MARK 305 Consumer Behaviour: Week 3 Learning and Memory (Chapter 3)

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MARK 305

Consumer Behaviour

Week 3
Learning and Memory
(Chapter 3)
Administrative Issues
• “Team Membership”
 to be submitted end-of-class (please!)
 check Moodle shortly for the:
 final list of team members
 assigned team #

• Keep up-to-date/check Moodle

• Test 1 is coming up….(Week 5)

1 The Learning Process
2 Behavioural Learning
3 Cognitive Learning
4 Role of Memory in
5 Takeaways and Next Week
1 The Learning
The Learning Process
• Learning refers to a relatively permanent change
in behavior (or behavioural potential) that is
caused by experience
The Learning Process
1) Behavioral learning theories
 Basic assumption: learning takes place as the
result of responses to external events, as
opposed to internal thought processes.

 classical conditioning
 instrumental (or operant) conditioning
The Learning Process
2) Cognitive learning theories
 Basic assumption: people are problem solvers
who actively use information from the world
around them to master their environment.
 observational learning
2 Behavioural Learning
Classical Conditioning
 Occurs when a stimulus that naturally
elicits a response is paired with another
stimulus that initially does not elicit a
response on its own.

 Over time this second stimulus causes a

similar response because it is now
associated with the first stimulus.
Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
• Classic Conditioning focuses on visual and
olfactory cues that induce physiological responses
related to consumer needs.

 Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)

 Unconditioned response (UCR)
 Neutral Stimulus
 Conditioned stimulus (CS)
 Conditioned response (CR)
Associative Learning
Consumers learn associations between stimuli in a
rather simple fashion without more complex
 Classical conditioning is a form of associative
 Associative learning can occur for more
complex reactions to stimuli as well
 will not occur or will take longer if the paired
stimuli are only occasionally presented with
one another
Repetition is key
 Repeated exposures increase the strength of the
stimulus-response association

 Challenge for marketers: ensure sufficient

exposure for learning to occur while
simultaneously avoiding advertisement wear
Axe & Repetition
 vary the
tool, while
ensuring that the
message being
delivered, and the
sensory aspects of
the ad, are
m/watch? ?v=Z7RHqZshurE om/watch?
 removing the learned response
 linking neutral stimulus to new associations
Stimulus Generalization
• Stimuli similar to a conditioned stimulus (keys
jangling resemble bell) can evoke similar, conditioned
 Brand extensions

 Private label
Stimulus Discrimination
•When stimulus similar to a conditioned stimulus
(CS) is not followed by an unconditioned response

 E.g., If private label mac and cheese doesn’t

taste good, in the future we will learn to
discriminate against the similar stimuli (i.e.,
similar packaging on store shelf)

 reactions are thus weakened and will soon

Stimulus Discrimination
• Masked branding
 Deliberately hiding a product’s true origin.

e.g., of masked branding (Unilever owns both Axe & Dove but uses a
branding strategy that minimizes consumers’ awareness of this fact)
Other Marketing Application
of Conditioning
• Brand Equity
 A brand has strong positive associations in a
consumer’s memory and commands a lot of
loyalty as a result.
Mini In-Class Exercise
Coke Ad [

a) What is the UCR (unconditioned response)?

b) What is the neutral stimulus?
c) What are the CS (conditioned stimulus) and CR
(conditioned response)?
Mini In-Class Exercise
Under Armour

a) What is the UCR (unconditioned response)?

b) What is the neutral stimulus?
c) What is the CS (conditioned stimulus) and CR (conditioned
Instrumental Conditioning
• The consumer learns to perform behaviours that
produce positive outcomes
 and to avoid those that yield negative outcome
Instrumental Conditioning
Classical conditioning:
occurs when 2 stimuli are repeatedly paired together;
initial response becomes response for new stimulus

Instrumental conditioning:
learning based on association of consequences with
one’s behaviour
Instrumental Conditioning
• Learning occurs in one of 4 ways:
1) positive reinforcement (apply +)
2) negative reinforcement (remove -)
3) punishment (apply -)
4) extinction (remove +)
Instrumental Conditioning

