Basic Tools in Embroidery

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Embroidery was introduced by the Spanish nuns during the Spanish
colonization in the Philippines. Since then, women had been creating
embroidery designs due to its popularity. Embroideries usually done by
hand until people are now engaged to machine embroidery due to the
invention of the sewing machine. Now, because of the fast growth of the
industry, designs and workmanship, Filipinos has been exporting articles
with embroidery work. Embroidery is best achieved if correct tools and
materials are used.
Gauge – A tool that is used to measure short distances.

Tape Measure – A flexible ruler that is used to measure

size or distance. It consists of ribbon cloth, plastic, fibre
glass or metal strip with linear-measurement markings.

Thimbles – It can be made of metal or plastic. Wearing a

thimble prevents discomfort and pushes the needle while
Embroidery hoop/stiletto – Made of wood, bone, metal, or
plastic. It is used to make eyelets in the fabric to be
embroidered. It is also used to keep the fabric stretched
while embroidery stitches are applied to the design.

Embroidery scissors – A small, sharp, and pointed tool that

is used for trimming scallops, clipping threads and cutting
large eyelets.

Needle threader – A tool for helping to put thread through

the eye of the needle, also used for those who are having
poor eyesight.
Pounce – A fine powder used in transferring design by
using the Prick and Pounce method.

Embroidery needles – A short pieces of steel with a fine

point at one end and a little opening or eye at the other.
Types of Needles:

Crewel – Sharp-pointed, medium length with large eyes for

easy threading. Crewel needle sizes ranged from 1-10.

Chenille – Thicker, longer, larger eyed, sharp-pointed

needles that can be worked for heavier yarns. Chenille
needle sizes ranged from 13 to 26.

Tapestry – Blunt and sharp needles used for thread-

counting embroidery and the needle point. Tapestry needles
shares the same sizes as Chenille needles, which is 13-26.
Watercolor brushes – A tool used for transferring the
design using the Prick and Pounce method.

Pin cushion – A tool used to store pins or needles with their

heads to take them hold easily, collect and keep them

Tracing paper – Used to trace designs to transfer to an

another piece of paper or canvas.
Sewing kit – A small package containing needles, scissors,
thimbles, pin cushions and others.

Bag – To keep work clean and fresh. It is used to hold your

work when not busy on it.

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