DR Shabir
DR Shabir
DR Shabir
Evolution of Community Medicine
(History of Medicine)
Stages seen in the history of medicine:
• 1860: Germ theory (anthrax by Robert
• 1880: Typhoid & pneumonia 1882 TB
• 1883: Birth of preventive medicine (ARV)
• 1883: Cholera vaccine, 1892 dipth
• 1898: Malaria transmission by Ross
Evolution of Community Medicine
(History of Medicine)
Stages seen in the history of medicine:
• 1900: Multifactorial causation of disease
• 1911: Social medicine
• 1920: Disease control
• 1960: Health promotion
• 1981: HFA
Concept of Health
Concept of Health
• Biomedical concept
• Ecological concept
• Psychological concept
• Holistic concept
WHO Definition of Health
Operational definition:
A condition or quality of human organism expressing the adequate functioning
of the organism in giving condition, genetic or environmental
Dimensions of health
1. Physical 6. Vocational
2. Mental 7. Others:
1. Cultural
3. Social 2. Socioeconomic
4. Spiritual 3. Environmental
4. Educational
5. Emotional 5. Nutritional
6. Curative
7. Preventive
Concept of Wellbeing
• Objective component
1. Standard of living
2. Level of living
• Subjective component
• Quality of Life (PQLI)
(IM, Life expt. @ 1, Literacy.)
• Human development Index
(Life expt. @ 0, Knowledge, Income)
Concept of Wellbeing
• Subjective component
• Quality of Life (PQLI)
(IM, Life expt. @ 1, Literacy.)
The condition of life resulting from combination of the factors such as
those determining health happiness education social and intellectual
attainments freedom of action, justice and freedom of expression
1. Individual responsibility
2. Community responsibility
3. State responsibility
4. International responsibility
Indicators of health
(Valid Reliable Sensitive Specific)
1. Mortality indicators
2. Morbidity indicators
3. Disability indicators
4. Nutritional Status indicators
5. Health care delivery indicators
6. Utilization rate
7. Indicators of social and mental health
8. Environmental indicators
9. Socioeconomic indicators
10. Health policy indicators
11. Indicators of quality of life
12. Others……….
Health Indicators
Valid, reliable, sensitive and relevant indicators which
determine health development are called health
• Mortality Indicators: Death rate, Life span, IMR, Child mortality rate,
MMR, Case fatality rate, proportion mortality rate.
• Morbidity Indicators: Disease rate (incidence, prevalence)
• Disability Indicators: Hospitalization, loss of work, sullivan index DALYs
• Nutritional Indicators: Anthropometric values, LBW
• Utilization Indicators: Fully immunized, bed turn out…
• Socioeconomic Indicators: Per capita income. Family size.
Mortality indicators
1. Crude death rate
2. Expectancy of life
3. Infant mortality rate
4. Child Mortality rate
5. Under 5 proportionate mortality rate
6. Maternal mortality
7. Disease specific mortality
8. Proportionate mortality rate
Concept of disease
It is departure from state of health interrupting in
normal function of the body
Concept of disease
• Theories of causation of disease
• (Germ theory, Epidemiological Triad, Multifactorial causation, web of causation)
• Risk Factors
• Iceberg Phenomena
• Monitoring he performance & analysis of routine measurements aimed at
t detecting
changes in the environment or health status of population
• Surveillance The continuous scrutiny of the factors that determines the occurrence
and distribution of disease and other conditions of ill health
• Sentinel Surveillance
• Prevention and Control
Difference between
Control & Eradication
Control Eradication
Definition To reduce incidence to Total extirpation of
acceptable level disease agent
Objective To reduce morbidity & To uproot the disease
mortality (no more PH problem)
Area of operation In high incidence area Total coverage
1. Primordial Prevention
2. Primary Prevention
3. Secondary Prevention
4. Tertiary Prevention
Natural history of disease
Interrelation of Agent , Host and Reaction of the host to the stimulus
Environmental Factor
1. Health Promotion:
It is a process of enabling people to increase control
over & to improve health
– Health education
– Environmental health
– Nutritional intervention
– Lifestyle changes
– Behavior changes
Modes of Intervention
2. Specific Protection:
It is a process to totally avoid disease or illness
– Immunization
– Nutritional supplement
– Chemoprophylaxis
– Immunoprophylaxis
– Protective device in industry
– Protective device against carcinogen
– Protective device against allergens
Modes of Intervention
4. Disability Limitation
It is a process involving interaction to
prevent disability e.g.
– Disability limitation in nerve damage in
– Physiotherapy in polio lameness.