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Health Care Management: Distribution of Health Services in India

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Ms. Ankita jaiswal
Services Assistant Professor
National P.G.College

Health care system in

Health care system

Indigeno Volunt
us ary National
public private system health health
of agenci program
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Health Pvt
Primary hospital insuranc Other hospitals General
health s e agencie , practitio
centres compani s polyclini ners and
es cs, clinics
Health care systems

Intended to delivery healthcare services and represented by five major sectors
different from each other by health technology
1. Public health sector
a. Primary health care
 Primary health centres
 Sub centres
 Community health centres
b. Hospitals/Health centres
 Rural hospitals
 District hospitals/health centres
 Specialist hospitals
 Teaching hospitals
c. Health insurance schemes
 Employees State Insurance
 Central Govt. Health Schemes .
d. Other agencies
 Defense services
 Railways

2. Private sector
a. Private hospitals, polyclinic, nursing homes and dispensaries
b. General practitioners and clinics
3. Indigenous system of medicine
c. Ayurveda, and
d. Siddha,
e. Unani,
f. Homeopathy,
g. Naturopathy.
4. Voluntary health agencies

5. National health programmes

Primary health care

 Primary Health Care as defined by the World Health
Organization (WHO) in 1978 is…
Essential health care; based on
 practical,
 scientifically sound, and
 socially acceptable method and technology….
 …….made universally accessible to individuals and families
of the community through their full participation….
 ……at a cost that community and country can afford to
maintain every stage of their development in the spirit of self


“Primary health care is essential health care

made universally accessible to individuals
and acceptable to them through their full
participation and at a cost the community and
country can afford”.
What is there in Primary Health

 Primary Health Care includes: –
Primary Care (physicians, midwives & nurses);
– Health promotion, illness prevention;
– Health maintenance & home support;
– Community rehabilitation;
– Pre-hospital emergency medical services… and…
– Coordination and referral to other areas of health

 It is the first level of contact with the health system to promote health,
prevent illness, care for common illnesses, and manage ongoing
health problems.
 Primary Health Care involves concerted effort to provide rural
population of developing countries with least bare minimum of
health services.
 Some services are also provided community and hospitals
 Primary Health Care is different in each community depending upon:
 – Needs of the residents;
 – Availability of health care providers;
 – The communities geographic location; &
 – Proximity to other health care services in the area.
Elements of primary health

1. Education about prevailing health conditions and
methods to prevent and control them
2. Promotion of food supply and proper nutrition
3. Adequate water supply and basic sanitation
4. Maternal and child health care with family planning
5. Immunization against major infectious diseases
6. Prevention and control of locally endemic diseases
7. Appropriate treatment of common diseases and injuries
8. Provision of essential drugs
a.Primary Health Center

 PHC is the first contact point between village
community and the Medical Officer.
 The PHCs were envisaged to provide an integrated
curative and preventive health care to the rural
population with emphasis on preventive and
promotive aspects of health care.
 The PHCs are established and maintained by the State
 At present, a PHC is manned by a Medical Officer
supported by 14 paramedical and other staff.

 It acts as a referral unit for 6 Sub Centres.
 It has 4 - 6 beds for patients.
 The activities of PHC involve curative, preventive,
primitive and Family Welfare Services.
 National Health Plan (1983) proposed reorganization
of PHCs on the basis of….

 One PHC for every…..30,000 pop in Rural areas

 One PHC for every…..50,000 pop in Urban areas
Functions of PHCs

 Medical care
 Health programmes
 MCH (Mother and Child Health )care and family
 Health education and training
 Referral services
 Safe water supply and basic sanitation
 Prevention and control of locally endemic diseases
 Collection and reporting of vital events
 Basic laboratory services
Sub Center

 The most peripheral and first contact point between
the primary health care system and the community.
 The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare is
providing 100% Central assistance
 Each Sub-Centre is manned by one Male and one
female Health Worker.
 One Lady Health Worker (LHV) is entrusted with
the task of supervision of six Sub-Centers.

 Sub Centre are assigned tasks relating to interpersonal
communication …..in order to bring about behavioral
change and provide services in relation to….
 Maternal and child health,
 Family welfare,
 Nutrition,
 Immunization,
 Diarrhea control and
 Control of communicable diseases programmes.
 The sub centre are provided with basic drugs for minor
2.Hospitals/Health centres

 Rural hospitals
 District hospitals/health centres
 Specialist hospitals (e.g. Dental, eye
care, Orthopaedics etc.)
 Teaching hospitals

Employees State Insurance –
 It aims to protect “employees” as defined in the
Employees State Insurance act, 1948. Expenditure is
shared among employers and employees. Under this
scheme, state govt. shares 1/8th part of total expenditure.
Central Govt. Health Schemes –
 it was introduced in 1954 with the objective of providing
comprehensive medical care facilities to central govt.
employees and their family members.
 Also covers employees of autonomous organisation,
retired central government servants, widows receiving
family pension, MPs , Ex- governors, and retired judges.
Other agencies

Defense services


a. Private hospitals, polyclinic, nursing
homes and dispensaries

b. General practitioners and clinics

3. Indigenous system of medicine

a. Ayurveda: The philosophy of Ayurveda is based on the theory of Pancha
bhootas (five element theory) of which all the objects and living bodies
are composed of.
b. Siddha : Siddha literature is in Tamil and it is largely practiced in Tamil
speaking parts of India and abroad.
c. Unani : Unani System emphasise the use of naturally occurring, most
herbal medicines, though it uses ingredients of animal and marine origin.
d. Homeopathy : Homeopathy is a system of medicine, which believes in a
specialized method of treatment of curing diseases by administration of
potency drugs, which have been experimentally proved to possess the
power of producing similar artificial systems on human beings.
e. Yoga : Yoga is a way of life, which has the potential for improvement of
social and personal behavior, improvement of physical health by
encouraging better circulation of oxygenated blood in the body,
restraining sense organs and thereby inducing tranquility and serenity of
Indigenous system of medicine

 Yoga : Yoga is a way of life, which has the potential for
improvement of social and personal behavior,
improvement of physical health by encouraging better
circulation of oxygenated blood in the body, restraining
sense organs and thereby inducing tranquility and
serenity of mind.
 Naturopathy: The system is based on the ancient practice
of application of simple laws of nature. The advocates of
naturopathy focus on eating and living habits, adoption
of purification measures, use of hydrotherapy, baths,
massage etc.
4. Voluntary health agencies

Various health agencies working as non- governmental
agencies are as follows:

 Indian Red Cross Society

 Bharat Sewak Samaj
 Central Social Welfare Board
 Kasturba Memorial Fund
 The All india Blind Relief Society
5. National health programmes

In order to create social awareness about various
diseases, there are various national health programmes
which are working for providing better health services
to society are:
 Anti- Malaria Programme
 National Filaria Conrol Programme
 National Leprosy Eradication Programme
 National Tuberculosis Control Programme
 Swach Bharat Abhiyan


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