A Time You Weren't Listened To
A Time You Weren't Listened To
A Time You Weren't Listened To
Bryant H. McGill
• Hearing is an accidental and automatic brain
response to sound that requires no effort. For
example, we are accustomed to the sounds of
honking cars, construction workers, planes, the
rattling of pots and pans, and so on.
• Listening a skill, is purposeful and focused rather
than accidental. As a result, it requires motivation
and effort. Example: paying attention not only to the
lecture/presentation, but how it is presented, the use
of language,(words) and how the other person uses
his/her non-verbal cues.
Define Active/Effective Listening
• It is the process of listening attentively while someone
else speaks, acknowledging, reflecting back
paraphrasing and withholding judgment.
• What is the topic of the video?
• Discuss the quote “Pressure is a privilege”.
• Why do we fail to perform well under
• Why does this happen, and what can we do to
avoid it?