A Three-Layer Cloud Storage Protection System Based On Cloud Storage

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1. Abstract

2. Introduction

3. Literature Survey

4. Existing System

5. Proposed System

6. Problem Definition

7. Objectives

8. Methodology

9. References
• Recent years witness the development of cloud
computing technology. With the explosive growth of
unstructured data, cloud storage technology gets more
attention and better development.

• However, in current storage schema, user’s data is totally

stored in cloud servers. In other words, users lose their
right of control on data and face privacy leakage risk.

• Traditional privacy protection schemes are usually based

on encryption technology, but these kinds of methods
cannot effectively resist attack from the inside of cloud
• In order to solve this problem, we propose a three-layer storage
framework based on fog computing. The proposed framework can
both take full advantage of cloud storage and protect the privacy of
data. Besides, Hash-Solomon code algorithm is designed to divide
data into different parts.

• Then, we can put a small part of data in local machine and fog
server in order to protect the privacy. Moreover, based on
computational intelligence, this algorithm can compute the
distribution proportion stored in cloud, fog, and local machine,

• Through the theoretical safety analysis and experimental evaluation,

the feasibility of our scheme has been validated, which is really a
powerful supplement to existing cloud storage scheme.
CLOUD computing provides scalable, low-cost,and location-independent online
services rangingfrom simple backup services to cloud storage infras-tructures.
The fast growth of data volumes stored inthe cloud storage has led to an
increased demandfor techniques for saving disk space and network bandwidth.

In cloud storage services, deduplication technology is commonly used to reduce

the space and band width requirements of services by eliminating redundant
data and storing only a single copy of them. Deduplication is most effective
when multiple users outsource the same data to the cloud storage, but it raises
issues relating to security and ownership

Proof-of-ownership schemes allow any owner of the same data to prove to the
cloud storage server that he owns the data in a robustway. However, many
users are likely to encrypt their data before outsourcing them to the cloud
storage to preserve privacy, butthis hampers deduplication because of the
randomization property of encryption.
Literature Survey
• Title 1: A Survey of Group Key Management

• Author: Jiang and Hu

• Year: 2008

• Group communication can benefit from IP multicast to achieve

scalable exchange of messages. However, there is a challenge of
effectively controlling access to the transmitted data. IP multicast
by itself does not provide any mechanisms for preventing nongroup
members to have access to the group communication. Although
encryption can be used to protect messages exchanged among
group members, distributing the cryptographic keys becomes an
issue. Researchers have proposed several different approaches to
group key management.
Literature Survey
• Title 2: A Dynamic Layering Scheme of Multicast Key Management

• Author: Fan, Ping, Kuan and Ming

• Year: 2009

• Group key management is a difficult task in implementing large and

dynamic secure multicast. In this paper, a new scheme is proposed in the
basis of in-depth analysis of the requirements of the secure multicast and
group key management. The scheme is based on the multicast group
security architecture and multicast security group key management
architecture proposed by IETF.
Literature Survey
• An Efficient Hierarchical Group Key Managemnt Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc
Networks “Author: Dawood, Mneney, Aghdasi and Dawoud” Year:2009

• Amobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection ofautonomous nodes that

communicate with each other,most frequently using a multi-hop wireless
network.Nodes do not necessarily know each other and cometogether to form
an ad hoc group for some specificpurpose. Key distribution systems usually
require atrusted third party that acts as a mediator between nodesof the
network. Ad hoc networks typically do not havean online trusted authority
but there may be an off lineone that is used during system initialization.Group
key establishment means that multiple partieswant to create a common secret
to be used to exchangeinformation securely.
Existing Sytem
•In an existing system, Hou, Pu and Fan consider that in
traditional situation, user’s data is stored through CSP, even if
CSP is trustworthy, attackers can still get user’s data if they
control the cloud storage management node.

•To avoid this problem, they propose an encrypted index structure

based on an asymmetric challenge-response authentication
mechanism. When user requests data from cloud server, the user
sends a password to the server for identification.

• Taking it into consideration that the password may be

intercepted, the structure uses asymmetric response mode. Hou,
Wu, Zhen and Yang point out that the secure core of cloud storage
is security and privacy in distributed system.
– There is no Data Partitions and keeping whole data in different layers which will
yield data redundancy.
– There is no Hash-Solomon code algorithm to keep data in secure way.
Proposed System
•The system proposes a TLS scheme based on fog computing model
and design a Hash-Solomon code based on Reed-Solomon code. Fog
computing is an extended computing model based on cloud
computing which is composed of a lot of fog nodes.

•These nodes have a certain storage capacity and processing

capability. In this scheme, the system splits user’s data into three
parts and separately save them in the cloud server, the fog server
and the user’s local machine.
Proposed System
•Besides, depending on the property of the Hash-Solomon code, the
scheme can ensure the original data cannot be recovered by partial data.

•On another hand, using Hash-Solomon code will produce a portion of

redundant data blocks which will be used in decoding procedure.
Increasing the number of redundant blocks can increase the reliability of
the storage, but it also results in additional data storage.


•Three-Layer Privacy Preserving Cloud Storage Scheme Based on Fog

Computing Model which is more secure and efficient.

•Fast Hash-Solomon code algorithm is used to divide data into different

parts and allocate to each layer based on partitions.

Problem Statement
• Fog computing is an emerging technology in the field of network services
where data transfer from one device to another to perform some kind of
activity. Fog computing is an extended concept of cloud computing.

• It works in-between the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud data centers
and reduces the communication gaps. Fog computing has made possible
to have decreased latency and low network congestion.

• Fog computing is an on-going research trend in which the possibility of

efficient network services exist. Fog computing can be described as a cloud
type platform having similar services of data computation, data storage
and application service but it is fundamentally different as it decentralized
• Traditional secure cloud storage solutions for the above problems
are usually focusing on access restrictions or data encryption.
These methods can actually eliminate most part of these problems.
• However, all of these solutions cannot solve the internal attack well,
no matter how the algorithm improves. Besides, depending on the
property of the Hash-Solomon code, the scheme can ensure the
original data cannot be recovered by partial data.
• On another hand, mistreatment Hash-Solomon code can turn out a
little of redundant information blocks which can be utilized in
decipherment procedure. Increasing the number of redundant
blocks can increase the reliability of the storage, but it also results
in additional data storage
System Specification
➢ H/W System Configuration:-
➢ Processor - Pentium –IV
➢ RAM - 4 GB (min)
➢ Hard Disk - 20 GB
➢ Key Board - Standard Windows Keyboard
➢ Mouse - Two or Three Button Mouse
➢ Monitor - SVGA
Software Requirements:
Operating System - Windows XP
Coding Language - Java/J2EE(JSP,Servlet)
Front End - J2EE
Back End - MySQL

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