal.
The sampling times at the receiver output have to be precise to maintain zero ISI.
Finding He(f)? Raised Cosine-Rolloff Nyquist
1 f f1
1 f f1
Find H e ( f ) such that H e ( f ) 1 cos f1 f B
2 2 f
0 f B
B : absolute bandwidth, f B f o , f1 f o f , f o : 6 - dB bandwidth of filter
f sin 2f ot cos 2f t
Rolloff factor : r H e ( f ) he (t ) 2 f o 2
fo 2 f o t 1 4 f t
1 r
Theorem. A filter is said to be a Nyquist filter
if the effective transfer function is
Y ( f ) f 2 fo
2 f o
He ( f )
0 Otherwise
Y(f) satisfies (1) Y ( f ) Y ( f ) for f 2 f o
and (2) Y ( f f o ) Y ( f f o ) for f f o .
There is no ISI if D f s 2 f o .
Raised Cosine-Rolloff Filter as Nyquist Filter.
Other Nyquist Filters
H(f) H(f)
1 1
f f
-2fo -fo fo 2fo -2fo -fo fo 2fo
Example. Binary PCM system
Input : Analog signal (e.g., voice)
Quantized to 16 levels - bipolar signal
Channel H e ( f ) : Raised Cosine - Rolloff filter with r 0.5 and B 4kHz
B 4x103
fo 2.667x103 2.667kHz
1 r 1 0.5
Baud rate D 2 f o 5.333kHz
16 quantization levels 4 bits per sample
signal sample rate f s 4 D 21.332kHz
Bandwidth B 0.667kHz 10.666kHz
How are Nyquist filters realized?
channel characteristics
is unknown.
Types of noise
* Quantization noise: step size takes place of smallest
quantization level.
* Granular noise: z(nTs) is always different from z((n-1)Ts).
* Slope overload noise: maximum slope of output signal is
/ T s.
too small: slope overload noise
too large: quantization noise and granular noise
dw(t )
2 Af o π sin 2πf ot which has the maximum value of 2 Af o π.
1 1
f s kf o
2 Aπ
For no slope overload, 2 Af o .
Ts k
Adaptive Delta Modulation
Inappropriate step size creates noise.
Make adaptive.
number of successive 1’s or 0’s step
3 2
4 4
. .
ADM Block Diagram.
Speech Coding
- Waveform coders: output approximates original voice
* PCM, DPCM, DM, CVSD (24 – 64 k bits/s)
(8000 samples / s)