Soundings SkewT
Soundings SkewT
Soundings SkewT
• A brief review of static stability
• The skew-T / log-P
• Inversions
• Mixed Layers
• Air masses, briefly
Adiabatic Process
An adiabatic process is one in which no heat or mass
is exchanged with the environment -- in other words,
a parcel stays a parcel. In the atmosphere, a parcel
expanding / being compressed adiabatically cools / warms
at a constant rate with respect to height. The rate at which
this happens is known as the dry adiabatic lapse rate,
which we’ll denote as gamma:
Γd = g / cp ~ 10K / km
Γm ~ 6K / km
mb ft.
2 3
1 4
2 common inversions
• Subsidence Inversions
– typically form in regions of large scale sinking
motion (under the subtropical highs, under the
left entrance / right exit region of jets) or on the
periphery of convective cells.
• Radiation Inversions
– where would you expect a radiation inversion
to develop? and when?
A subsidence inversion
A radiation inversion
Mixed Layers
A mixed layer is produced by turbulence, which tends to
mix conservative tracers such as potential temperature
and momentum. Moisture is also mixed, although it may
not be mixed uniformly (often there may be a slight
decrease with height).