Social Advocacy

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S u b m i tt e d to Si r Fa se eh A h m e d

S u b m i tt e d t o S i r F a s e e h A h m e d
Sadaf Wali (24847)
K So am da al fF aWr oa ol iq (( 2
204 58 6467) )
KAob m
d ua ll l aFha rJ o
amo aq l (( 22 01 95 76 26) )
A bM di nu hl la aj hA sJ i amm (a2 l1 9( 62 21 )9 7 2 )
Bilal Hanif (21965)
Minhaj Asim (21962)
Bilal Hanif (21965)

• C ent ral Id ea
• R e l a ti o n s h i p s
• C o n s u m p ti o n P a tt e r n
• D ec i s i on m a k i n g p a tt e r n
• En d u ran c e i n E d u c a ti o n a l
I n s ti t u t e s
• C h ar i ty
• C h an ge o f Rol e
• S a c r i fi c e
• C on c ep t of Li vi n g
• C on c l u s i on

• Modernism has changed the pattern in which we used
to practice our values, lifestyle, norms and even our
disciplinary system.
• Modern society has changed all the personal structures
of traditional society into an impersonal bodies where
the core values lies within the materialistic nature and
each individual is struggling for the cause of self and the
concept of relationship orientation has vanished.
• The modern society is not concerned with the character
of an individual but how well he can perform in the
market which means that each single unit of this society
has become the victim of commercialization.

The survey has been conduct with 15 participants. The
results are out 15. There are 15 close ended questions and 5
open ended question which makes a total of 20 questions.

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• When big parties are held at house do you invite
security guards, gardener, cook, maid and other
servants to have food with family?
1. 7 people said that they sent food to servant’s
house instead of inviting them.
2. 5 said that they invite families of servant to
have food with them at events.
3. 2 said that they don’t the servants at home. 50%


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• At office or at home when you have food do you ask 7%
servants to have food with you?
1. 10 answered that they would invite servants to share
food with them. 21%

2. 3 answered that they would not invite.

3. 1 answered that the servants themselves want to have
food alone rather than eating with them.


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• When fruits, sweets, ice cream, or other lavish foods to
eat are bring home, do you give your servants
separately or give them leftovers? 27%
1. 4 answered that they separate a piece for servants.
2. 8 said that they give leftovers to the servants.
3. 1 said that they do not have servants at home.
4. 2 said that if the servants are around than they give a
share of food to the servants otherwise they don’t

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• When you have good things at home to eat do you store
at fridge and serve to guest and when it start getting
spoil than you give it to needy people?
1. 7 answered that they give to the servants on the same
2. 8 answered that they store in the fridge. 53%

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• When the first fruit of season come you first distribute
among poor relatives and neighbors. Traditionally it was
custom that first give to relatives than family members
are allowed to eat. Do this tradition should continue or
should ended?
1. 10 answered that this custom should be continued. 20%

2. 3 said that this should be ended.

3. 2 said that this should be revived. 67%

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Consumption Pattern
• Do all the family members eat food thrice a day, eat
food together and have discussions? 3 said that this
should be ended. 27%

1. 7 answered that they eat with their families.

2. 4 said that everyone eat according to their ease. 47%

3. 4 said that they eat with their families rarely.


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Consumption Pattern
• Today at every house everyone have juicer, oven, good 7%
factory but no one bake biscuit, bread, cake at home?
Everything is bought from market?
1. 7 answered that they don’t have time to bake things at
2. 7 answered that buying from market is an easy
3. 1 answered that they bake at home.

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Decision Making
• What is the reason behind that 20 years ago when bride
is parting from family cried to much and the family cried 17%
as well what is the reason that nowadays bride do not
cry at the time of parting?
1. 7 answered that now a days mostly love marriages are
happening this is the reason that they do not cry.
2. 3 said that because of confidence they do not cry as 25% 58%
they have self-confidence.
3. 2 said that because family love is no more this is the
reason they do not cry while leaving their family.

