Presented By: B.Bhagyalakshmi Adam'S Engineering College.:, Iv/Iv-Cse

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1. Signcryption
2. Working
3. Features
4. Security
5. Applications
6. Advantages
7. Disadvantages
8. conclusion

 Signcryption is new paradigm in public key cryptography

that simultaneously fulfils both the functions of digital
signature and public key encryption in a logically single

 Significantly it is lower than that required by the

traditional signature followed by encryption
Signcryption can be defined as a combination of two

1.The digital signatures and

2.The public key encryption.

One can implement Signcryption by using ElGamal’s

shortened digital signature scheme, Schnorr’s signature
scheme or any other digital signature schemes in conjunction
with a public key encryption scheme like DES, 3DES or
Here we present the implementation of Signcryption using
ElGamal’s shortened signature scheme and a public key
encryption algorithm denoted by E and D (Encryption and
Decryption algorithms).
Signcryption algorithm
Parameters public to all p – a large prime number
q – a large prime factor of p-1

g – an integer with order q modulo p chosen

randomly from [1,…,p-1]

Hash – a one-way hash function whose output has,

say, at least 128 bits

KH – a keyed one-way hash function

Alice’s keys (E, D) – the encryption and decryption algorithms

xa – Alice’s private key, chosen uniformly at
of a private
random fromkey cipher
ya – Alice’s public key (ya = gx mod p)
Bob’s keys xb – Bob’s private key, chosen uniformly at

random from [1,…,q-1]

Steps involved in Signcrypting a
•We are taking an example in which Alice is sender and bob
is receiver.

•So Alice is having a message m, which wants to send to bob

in an unsecured channel, hence he uses signcryption
mechanism to send the message to bob so tat message would
remain safe.
•So below steps are discussed which are involved in
Signcrypting the message.

1. Alice chooses a value x from the large range 1,…,q-1.

2. She then uses Bob’s public key and the value x and
computes the hash of it. This will give her a 128-bit string.
K=hash (ybx mod p)

3. She then splits this 128-bit value K into two 64-bit halves.
We can name them as k1 and k2 and refer to them as the key

Signcryption - generating k1 and k2

4. Next, Alice encrypts the message m using a public key
encryption scheme E with the key k1. This will give her the
cipher text c. c = E k1 (m)

5. Then, she uses the key k2 in the one-way keyed hash

function KH to get a hash of the message m. This will give her a
128-bit hash, which we will call r. This process uses the SDSS
Algorithm. r = KH k2 (m)

6. Just like in SDSS, Alice then computes the value of s. She

does this using the value of x, her private key xa, the large
prime number q and the value of r. s = x / (r + xa) mod q
Signcryption - generating components c and r

Signcryption - generating component s

7. Alice now has three different values, c, r and s. She then has to get
these three values to Bob in order to complete the transaction. She
can do this in a couple of ways. She can send them all at one time .
Steps involved in Unsigncrypting
a message.
1. Bob receives the 3 values that Alice has sent him, c, r and
s. He uses the values of r and s, his private key xb, Alice’s
public key ya and p and g to compute a hash which would
give him 128-bit result. K = hash ((ya * gr)s X xb mod p)
2. Bob then uses the key, k1, to decrypt the cipher text c, which
will give him the message m. m = Dk1(c)
3. Now Bob does a one-way keyed hash function on m using
the key k2 and compares the result with the value r he received
from Alice. If they match, it means that the message m was
indeed signed and sent by Alice, if not Bob will know that the
message was either not signed by Alice or was intercepted and
modified by an intruder. Thus Bob accepts the message only if
KHk2(m) = r.
 Unique unsigncryptability: The unsigncryption is
unique to the message m and the sender.

Security: Signcryption is a combination of two

security schemes, digital signatures as well as public
key encryption, it is likely to be more

 Efficiency:The cost of computation involved when

applying the Signcryption and Unsigncryption
algorithms is small.
Unforgeability: Any changes made to the message
will reflect in the next step of Signcryption, which will
ensure that the one-way keyed hash function on the
message, will not match the value .

Confidentiality: An attacker has obtained all three

components of the Signcrypted message, c, r and s, he
still would not be able to get any partial information of
the message because he would have to also know ones
private key.
1.LM Signcryption and its application in WTLS
handshake protocol:

 Theprimary goal of WTLS is to provide privacy, data

integrity and AKA (Authentication and
Key Agreement) between communication entities.

 By the use of Signcryption, bandwidth use can

be reduced and computational load can be decreased
without compromising on the
security of the message.
2.Using Signcryption in unforgeable key
establishment over ATM Networks:
 The need of the hour is to design an authenticated key
establishment protocol that
 ı does not rely on a key distribution system,
 ı has low resource requirements,
 ı message is as short as possible and
 ı offers unforgeability and non-repudiation.
 In such a scenario, a modified usage of Signcryption
can solve the problem by minimizing message size as
well as ensuring unforgeability and nonrepudiation.
 Extensive research is going on in use of Signcryption in
key establishment over ATM networks.
Low computational cost: Computational power of
processors has developed vastly these days, so if you
consider Signcrypting network traffic between
stations of all of the traffic on a certain network, then
computational power as well as savings in bandwidth
are major factors.

 Message Recovery: A cryptographic algorithm or

protocol is said to provide a past recovery ability if one
can recover the message from the signed and encrypted
message using only his private key.
• Higher security:

X –Any Digital Signature Algorithm

Y – Any Encryption Algorithm
X’ – Total Number of Signature Algorithms known
Y’ – Total Number of Encryption Algorithms known
Therefore the combination of the schemes X and Y
would give you the Signcryption scheme
S. S = X U Y.
1.The way Signcryption algorithm works currently, one has
to use senders public key to signcrypt a message. This has a
disadvantage when you consider the need to broadcast a
Signcrypted text.

2.Imagine a bank needs to send a Signcrypted message to a

number of share traders. With the current algorithm, it
needs to signcrypt the message with each of it’s intended
recipient’s public keys and send them separately to each one
of them.

3.This approach is redundant in terms of bandwidth

consumption and computational resource usage.
1.Signcryption is a very novel idea that, if implemented in
the right way, can be very useful.

2. Signcryption still has a long way to go before it can be

implemented effectively and research is still going on
in various parts of the world to try to come up with a
much more effective way of implementing this.
Thank you-Any queries

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