Chapter Seven: National Income Accounting
Chapter Seven: National Income Accounting
Chapter Seven: National Income Accounting
National income account
Is an accounting record of the level of
economic activities of an economy
is a measure of aggregate output, income and
expenditure in an economy
Its importance:
To know economic performance of country
To observe the long run trend of the economy
To formulate economic policies
Gross Domestic Product(GDP) and Gross
National Product(GNP)
is the market of currently produced final goods and services
that are produced within in the country’s borders(boundary)
during a given period of time, usually one year.
is the market value of currently produced final goods and
services that are produced by domestically owned factors of
production during a given period of time
It measure the total output or income generated by domestic
residents’ factors of production irrespective of where these
resource are used.
NFI- net factor income
NFI = factor income received from abroad - factor
income received by foreigners from domestic
NFI can be positive, negative or zero
NFI>0,then GNP>GDP
NFI<0,then GNP<GDP
NFI=0, then GNP=GDP
Problems associated with measuring GDP
The problems:
Double counting
To avoid this problem we should take
o The market value of final g+s
o The value added at each stage of production
Don’t include non-productive transactions…transfer payments
Failing to measure non-marketed outputs since they have no
market price
-government production of public goods
-households output which produced for home consumption purpose
- Leisure activities such as the satisfaction obtained from
recreational activities doesn’t included in GDP
It is difficult to measure outputs in the informal
-the informal sector is that part of the economy which
consists of activities or output that are never report
to tax and other gov’t authorities. It include both
legal(sealing tela, tej,…) and illegal(like drug
dealing) activities
Distribution of income across household is not
included in GDP
Cost of environmental damage is not counted in
Measuring GDP and GNP
Three methods:
1. Product approach/value added approach
2. Expenditure approach
3. Income approach
1. Product approach
Calculated by adding the market value of goods
and services produced by each sector of the
economy i.e. agriculture, service and industry
2.Expenditure Approach
GDP is measured by adding all spending on final final
goods and services produced in the country
The expenditures made on the final goods and services
of country can be divided into four categories.
These are
I. Personal consumption expenditure
II. Gross domestic private investment expenditure
III. Government spending on goods and services
IV. Net export
I. Personal consumption expenditure(C)
Expenditure made by households to purchase final g+s
for consumption purpose
They are divided into three:
1. Durable consumer goods- are those goods that can be
used for longer period of time such as cars, TV,…
2. Non-durable consumer goods- are those goods that
can be used/consumed for shorter period of time such as
food, fuel,…
3. Services- include education, haircut, transport,
health service….
II. Gross domestic private investment expenditure(I)
Expenditure by private sectors for investment purpose
GI= Net Inv’nt + depreciation(consumption of fixed
Includes three types of expenditures
1. Business investment expenditure/business fixed
investment on machinery, equipment
2.Construction expenditure-expenditure on
residential and non residential constructions
3.All increase in inventories-these is unsold output
currently produced by firms and counted in GDP as if
they were purchased by the firms’ themselves
Eg. The Ethiopian nominal GDP and the CPI for the
year 1985 and 1986 was given below. Calculate
the real GDP and the economic growth?
Year nominal GDP CPI real GDP