2021 Texas Instruments New-Hire Onboarding: Taiwan Human Resources HR Operations

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The onboarding documents provide an overview of the new hire paperwork and tasks that need to be completed on the first day, such as getting your badge, setting up your password and accounts, and submitting personal documents.

The steps for setting up your password include going to the password website, clicking 'get my first password', inputting your AID number, inputting your service date and birth date, inputting recovery information by answering 5 security questions, selecting a password and recording it securely.

Guidelines for proper badge use include always wearing your badge, not letting others use your badge, not tailgating or allowing others to tailgate, challenging anyone without a badge or calling security, and not accessing restricted areas without clearance.

2021 Texas Instruments

New-hire Onboarding
Taiwan Human Resources
HR Operations
Onboarding Day1 Checklist
• Get your badge Welcome join in TI
• Password Setup
• Ensure you submit personal documents
1.      身分證正 / 影本

2.      花旗銀行帳戶影本

3.      畢業證書最高學歷正 / 影本

4.      健保轉出證明

5.      工會入會申請書

6.      新制勞工退休金自願提繳表

7.      團體保險承保單

• Update your personal info in myHR

• Talk with your supervisor and buddy 2
Proper badge use

• Always wear your badge

• Do not let anyone use your badge
• Do not tailgate or allow anyone to
tailgate behind you
• Challenge anyone you see not
wearing a badge or call security
• Do not access material handling doors
without proper clearance.

Password Setup
1. Go to https://password.ti.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi ,Click “get my first password”.

2. Input your AID#

Password Setup
3. Input Service Date and Birth Date

4. Input recovery information

(5 questions and answers)

5. Select password and record your

Work environment

• Be yourself!
• Dress comfortably
• First name basis
• Speak your mind
• Respect the viewpoints of others
• Make TI’s values and principles your guide

New-hire Survival Kits

Taiwan Human Resources

 TI at a glance
 HR Related Tools
Contents  IT Related Tools
 Finance Related Tools
 Contact Person & Useful Links

TI at a glance
Every day, we are changing the world

From connected cars to

intelligent homes, from drones to
door locks, our semiconductor
products are at work to improve
and enhance every type of
electronic system.

Look around you – we are there

We engineer, manufacture,
test and sell analog and
embedded semiconductor
chips – key ingredients
in things you experience
every day.

We are focused on driving innovation in
industrial and automotive

Our innovations are paving the

way for advancements across
the industrial and
automotive markets.

Our people redefine what’s possible

Our 30,000 employees in

more than 30 countries
are relentless in their drive
to solve problems and
help our 100,000
customers succeed.

Our manufacturing provides assurance
of supply

Our flexible
manufacturing strategy
and commitment to
longevity of supply helps
ensure we can reliably deliver
the products companies need.

Company strategy: A business model built
on four sustainable competitive advantages
The broadest portfolio of differentiated
Analog & Embedded Processing products

The broadest reach of our market channels Puts us in a unique class of

The diversity & longevity of our Allows us to grow, generate
products, markets & customer positions & return cash to owners

A strong foundation in manufacturing & technology

We are focused on analog and embedded
processing products 2018 Revenue: $15.78 billion

Analog and embedded processing
products are pervasive
technologies; they underpin most
electronic products today and are the 68%
enablers of the electronics of
Analog $10.80 billion Embedded $3.55 billion Other $1.43 billion

We are focused on industrial and
automotive Automotive and industrial comprised 56%
of TI’s 2018 revenue

These markets are attractive

because they are: 20%
• Rich in analog & embedded 44%
processing content
• Diverse, with thousands of
• Broad base of long-lived product 36%
• Growing as semiconductor
content expands Automotive
Personal electronics, Communications and Enterprise

Our products make electronics work

information from
the real world
Output to the
real world

Markets we serve

Companies in every market

continue to add more
electronics to their product
offerings to compete and meet Industrial Automotive Personal
Communications Enterprise

consumer demand.

TI 台灣佈局 (1969)
封裝與測試廠 I ( 新北市中和 )


封裝與測試廠 II ( 新北市中和 )


Citizenship | Active Volunteerism through
CIT, ESH and Employee Welfare Committee

Tech Primary School Tech Primary School Move for Health Week** September 1 – 9
“Secrets of Theater” “English Story Telling” 1,342 volunteers / 11,740 volunteering hours
January 17 May 16 Achieved 28,235 KM with marching donation of
28 volunteers / 214 volunteering hours 14 volunteers / 78 volunteering hours NT$84,705

Earth Day series: Beach Cleaning , Organic Farming, reBAG,
April 1 – 22
137 volunteers / 666 volunteering hours
Citizenship highlights

We cultivate an inclusive culture

Our values of integrity, innovation

and commitment are at the core
of all we do. Our diverse and
inclusive culture makes our
company stronger and our
products more innovative.

