Decentralization in Operation and Segment Reporting
Decentralization in Operation and Segment Reporting
Decentralization in Operation and Segment Reporting
As a future CPA, you need to prepare reports that will aid management in decision making regarding segments or product lines
The best scenario would be the Pag-ibig Fund, as a member, your data and contribution are decentralized to different
If you work in Makati, your contributions would fall into the Pag-ibig Makati branch only.
Same scenario if you work in Quezon City. However, you need to request for an update to unify your contributions in Makati and Quezon
Unlike in SSS, your contribution in Quezon City and Makati will automatically be updated in your file contribution because the system is
1. Cost center whose segment manager control costs but not revenues and investment funds.
2. Profit center whose segment manager control revenues and costs but not investment funds.
3. Investment center whose segment manager control revenues costs and investment in operating assets.
1. Net Operating Income (NOI) pertains to Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT)
2. Average operating assets comprise cash, accounts receivable, inventory, property & equipment, and other productive assets.
3. Most companies use Book value (Carrying amount) to calculate Average operating assets.
It encourages managers to make profitable investments that would be rejected by managers using ROI.
However, residual income cannot be used to compare the performance of segments of different sizes.
I already gave the format, you just have to compute it but do not forget to analyze it via the interpretations.
If Sales increase by P20,000, what would be the effect on ROI? Will there be an increase or decrease?
4.6 Economic Value Added (EVA)
Economic Value Added is a business unit's income after taxes and after deducting the cost of capital.
The formula:
Hence, P39,600 is the business unit's EVA. It means that the business unit NOI is P39,600 more than the invested cost of capital.
It emphasizes the performance of a certain segment rather than the company as a whole.
The best example is Samsung, wherein it has a different product line such as cell phone, laptops, and appliances
4.9 Summary
1. Decentralization in organization would mean that lower-level managers can decide within their own accountability.
2. The responsibility centers are cost center, profit center and investment center.
3. Segment managers would use these analysis as a measure of performance of an investment are Return of Investment (ROI),
Residual Income and Economic Value Added
4. Segment reporting is the disclosure of financial information about the products and services an entity is the disclosure of financial
information an entity about the products and services. It is a modified version of Variable costing's income statement.