Lecturer: Aam Amarullah, M.PD Biology and Health Program Center For Foundation Studies (CFS)

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Aam Amarullah, M.Pd

Biology and Health Program
Center for Foundation Studies (CFS)

Pondok Pesantren Daar el-Qolam Tangerang-Banten- Indonesia

nervous system is…
1.To control center for all
body activities
2.Body communication
stuff with outside world.
3.Responds and adapts to
changes that occur both
inside and outside the
body (Ex: pain,
temperature, pregnancy)
Also called regulatory system (with
sense organ and hormone system).
Nervous System
fibers composed of
millions of nerve
cells (neurons) are
assembled to form
a file (fasiculum)

Neurons are the

main components of
the nervous system

Nerve cell function is to send a message (impulse)

in the form of stimulus or response.
Structure of a Nerve

Marieb 13.3b
Marieb 11.4
Freeman 45-12a

There is five type of nerve cells:

A. Anaxonic cell
B. Bipolar neuron
C. Unipolar neuron
D. Interneuron
E. Multipolar neuron
Martini 12-4
There are three (3)CELLS
types of nerve cells by function:
1. Sensory nerve cells: Functioning deliver
stimulation of receptors (receiver stimulus/
sense organ) to the spinal cord.
2. Motor nerve cells: Functioning conduct motor
impulses from the CNS to effectors.
3. Nerve cells Liaison (connector) Is that one
nerve cell liaison with other nerve cells.
Ear Tongue
Skin Nouse Eyes
Sensory nerve
Motor nerve cells
Liaison cells
Nervous System

Marieb 11.1
Communication Between Neurons

- The use of
causes an electrical

- There is enough
electrical current in the
brain to power a
Synaptic Cleft: Information Transfer

Marieb 11.18

 CNS regulates the function of

organs and limbs, and for
human character lies.

Spinal cord
 Consists of the brain or
enchephalon and spinal cord.
 Is the main coordination center. In
the brain, all activities of the body
is well controlled.
 Four parts: large brain (cerebrum), small brain (cerebellum),
midbrain (midbrain), and the connecting cord (medulla oblongata).
 Brain protected by skull and enveloped by a membrane called the
meninges. His job is to protect the brain or a selective inhibitor and
physical support.
 Week 5, baby has developed 5 bubble brain that telencephalon (will be
cerebrum), diencephalon (thalamus and hypothalamus),
mesencephalon (midbrain), metencephalon (pons varolii and
cerebellum) and myelencephalon (the medulla oblongata).
Meninges (Brain envelope)
Duramater, 2 layers of fibrous connective tissue:
Periosteal layer - attached to bone
Meningeal layer - proper brain covering
Arachnoid, consist by smooth fibrous root
Piamater, consist of white fibrous root.

Marieb 12.24a

Part of Brain
 cerebrospinal fluid contained in the meninges gap to protect the brain from impact,
wetting the nervous system, bringing nutrients and brain drain
 Medulla oblongata 3 cm long, from the foramen magnum, as the respiratory center,
the center of the heart rate, central vasometer, central swallowing, vomiting, coughing,
sneezing, where the discharge of brain nerve VIII, IX, X, XI, XII.
 Pons varoli 2.5 cm, synchronize left and right cerebrum and cerebellum with spinal
cord to the brain nerves V, VI, VII and VIII
 Midbrain 2.5 cm, connecting the third ventricle and the fourth ventricle, there is a
reflex center for something fast, head and eyes.
 Thalamus: a pair of oval-shaped, 3 cm in diameter, containing many nuclei and little
nerve fibers, as relay station for all sensory impulses from all sensory organs to the
brain cortex except smell.
 Hypothalamus: located below the thalamus, serves as: a major regulator of autonomic
activity, sensory impulses receiver visceral organs, linking emotions produces
hormones regulating (master of glands), as the thermostat, the center of satiety, hunger,
thirst, angry, aggressive, sleep / wake, and other functions of biological rhythms.
Part of Brain
 Have a surface that folds and contains hundreds millions of neurons, consists of
two parts, the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body, and the right
hemisphere controls the left side of the body.
 Consists of two layers: the outer layer (cortex) consist of gray matter
containing nerve cell bodies functions expand the cortex surface. and the inner
layer consist of white matters because it contains many nerve fibers (dendrites
and neurites).

 Four part of cerebrum:

1. Forehead (frontal lobe), to regulate the body's movements are realized.
2. Fontanel (parietal lobe), set the skin and muscles heat, cold, touch, pressure
3. Temple (temporal lobe), the center of hearing
4. Back brain (occipital lobe), the center of vision.

Between the brain and the central part of the back brain there is the center of
development, intelligence, memory, will and attitude.
Three regions of the brain cortex:
Sensory zone, to receive sensory impulses: general sensory (knowing the
impulse), sensory association (knowing smoothness without touching the
object, saving memory of the past), the primary auditory (sound
interpretation), auditory association (mean words), the primary visual
(interpreting shape and color), the visual association (to know the results
of sight), the primary taste, smell primary, gnosis (knowledge)
Motor zone consisting of the primary motor (muscle control), premotoris
(regular muscle continuous contractions), Broca (translating thoughts into
spoken and written language
Associations zone serves to connect the sensory and motor parts of the
brain, covering most occipital cortex, temporal, parietal and frontal
associated with reasoning, desires, memories, nature, one's decisions
and intelligence


Functional Areas of the Cerebral Cortex
a. Sensory Areas
Motori Area
Primary Motor Cortex
Has two hemispheres, the right hemisphere and the left
hemisphere. Which connected by a varol bridge.
Composed of two layers, the outer layer is gray, and
inner layer is white.
Cerebellum serves to regulate body balance and muscle
coordination when moving.
 Connects the brain with spinal cord.

