Design of A Fixed Partial Denture With Abutment Tooth Preparation
Design of A Fixed Partial Denture With Abutment Tooth Preparation
Design of A Fixed Partial Denture With Abutment Tooth Preparation
Radiograph of 3 unit FPD with rigid Radiograph of a 3 unit FPD with non rigid
connectors connector
Step 1b: Treatment planning
• Construction of diagnostic casts of both arches
• Occlusal rehabilitation- Intentional alteration of the
occlusal surfaces of teeth to change their form- GPT
• Mount the cast on the articulator and assess the
height, rotation and inclination of abutment teeth
along with a general idea about the present
• Determine the need for preprosthetic mouth
preparation ex. For unfavorable residual ridge
Treatment Planning
• Selection of type of material according to the
condition of abutment teeth and surrounding
periodontium (ex. Conventional FPD for sound
abutment teeth and implant supported FPD for
inadequate abutment support)
• Provide the patient with a few treatment
options according to your diagnosis and let the
patient choose according to their needs and
Preparation of a diagnostic cast.
Mounting a cast and surveying to
check for tooth borne undercuts,
path of insertion of retainer,
occlusal contact etc.
Step 2: Abutment Selection
A tooth, a portion of tooth or that portion of an
implant used for the support of a fixed or
removable prosthesis- GPT
Selection Criteria of Abutment
1. Location and condition of abutment: grossly
decayed or pulp capped tooth avoided
2. Root configuration: Irregularly curved long
roots preferred with greater labiolingual
3. Crown:root ratio should be <1 (ideally 2:3)
4. Must Satisfy Ante’s Law
5. Vital Tooth preferred
Ante’s Law
The Combined pericemental area of all
abutment teeth supporting a fixed dental
prosthesis should be equal to or greater in
pericemental area than the tooth or teeth to be
replaced- GPT
(a) Histological sulcus (0.69 mm), (b) Junctional Epithelial attachment (0.97
mm), (c) Connective tissue attachment (1.07 mm), (d) Biologic width (b+c)
Gingival Margin Finish
• Supragingival Finish: easier to prepare with easy finish.
Restorations and impressions are made easily without soft
tissue injury
Step5a: Retainer design
The part of a fixed partial Denture which unites
the abutments to the remainder of the
restoration- GPT
Selection of type of retainer
• Full Veneer- For extensively damaged teeth
• Partial Veneer- For teeth with insufficient natural tooth material present
for full veneer
• Conservative/ Acid etched retainer- For minimum tooth reduction, ideal
for anterior teeth. They have poor strength but good aesthetic
• Telescopic retainer- for abutment teeth which are not in long axis with
the path of insertion of the prosthesis. (Requires Coping)
• Pin retained crown- if two abutment teeth are not aligned parallel to
each other
• Full metal crown- when minimum tooth reduction is indicated with
strength being a necessity
• Metal Ceramic Jacket crown- Veneer over the buccal or labial aspect for
aesthetic consideration.
Full Veneer Crown