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2020 Edition

Lecture Aid
By: Zeus Vernon B. Millan

PAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting

Learning Objectives
• Define an interim financial report.
• State the scope and applicability of PAS 34.
• Briefly describe the recognition and measurement principles
applied in interim financial reporting.

Conceptual Framework & Acctg. Standards (by: Zeus Vernon B. Millan) 2

Definition of terms

• Interim reporting pertains to the preparation and presentation of

interim financial report for an interim period.

• Interim period is a financial reporting period shorter than a full financial

• Interim financial report means a financial report containing either:
a. a complete set of financial statements (PAS 1); or
b. a set of condensed financial statements (PAS 34)
………for an interim period.

Conceptual Framework & Acctg.

Standards (by: Zeus Vernon B. Millan)

• PAS 34 does not require entities to provide interim financial


• PAS 34 applies if an entity is (a) required by government, securities

regulators, stock exchanges, and accountancy bodies or (b) the
entity elects or chooses to publish an interim financial report in
accordance with PFRSs.

• PAS 34 encourages publicly traded entities to provide at least

semi-annual interim financial report and publish them not later
than 60 days after the end of the interim period.

Conceptual Framework & Acctg.

Standards (by: Zeus Vernon B. Millan)
Content of an interim financial report

• An entity presenting an interim financial report has the option of

complying either with PAS 1 (complete set of FS) or PAS 34
(condensed set of FS).

Conceptual Framework & Acctg.

Standards (by: Zeus Vernon B. Millan)
Complete set of financial statements under PAS 1

1. Statement of financial position;

2. Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income;
3. Statement of changes in equity;
4. Statement of cash flows;
5. Notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and
other explanatory information;
(5a) comparative information in respect of the preceding period; and
6. A statement of financial position as at the beginning of the preceding
period (i.e., in cases of retrospective application, retrospective
restatement or reclassification adjustment).

Conceptual Framework & Acctg.

Standards (by: Zeus Vernon B. Millan)
Minimum content of an interim financial report under PAS 34

1. Condensed statement of financial position;

2. Condensed statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive
income, presented as either (a) a condensed single statement; or
(b) a condensed separate income statement and a condensed
statement of comprehensive income;
3. Condensed statement of changes in equity;
4. Condensed statement of cash flows; and
5. Selected explanatory notes.

Conceptual Framework & Acctg.

Standards (by: Zeus Vernon B. Millan)
• The term “condensed” means an entity needs only to provide the
minimum information required under PAS 34.

• However, an entity is not prohibited from publishing a complete set

of financial statements in accordance with PAS 1 in its interim
financial report.

• Furthermore, an entity is also not prohibited from including in its

condensed interim financial statements information that is more
than the minimum line items or selected explanatory notes set out
under PAS 34.

Conceptual Framework & Acctg.

Standards (by: Zeus Vernon B. Millan)
Additional concepts

• Relevance over Reliability – in the interest of timeliness and cost

considerations, less information may be provided at interim dates.

• Materiality and Estimates – an entity may rely on estimates to a

greater extent when preparing interim financial reports.

• Note disclosures – only selected explanatory notes are provided in

interim financial reports to avoid repetition.

Conceptual Framework & Acctg.

Standards (by: Zeus Vernon B. Millan)
Periods for which interim financial
statements are presented
• Semi-annual interim financial reporting

Conceptual Framework & Acctg.

Standards (by: Zeus Vernon B. Millan)
Periods for which interim financial
statements are presented (continuation)
• Quarterly interim financial reporting (3rd qtr.)

Conceptual Framework & Acctg.

Standards (by: Zeus Vernon B. Millan)
Business is highly seasonal

• If an entity's business is highly seasonal, PAS 34 encourages

disclosure of financial information for the latest 12 months and
comparative information for the prior 12-month period in
addition to the interim period financial statements.

Conceptual Framework & Acctg.

Standards (by: Zeus Vernon B. Millan)
Recognition and measurement

• Gains and losses arising in an interim period are recognized

immediately and are not deferred, e.g., inventory write-downs &
reversals; asset impairment losses & reversals; discontinued operations;
and fair value changes on assets measured at fair value.

• Costs and expenses (income) that benefit the entire year or are incurred
(earned) over the year are spread out over the interim periods, e.g.,
depreciation, amortization; property taxes; insurance expense; interest
expense (income); 13th month pay and other year-end bonuses.

Conceptual Framework & Acctg.

Standards (by: Zeus Vernon B. Millan)
Recognition and measurement (continuation)

• Discretionary income are recognized immediately in the period the

income is earned, e.g., dividend income.

• Income tax expense in the interim periods is computed using the

best estimate of the weighted average annual income tax
rate expected for the full financial year.

Conceptual Framework & Acctg.

Standards (by: Zeus Vernon B. Millan)


Conceptual Framework & Acctg. Standards (by: Zeus Vernon B. Millan) 15


Conceptual Framework & Acctg.

Standards (by: Zeus Vernon B. Millan)
Conceptual Framework & Acctg. Standards (by: Zeus Vernon B. Millan) 17

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