Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales (VABS) : Is A Type of Adaptive Behaviour Skills Assessment Scale

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Vineland Adaptive

Behaviour Scales
What is adaptive behavior?
Adaptive behavior skills include:
 l

Communication and social


Personal care skills

Independent living
Practical academics
Adaptive behavior skills include:
Communication (interacting and communicating with other people)
and social skills

Independent (shopping, budgeting, and cleaning)

living skills
Personal care (eating, dressing, and grooming)
Employment/wor (following directions, completing tasks, and getting to
k skills work on time)
Practical (reading, computation, and telling time)
Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales (VABS)
Three Versions of VABS

. The Interview Edition, Survey Form

(297 items)
2. The Interview Edition, Expanded
Form (577 items)
3. The Classroom Edition (244 items)
Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales
 Introduction
The VABS (1984, 2005, 2008, 2016) developed and revised by Sara Sparrow, david
Balla, & Domestic Cicchetti
 The Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales, a revision of the Vineland Adaptive
Social Maturity Scale ( which focussed only on socialization rather then other
areas of daily living life skills).
 Assess personal and social sufficiency of individuals from birth to adulthood.
 This scale is applicable to handicapped and nonhandicapped individuals.
 Revised Vineland does not require the direct administration of tasks to an
individual, but instead requires a respondent who is familiar with the individual’s
The Interview Edition, Survey Form

 Total items are 297

 Assess weakness and strength about adaptive skills.
 A trained interviewer administered this survey form to a parent or caregiver of an
individual from birth to 18 years and 11 months old or low functioning adults.
 Timing 20 and 60 minutes
 Age range 6 to 18 years
 For administration
 Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales: Interview Edition Survey Form
 Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales: Interview Edition Manual
Uses/Purpose of VABS

 Confirming or establishing Intellectual Disability

 Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
 Confirming the developmental delays in personal care and social functioning
 Program Planning
 Measuring Progress/ change over time
VABS Four Adaptive Domains & their
• Personal
• Receptive • Domestic
• Expressive • Community
• Written

Communicati Daily Living

on Skills

Socialization Motor Skills

• Interpersonal • Gross
• Play/ Leisure Motor
• Coping Skills • Fine Motor
 Maladaptive Domain is Optional it is consists 2 parts.
 Part-1
 Part-2
 Applied on children who are 5 years old and above the age of five.
Division of Subdomains into Categories
Domain Sub-Domain Category
• Understanding
• Listening and attending
• Following instruction
• Pre-speech expression
Expressive • Beginning to talk
Communication •

Interactive speech
Using abstract concepts
• Speech skills

• Expressing complete ideas

• Beginning to read
Written • Reading skills
• Writing skills
Division of Subdomains into Categories
Domain Sub-Domains Categories
• Eating and drinking
• Toileting
Personal • Dressing
• Bathing
• Grooming
• Health Care

Daily Living Domestic

• Housekeeping
• Kitchen Chores
Skills • Caring for Clothes
• Safety Skills
• Telephone Skills
Community • Money Skills
• Time and dates
• Left right orientation
• Restaurant Skills
• Job Skills
Division of Subdomains into Categories
Domain Sub-Domains Categories
• Responding to others
• Expressing and recognizing
Interpersonal emotions
• Imitating
• Social Communication
• Friendship
• Thoughtfulness
• Belongingness to groups

Socialization •

• Sharing and cooperating
Play/Leisure • Television and Radio
• Hobbies
• Going places with friends
• Manners
• Following rules
• Apologising
Coping Skills • Keeping secrets
• Controlling impuses
• Responsibility
Division of Subdomains into Categories
Domain Sub-Domains Categories

• Sitting
Gross Motor Skills • Walking And Running
• Play Activity

Motor Skills
Fine Motor Skills • Manipulating Objects
• Drawing and Using Scissor

 Survey form manual

 Record booklet
 Pencil
 eraser
Administration of VABS
 General Instructions
 Describe a brief introduction about the test in front of individual’s care giver and parents.
 Ask them I will read a statement and then you have to score the statement in accordance with
your child
 Score the each item as 2, 1, & 0
 In this test there are some items in which you should not score the item as 1.
 Strat test according to the C.A.
 Find out the B.A and Ceiling point.
 Basal age –when 7 questions scored as 2.
 Ceiling point- it is a point where we stop the test when 7 consecutive items scoring is 0.
Scoring of VABS

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