Asesmen Lokasi Serangan Teroris Menggunakan Teori "Evil Done"

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 ROUNTINE ACTIVITIES THEORY, konvergensi antara motivated offender,

suitable targets, dan absence of capable guardian
 RATIONAL CHOICE THEORY, kejahatan dilakukan setelah pelaku kejahatan
mempertimbangkan manfaat dan resiko kejahatan
 CRIME PATTERN THEORY, kejahatan yang terjadi secara berulang
sesungguhnya akibat overlap atara aktivitas target dan pelaku, memiliki pola-pola
yang relative tetap sehingga dapat diprediksi
Research has concluded that terrorists devote a large
amount of time to selecting a location that suits specific
intentions (Clarke & Newman, 2006).
Thus, just as terrorists seek the most vulnerable places as
possible targets, it is important to identify the most
vulnerable places in order to prioritize SCP efforts.
Additionally, because terrorists have many different
objectives, the kind of targets they select will be consistent
with their motivations.
Kerentanan target

 Theavailability of tools and the degree of facilitating

conditions in a certain area can further contribute to the
vulnerability of a place.
 Thefour pillars of opportunity (targets, weapons, tools,
and facilitation conditions) can be reduced through
implementing SCP strategies.
Unit Analisis

Research conducted by Boba (2009) breaks down the

examination of terrorism opportunity and SCP into three
units of analysis (UOA) which include:
 (1) a specific target under a specific threat,
 (2) a general threat to a specific target,
 (3) a general threat to a general target
 The primary purpose of EVIL DONE is to be the first step in identifying vulnerable targets through identifying
features of specific locations that make it more vulnerable to attack (Clarke & Newman, 2006).
 The elements of EVIL DONE include:
a. Exposed,
b. Vital,
c. Iconic,
d. Legitimate,
e. Destructible,
f. Occupied,
g. Near, and
h. Easy
(Clarke & Newman, 2006).
 The more elements that apply to a location, the more vulnerable the target is to terrorism

 Adalah kondisi target yang menarik perhatian

 Lokasi yang terbuka akan lebih menarik ketimbang yang
tersembunyi di antara banyak gedung
 Kondisi eksposed sangat tergantung pada kondisi
lingkungan di sekitar
 Target disebut vital bila memiliki peranan yang sangat
penting bagi kehidupan masyarakat
 Fasilitas
umum seperti transportasi, pembangkit energy,
suplay makanan, fasilitas air bersih merupakan target yang
dipersepsi sebagai target vital
 Target
semacam ini menarik bagi teroris karena bila
mengalami gangguan atau tidak beroperasi akan
memberikan dampak luas dan menakutkan bagi publik

 Iconic refers to the symbolic value of the specific location.

 Symbols that represent the nation’s power and unity are
attractive to terrorists who seek to figuratively impair the
strength of the country
 Semakin kuat symbol yang direpresentasi oleh target maka
akan semakin besar dampak yang ditimbulkannya jika
 Legitimate targets include those that will bring about a positive
reaction from the supporters of the terrorist or the terrorist
 Consistent with the idea that terrorists are rational beings, they seek
to maximize positive reinforcements and avoid condemnation, or
negative consequences.
 Therefore, terrorists seek targets that will be viewed as Legitimate,
which typically include locations housing military and government

 Destructible refers to the ability to destroy the target/location or kill a

targeted person.
 Although all targets are destructible in some way, some locations are
more durable than others, and some persons are more heavily
protected than others.
 Thus, the Destructible element refers to “the amount and
accessibility of weapons required to destroy a target” (Boba, 2009,
 Occupied targets include those that house a large amount of people.
 Terrorists characteristically seek to harm as many people as possible in
order to strengthen their purpose (increase fear, increase legitimacy, etc.).
 Locations with high population densities provide the greatest
opportunities for terrorists to exert great harm and establish fear among
the targeted community.
 The Occupied element is dependent on timing as some locations may be
heavily occupied only during certain times of the day or certain periods
in the year.

 Near refers to the distance from which the location is to the terrorist’s home or
the terrorist organization’s abode.
 Crime pattern theory and criminological studies have emphasized that offenders
prefer targets that are closer to home and rarely travel large distances to commit
 This theory holds true for terrorism in that terrorists prefer opportunities in
locations that they are familiar with and require less travel.
 Targets that are near home are not only easier to attack, but also easier to
escape from

 Easy targets include those that are weakly protected or are accessible to the
 It refers to the effort required to obtain access to the locations based on the
provided security measures
 Target yang dipersepsi mudah adalah apabila tidak diperlukan upaya yg besar
untukmendekati atau memasukinya dan untuk melakukan serangan terhadap
target tersebut

 Setiap target dapat dialkukan asesmen kerentanan berdasarkan masing-masing

 Masing-masing elemen dapat ditemukan indikatornya
 Masing-masing indicator dapat diberikan skor (1 sd 10)
 Total skor masing-masing elemen kemudian diakumulasi untuk memberikan
penilaian tingkat kerentanan
 Tingkat kerentanan dapat digunakan sebagai landasan untuk merancang dan
menentukan pola pengamanan serta sumber daya yang diperlukan

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