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Decision Making
• When their siblings get married the decisions are made
by family? Or siblings decide by themselves and inform 20%
family? Or their choice need approval from family? Or
family do not care about the marriage? Or the bride 33%
groom get married by themselves and separate from
family on their own?
1. 3 said that their siblings made decision themselves.
2. 7 said that family take decision about marriage.
3. 5 said that approval from family is connected to the
choice of bride or groom.

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Decision Making
• What is the reason when nikkah is held the Muslim
cleric do not ask bride in front of groom that does she 20%
accept this nikkah? Instead of asking directly why
someone from family became lawyer for groom and ask
if she agrees to this nikkah? Does this method is
authentic or not?
1. 8 said that this method is authentic. 53%

2. 4 said that it is un-authentic.

3. 3 said they don’t know.

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Endurance In
Educational Institutions
• If in university a teacher abuses students and use bad
language for parents of students, University do not take 20%
any action on complains what do you do in this 27%
1. 4 said that they will endure this behavior.
2. 8 answered that they’ll start campaign on facebook.
3. 3 said that they’ll beat teacher.


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Endurance In
Education Institutions
• If students beat that teacher what is the reaction from
University? 21%
1. 9 said that university would terminate teacher.
2. 2 said that because of discipline university cancel
admission of students.
3. 3 answered that bann students 10 day from attending

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Endurance In
Educational Institutions
• Usually it is seen that in Pakistan if on wrong behavior
of teacher if students hit the teacher university always 17%
support teacher and terminate students what is the
reason behind this?
1. 10 said that university prioritize discipline over
2. 2 answered that university do not accept other things
like basic rights and religious beliefs.


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• Your family charity goats when someone in family fall ill 7%
or distribute food among poor, free birds and help
poors? 13%

1. 12 said that their families follow these customs.

2. 2 said that they do not charity without any particular
3. 1 said they do not do charity.


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• When your family do charity do you give it to some 7%
organization or you search needy people in your
surroundings in your neighborhood, relatives?
1. 10 said that they give charity money to relatives.
2. 4 said that they’ll give money to charitable
3. 1 answered that they do not know.

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Change of Role
• If your mother and father quarrel daily what do you do?
1. 11 said that they’ll become conciliator between 27%
2. 4 said that they’ll support whoever is righteous.


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• Does your father or brother cut animal of sacrifice
because it is happened every year, or hire butcher? 20%

1. 7 answered that butchers are professional so they are

hired for cutting the animal of sacrifice.
2. 5 said that cutting animal by themselves is against 47%
standard what others think of them that they do not
hire butcher.
3. 3 answered that they cut animal themselves.

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Concept of Living
• Those girls who are residents of defense society do not
household chores and do not clean house if any insect
died they ask servants to clean that but when their
institutions like Karachi Grammar school and American
school brought them to clean dirtiest beach in AC buses
they pick up the litter and take pictures that they have
cleaned the beach?
1. 13 answered that it is for showing off on social media.
2. 2 said that they don’t .


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• The main purpose of the research was to study the abstract nature of our modern society where the
relationships, values, norms and our disciplinary system is subject to some other means and not portray the
essence of sacrifice.
• Conducting survey was the most difficult part and time consuming because many audience was claiming the fact
that survey was too long and that too was in Urdu which they were reluctant to fill in and many were of the
opinion that the questions being asked had not any significance in today’s era. So we had to sit with them and
explain the meaning of each and every question and its significance which was really a hectic task.
• The thorough analysis of the survey helped us to come across the fact that our traditional customs and values,
much of it, our no longer the part of our society and that how our society is inculcating itself in this modern
environment. Furthermore, it also portrayed the fact that people are not only abandoning their values but their
language as well as they had the difficulty in understanding their native language which mean their language has
also been the victim of market forces and people are preferring English over Urdu.

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