A Three-Layer Cloud Storage Protection System Based On Cloud Storage
A Three-Layer Cloud Storage Protection System Based On Cloud Storage
A Three-Layer Cloud Storage Protection System Based On Cloud Storage
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In Few Mints
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Literature Survey
4. Existing System
5. Proposed System
6. Problem Definition
7. Objectives
8. Methodology
9. References
• Recent years witness the development of cloud
computing technology. With the explosive growth of
unstructured data, cloud storage technology gets more
attention and better development.
• Then, we can put a small part of data in local machine and fog
server in order to protect the privacy. Moreover, based on
computational intelligence, this algorithm can compute the
distribution proportion stored in cloud, fog, and local machine,
Proof-of-ownership schemes allow any owner of the same data to prove to the
cloud storage server that he owns the data in a robustway. However, many
users are likely to encrypt their data before outsourcing them to the cloud
storage to preserve privacy, butthis hampers deduplication because of the
randomization property of encryption.
Literature Survey
• Title 1: A Survey of Group Key Management
• Year: 2008
• Year: 2009
Problem Statement
• Fog computing is an emerging technology in the field of network services
where data transfer from one device to another to perform some kind of
activity. Fog computing is an extended concept of cloud computing.
• It works in-between the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud data centers
and reduces the communication gaps. Fog computing has made possible
to have decreased latency and low network congestion.