(i.e., extinction)
Instrumental Conditioning
Positive Reinforcement
Instrumental Conditioning
Negative Reinforcement
Instrumental Conditioning
Instrumental Conditioning
Instrumental Conditioning
Strengthens Response
Positive & negative reinforcement  increase behaviour

Weakens Response
Punishment & extinction  decrease behaviour
Instrumental Conditioning
Learning Schedules (for reinforcement learning)

e.g., end-of-season e.g., free shipping

sales; receive a reward promotions that occur
for every year of loyalty once in a while

e.g., every 10 purchases of e.g., lottery; Tim Hortons’

coffee gets you a free roll up the rim to win
Other Marketing
• Frequency marketing
 Reinforces the behavior of regular
purchases by providing prizes that
increase in value along with the
amount purchased
Other Marketing
• Gamification
 Application of game-design
elements/principles in non-game
contexts in order to increase

• capitalizes on the
desire for people
to achieve
increasing levels
of mastery at
3 Cognitive Learning
Cognitive Learning
• Focus on internal mental processes

• Based on the view that humans are rational and

use information available in their environment to
make decisions
• Can be both conscious & unconscious
Cognitive Learning
• Observational Learning
 Individuals do not have to directly experience
the stimuli to learn (in contrast to behavioural
Cognitive Learning
• Observational Learning
 We watch others and note reinforcements they
receive for behaviours
 Vicarious learning
 Socially desirable models/celebrities who use
or do not use their products
4 Role of Memory in
Role of Memory in Learning
Acquiring information and storing it over time so
that it will be available when needed
Memory Systems
How information enters memory
 Sensory meaning - colours, shapes
 Semantic meaning - symbolic associations
 Personal relevance
Storing Information
• The more effort it takes to process information the more
likely it is that information will be placed in long-term

• Associative network models propose that:

 incoming piece of information is stored in an
associative network
 consumer has organized systems of concepts relating to
brands, stores, manufacturers
 these storage units, known as knowledge structures,
can be thought of as complex spider webs
How is information stored in
Associative Networks
Storing Information
• Spreading Activation:
 A meaning can be activated indirectly
 As one node is activated, other nodes
associated with it also begin to be triggered
 Meaning types of associated nodes:
 Brand-specific
 Ad-specific
 Brand identification
 Product category
 Evaluative reactions
Storing Information
• Individual nodes = meaning concepts
• Two (or more) connected nodes = proposition
(complex meaning)
• Two or more propositions = schema
 We more readily encode info that is consistent
with an existing schema
 Service scripts
Storing Information
• Analogical learning
 The marketer wants to inform the
consumer about a product and does
so using an analogy

 Effective because the consumer can

integrate knowledge into existing
Retrieving Information
• Retrieval is the process of accessing information
from long-term memory

• Factors influencing accessing information from

long-term memory
 Physiological (e.g., age)
 Situational (e.g., pioneer brand, descriptive
brand names of low involvement brands)
The Power of Nostalgia
Bittersweet emotion when you look to the past with longing &
• Branding that uses nostalgia link themselves to consumer’s
memory of the past.
• We form attachments to products that define our past.
The Power of Nostalgia
The Power of Nostalgia
• Retro Brand
 Updated version of a brand from a prior
historical period
 E.g., A&W tried to revive the carhop service that
was popular in the 50’s & 60’s
The Power of Nostalgia
• Retro Brand
Ethical Considerations
Can brands create false memories?

•high-imagery advertisements (i.e., vivid ads/description of product

attributes) can create false memories of product experience  False
Experience Effect

•False memories can be created for competitor brands through


Watch TedTalk “How Reliable is Your Memory”

5 Takeaways and Next
1) Associations can be learned through conditioning.
 classical
 instrumental

2) Learning can happen by observing others.

3) Information is not stored in isolation, once it

enters consumer memory.
 Associative networks
Next Week
• Lecture
 Topic: Motivation & Affect
 Readings: Chapter 4

• Team Project
 Industry assignment (random)
“Team Membership”

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