 Serves to adjust to mouth breathing,

heart rate, and blood pressure
 Stimulus: the environment give something new

 Receptor: the special nerves, such us feel pain (the papilla

get broke), hot or cool (Krause), feeling smooth
(meissner) and hit (ruffini).

Marieb 12.5
Lymbic System
 Consists of the thalamus, hypothalamus, nucleus amiglana, and a
large brain gyrus, plays a role in the occurrence of emotion, pain,
benign, angry

High Function of Brain : Memory

 Learn : some stimulus make remembering, not consentration
something will not care to the other.
 Remembering : if someone get new information, he will make a
new impuls tissue.
 Short term memory thinking somenew short time

 Long term memory: memorizing something to a long time.

12 Cranial Nerve:
1.Olfactorius (I) nerve for sense of smell-broke ethmoid will shut down
2.Opticus (II) nerve to control of eyeball for right-left
3.Oculomotor (III) nerve to part of the eyeball (wide-short pupil)
4.Trochlear (IV) nerve for motor, and to coordinate sense
5.Trigeminal (V) to feel hurt, temperature, sensory from eyes, nose, head.
6.Abducens (VI) to control of eyeball and take impuls frum rectus radialis
7.Facialis (VII) to controls emoticon such us anger, sad, happy, to lacrimal
(crying) sensory etc, if this nervus broke down, will be bells palsy.
8.Vestbuloacusticus (VIII) connect to hearing, from middle corti organ, if this
nervus is broke someone get not hearing and vertigo.
9.Nervus Glossopharyngeus (IX) to parotis gland sensory for taste at lick
10.Vagus (X) for all internal organ such us bronchus, alveolus, esophagus,
heart, hepar etc.
11.Acessories (XI) for propioreceptor the muscle
12.Hypoglosus (XII) for propioreceptor tongue muscle.
Cranial Nerves

Marieb 13.5a
The skin, eyes, ears, tongue and nouse are received
excitatory stimulus (sensory organs). Then, stimuli
delivered through sensory nerves to the brain. After
processed in the brain, response to stimuli will be
conducted through the motor nerves to the effector
(muscle or gland). The results of these stimuli cause
unusual motion.


Reflex is a movement spontaneously, without pass
away motion center in the brain. The shortest path
taken by a reflex called reflex arc.

Spinal Cord
Cross-Sectional Anatomy of the Spinal Cord

 Anterior median fissure – separates anterior funiculi

 Posterior median sulcus – divides posterior funiculi

Marieb 12.31a
Gray Matter and Spinal Roots

Marieb 12.31b
Gray Matter: Organization

Marieb 12.32
Spinal Nerves: Roots

Marieb 13.7a
Marieb 13.7b
Comparison of Somatic and Autonomic Systems

Marieb 14.2
• Controls the body’s activities that you don’t think about.
• Example: glands, small intestine, your lungs your breathing, and
your heartbeat.

• Controls your daily body’s activities
• Example: upper hand, legs, and the other movement.

controls controls
Martini 16-10
Freeman 45-20
Head Problem

Headace, caused by abnormalities in the shell: abscess, meningitis, tumors, brain disorders
Parkinson, due to the neurotransmitter dopamine kerkurangnya with symptoms trembling,
difficulty moving and stiff muscles, stiff muscles seemed masked face, eyes blinking hard,
rigid step
Stroke, brain cell death due to disruption of blood flow to the brain, the cause is
arterosclerosis or hypertension causing clogged and broken blood vessels.
Epilepsy, because releases impulses in neurons in the brain, is divided into three kinds:
grand mal seizures and loss of consciousness, psychomotor: causing mental disorders and
petitmal exposed to the thalamus and hypotalamus, lost consciousness a few seconds and
then back on to normal.
Poliomyelitis, a viral infection of the nervous system motor neurons
Rabies by caninus animals conduct in viruses
Concussion: no structural damage, fainting less than 24 hours
Contusio : concussions are serious enough, there was a slight bleeding, fainting symptoms
and other neurological disorders
Lacerasi: Torn brain tissue is often caused by a broken bone or shot skull cause edema in
the brain

A temporary disturbance of the Hydrocephalus

brain’s ability to function due to a
hard blow to the head The water in brain

A loss of sensation and

movement of part of
the body due to an
injury of the spinal
cord or brain
Parkinson’s Disease

The brain does not produce enough of the

neurotransmitter that transmits messages from
the brain to the muscles

Symptoms: tremors, rigid muscles, shuffling walk,

and loss of facial expression

Red areas
show where
chemical is
Alzheimer’s Disease

A gradual shrinking of the neurons in the cerebrum

Symptoms: memory loss, emotional disturbances,

inability to function on own, death

Abnormal transmission of messages between the

neurons in the brain

Symptoms: seizures
What do you think can change neurons and
their connections?

 Accidents
 Drugs
 Alcohol
 Disease

 Physical injury of your neurons

Drugs and alcohol bind important receptors on neurons
Repeated binding causes the neuron to die
Drugs = Neuron death
Alcohol damages dendrites - can repair after

Alcohol blocks
receptors and slows
down transmission
100 Billion or so neurons - what’s the
problem with some of them dying?
•Cells multiply all the time
- will your neurons?
•Does everyone react the
same way to accidents, or
drugs and alcohol?
•Do all organisms react the
same to all stimulus?
•Which of your activities
use your neurons?
What if
neurons die

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