Additive Manufacturing Its Status and Future: Presented by Bharath Devasoth
Additive Manufacturing Its Status and Future: Presented by Bharath Devasoth
Additive Manufacturing Its Status and Future: Presented by Bharath Devasoth
3.Dimensional accuracy.
Cost of geometric
Very less influence on cost of product due to complexity
of the product.
Easy to create complex shapes and product parts by
just using the CAD software packages
The dimensional accuracy determines the deviation of the
precise 3D printers.
No Need of
Capable of producing single-part assemblies.
The parts and joints are printed in place and are suspended
Multi-material printing.
Printed assemblies.
2. Food
Cornell Creative Machines Lab is making food items such as
chocolates, candy, pasta, pizza using 3D printing technique since
3. Apparel
Products such as customize shoes, clothes eye wears are being
and manufactured.
Nike is using 3D printing to manufacture the “Vapor Laser
Talon” football shoe for players of American football
4. Vehicle
In 2010 Urbee became the first car whose whole body was 3D printed
May 2013).
2. Amberlee S. Haselhuhn, Bas Wijnen, Gerald C. Anzalone, Paul G. Sanders, Joshua M. Pearce,” In
Situ Formation of Substrate Release Mechanisms for Gas Metal Arc Weld Metal 3-D Printing”,
3. Jane Bird. "Exploring the 3D printing opportunity". The Financial Times. Retrieved (2012-08-30).
4. Excell, Jon. "The rise of additive manufacturing". The Engineer. Retrieved 2013-10-30.