TEC 1 - SEMINAR On Internship - SR Bincy K Mathew

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(Concept, Relevance And
Presented by
Bincy K Mathew, Roll No.5
First Year M.Ed
e r al
InGen Introduction
An internship is a period of work
experience offered by an organization for a
limited period of time.

It helps to determine if the intern still has

an interest in that field after the real-life

It provides the choice to receive hands-on

learning about a particular future career,
preparing them for full-time work following
Internship in Teacher Education

Founder of cooperative education or internships

- Herman Schneider in 1906
Special features/Characteristics of
It provides greater scope for development of
sound knowledge on different areas.
It intends to bring integrated development of
the trainee- teachers touching cognitive and
non- cognitive aspects of their behaviours.
It is primarily practical oriented.
Intends to develop commitment, competence,
accountability, dutifulness.
Develop skills of trainee-teachers to be
competent enough
The Concept of Internship
An internship is a Work Based Learning
experience that involves on-the-job training to
prepare for a future career in a given field, with
the emphasis being placed on the development
of skills and knowledge pertaining to that
particular field of work

A student-teacher intern is expected to gain

experience and knowledge and develop vital
teaching skills.
The internship is an
educational experience combining
daily experiences in the
classroom setting, time
allocated to work on
assignments and exam
preparation, and time spent
coaching extracurricular
The internship experiences enhance
self-confidence, values and attitudes
and leads to an increase in
independence, social maturity and
interpersonal skills.

Internship plays a pivotal role in

completion of professional courses.
It provides direct experiences to
trainees on various roles of a teacher
Relevance of Internship
Internship program ensures the
professional preparation of prospective

It provides practical opportunity to

develop true understanding of the
teaching profession and future
prospects of working conditions in that
Benefits of college students from internships
1. Students can apply their classroom learning in
professional environments
2. Students can gain exposure to their chosen field
3. Students can establish critical networking connections
4. Students can gain coveted work experience

Benefits of employers from offering internships for

college students
1. Employers can reap immediate rewards without a hiring
2. Employers can evaluate up-and-coming talent
3. Employers can expose young professionals to their
Implementation of Internship
by the Teacher Training Institutes

Obtaining permission from the Inspector

of Schools for conduct of Intern in schools.
Respective schools willingness in such
type of arrangement.
Adjustment of Student Teachers in
respective schools.
For successful implementation of
Internship scheme
1. Teacher training institute need to coordinate with
Affiliated University, Inspector of Schools and the
2. The task of Teacher Supervisor/Mentor is to assess the
student teachers activities along with the guidance to be
Practice teaching and Practical work

Practice Teaching
The term teaching practice represents the range of
experiences to which student teachers are exposed
when they work in classrooms and schools.
It grants student teachers experience in the actual
teaching and learning environment.

During teaching practice, a student teacher is given the

opportunity to try the art of teaching before actually
getting into the real world of the teaching profession.
Practice Teaching

Provides for the 'real interface' between

student hood and membership of the

Creates a mixture of anticipation, anxiety,

excitement and apprehension in the student
Practical work
Teacher Education is being made Work Based
Learning (WBL) programmes which seem to
be encouraged and practised world-wide
offering students practical experience in their
chosen field of study.
Practical Works
in Teacher Education training
Practical activities like internal assessment
Project works,
Sessional works,
Internship in teaching,
Practice of micro- teaching skills
Community works
Practical works relating to work experiences
Innovative works on physical education
Work experience
Fieldwork with community
Conclusion and Recommendations
The Internship, Teaching practice and practical works
are important components in training because it
exposes them to the actual teaching and learning
environment in which they can contextualise their
theoretical knowledge gained during training.

It also affords student teachers an opportunity to

determine whether the appropriate career choice has
been made or not. However, despite the thorough
preparation, students may have to face with challenges
which may significantly affect their ability to accrue
maximum benefits from the teaching practice.
These experiences may also negatively influence
the student teachers' perception of and attitude
towards the teaching profession.

But it is true to say that Internship, Practice

Teaching and other Practical works are inevitable
part of Teacher education course for the overall
development of the future Nation Builders.
The timing of the teaching practice at the end of the
year is inappropriate.

It is therefore recommended that the teaching

programme timetable should be designed towards or
during the months of June – October.

The higher education institutions should have a

profile of each school which should be made available
to the student teachers so that it could give the student
teachers an idea about the school and assist them in
selecting the appropriate schools for teaching practice.
I would like to suggest that before and
during each teaching practice session
there should be thorough public relations
groundwork undertaken by the institution
in order to maintain good relations
between the student teachers and all
relevant role players.
(IJAR)/recent_issues_pdf /2015/December/December_2015_1450703739 20.pdf
accessed 10/01/2021
http://www.academia.edu/4564980/Sample_Internship_Report accessed on
accessed on 14/01/2021

f% Fsequence%3D1 accessed on 14/01/2021

http://www.aiaer.net/ejournal/vol19107/10.htm accessed on 15/01/2021

accessed on 15/01/2021

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