Data Encryption and Decription
Data Encryption and Decription
Data Encryption and Decription
IOE,Thapathali Campus.
05/17/2021 2
05/17/2021 3
05/17/2021 4
Working Method of Encrypt Function
First It asks user either they want to encrypt or decrypt the file
or message then after the selection of encryption option the
following options pop.
>Encrypt file
>Encrypt message
If we select the ‘encrypt message’ the program asks for the
message that they want to encrypt then it asks a key for
encryption and also for decryption. Once it is provided by the
user it displays the original message and the encrypted
If we select ‘encrypt file’ the program asks for file path. After
the path is provided the program encrypts the text in the file
Working Method of Decrypt Function
First it asks user either they want to encrypt or decrypt the file
or message then after the selection of decryption the following
options pop.
>Decrypt file
>Decrypt message
This function asks for encrypted message that they want to
decrypt then it asks for key used for encryption earlier. Once
the key is provided by the user it converts the encrypted
message into original message using the encryption key.
Similarly if the user selects the ‘decrypt file’ the program asks
for file path. After the path is provided the program decrypts
the text in the file itself.
05/17/2021 6
Demo with sample Data
05/17/2021 7
05/17/2021 8
05/17/2021 9
Further works
05/17/2021 10