Diversity and inclusion at TI
Our goal is to provide an environment where every person can
thrive. We want our employees – no matter their backgrounds,
work styles, ideas or differences – to feel empowered to be who
they are and to do their best work. 

“In this environment, diversity thrives, and every employee – no matter where they are and
what job they hold – has the opportunity to take part in the company’s business success.

We believe our rich diversity improves thought processes, encourages collaboration and
ignites creative solutions.”

Rich Templeton
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer

HR Useful Tools
• Update personal information
• Request for leave or inquire salary info
• Employee Stock Purchase Plan
• Employee Welfare & activities
• TI Work Rule & People Policy
• Ethics & Compliance
• Communication Channel & Service Hotline
Update personal information in myHR
Please login myHR Tools to check and maintain your personal data.

Ensure the data is updated in myHR.

• Local language address
• Emergency Contact
• Bank account

• myHR Tools resource center
• System navigation

TI Emergency Alert System (TI-EAS)

Add your personal information

in myHR Tools to receive
communications in the event of
an emergency via TI-EAS!

*Click here for the reference guide!

Request Leave or Inquire Salary Info

Login myTimemyPay: https://

 Request Leave
1. Find myTime
2. Request Absence/Attendance
3. Click + (Create)
4. Input Absence/Attendance Type
5. Date from_____to_____

 Inquire Salary Info

1. Find myPay
2. Download Payslip (if you’d like to see more details)
Employee Stock Purchase Plan

 Training Materials
o https://infolink.sc.ti.com/business_rooms/ti_taiwan/

o https://

 Contact Us
o [email protected]

Employee Welfare & Activities
• PayEasy E-point
– Lunar New Year
– Labor Day
– Dragon Boat Festival
– Mid-Autumn Festival
– Year - End Benefit
– Birthday

PayEasy Website: http://www.payeasy.com.tw/pbenefit/index02.shtml

View details on myEWC: https://infolink.sc.ti.com/business_rooms/ti_taiwan/w/ti-taiwan-hr/11161/myewc

Employee Welfare & Activities
• Activity
– Staff trip
– Holiday Celebration (Mother’s Day / Dragon Boat Festival / Mid-Autumn Festival /
Christmas / New Year … etc.)
– Sports competition (Bowling / Basketball / badminton / softball … etc.)
– Team outing / Year-end party
– Other activities (KTV / Massage / Flea market / Celebrity speech … etc.)
• Club
– Basketball / Badminton activity
– Yoga / Flower arrangement / Running / Swimming … etc.
Other activities will be different depends on onboarding area ( Taipei Office / Zhonghe Factory).
View details on myEWC: https://infolink.sc.ti.com/business_rooms/ti_taiwan/w/ti-taiwan-hr/11161/myewc

TI Work rule & People Policy

Work Rule

People Policy
o Staffing & ER 任用與員工關係
o C&B 薪資福利
o O&TD 教育與訓練

Ethics and compliance

Ethics and Compliance Awareness Program (ECAP)

• Every employee is required to participate
• Foundational courses:
‒ Code of Conduct
‒ Ethical Decision Making
‒ Basic Awareness of Export Compliance
‒ Preventing Workplace Harassment
‒ Environmental, Safety & Health (ESH)
‒ Confidential Information Protection (CIP)

• TIers are expected to understand and comply with all company policies, including, but not
limited to:
- Core Values
- Code of Conduct
- EEO/ harassment-free workplace policy

• TIers having reason to believe that violations of law, statutory regulations or corporate
policies have taken or are taking place are encouraged to report the suspected violations:
- Consult your supervisor
- Talk with human resources
- Call the TI law department
- Go to ethics.TI.com
- Contact the ethics office at (800)-33-ETHIC

Who Must Follow the IT
Policy ?
誰必須遵守此項 IT 政策?
 Anyone who comes into contact with TI information assets
任何與 TI 資訊資產接觸的人

 Whether on TI premises or not (e.g., VPN access)

不論是否在 TI 的所在地(例如:使用 VPN )

 TI information assets include

TI 資訊資產包括
Computers, networks, phones and other electronic means
What is Included ?
 “Create, download, send” includes 「產生、下載、傳送」包括
* Forwarding email or files 轉寄電子郵件或檔案
* Saving files 儲存檔案

 Materials 題材
* Jokes / cartoons 笑話 / 卡通、漫畫 ( 即使你認為收件人會同意那很好笑)
* Audio 影音、聲效
* Visuals (e.g., text, pictures, video) 視覺內容(例如文字、圖片、影像)

 TI monitors anything related to the TI network, electronic media

or access (E-mail, computer internet access)
TI 會監督任何與 TI 網際網路、電子媒體或存取有關的活動 ( 電子郵件、電腦、網
Examples of Unacceptable Content
Derogatory racial comments Detracting or disparaging comments
種族歧視言論 詆毀或輕蔑的言論
Defamation or derogatory/abusive attacks on any individual / group
對任何個人 / 團體的毀謗或貶損 / 辱罵性攻擊

Sexual content of any kind Any nudity (full, partial, front, back, cartoon)
有關「性」內容 任何裸體(全身、局部、正面、背面、卡通、漫畫)
NOT only pornography or “x-rated” materials

Offensive language Profanity, vulgarity, obscenity, slurs

攻擊性的言論 褻瀆、粗俗、猥褻、污辱

Political statements Defamation or derogatory/abusive attacks on any individual / group

政治言論 對任何個人 / 團體的毀謗或貶損 / 辱罵性攻擊

Violence Displays of physical or emotional force or injury

暴力 展現肢體或情緒的暴力或傷害
Pictures or descriptions of fighting
Anything that negatively reflects on TI Gruesome pictures 陰森可怕的圖片
任何對 TI 產生負面影響事物 Libel, threats, harassment 譭謗、威脅、騷擾
Ask yourself: Would this cause embarrassment to TI if it was reported in the news?
請自問:如果它上媒體報導,是否會對 TI 造成尷尬?
TI 資訊的分類

密 幾乎不對外揭露,僅在包含特殊處理要求的保密
– 協議項目下方能被揭露
( 未宣布的組織重整、財務報表、長期策略 )

限 若被不當處理或揭露,將嚴重損害 TI 的商業利益
TI 機密
制 – ,但經保密協議後,可向外部揭露
NDA 限制 ( 生產線良率、設備參數、生產成本 )

TI 資訊–
揭露,不會對 TI 的商業利益造成重大損害
選擇性揭露 ( 短期規劃、初步產品資訊 )
德州儀器禁止工作場所職場暴力書面聲明 – PP111
(一)肢體暴力 ( 如:毆打、抓傷、拳打、腳踢等 ) 。
(二)心理暴力 ( 如:威脅、欺凌、騷擾、辱罵等 ) 。
(三)語言暴力 ( 如:霸凌、恐嚇、干擾、歧視等 ) 。
(四)性騷擾 ( 如:不當的性暗示與行為等 ) 。
七、 公司了解績效管理溝通,有時可能會給員工壓力,但合理的績效管理並不屬於禁止行為的範圍。

申訴專線電話: 6900
申訴專用電子信箱: [email protected]
總公司從業道德辦公室 : http://ethics.ti.com
Type “ethics/” in your browser
Access information on:
• How to contact the
Ethics and Compliance
• Annual Ethics and
Compliance Awareness
Program (ECAP)
• Core Values
• People polices
• Watch our Ethics video

TI Ethics and Compliance Office

We’re here to help.

• 郵件信箱: [email protected]
• 申訴專線: 9-1-888-590-5465
• 免付費專線: 00801 85 6736
• 德儀員工適用;合約員工請洽駐廠代表
員工諮詢 / 性騷擾 / 職 • 申訴專線:分機 6900
場暴力 / 申訴專線 • 郵件信箱: [email protected]
• 通報廠內任何緊急事件
• 分機 6911
• 通報任何有關環境安全衛生的事件 / 建議
ESH 安全建議
• 分機 6520
• 詢問或通知有關健康醫護問題
• 分機 6666 / 1333 / 3333
• 遇天然災害時,查詢當日是否上班
• 免付費專線: 0800-88-0203
IT Related Tools
 New hire Checklist
 Submit a STARS Ticket
 Find & Share Calendars
 Start / Join a WebEx
 Schedule a Meeting
 Apply for IP Phone and Company Cell-phone
 Apply for VPN
 Connecting to TI’s external wi-fi
New hire Checklist
This web site is helping you to connect to TI network on day one when you join TI family. Please follow the check list
step by step. Your department coordinator can also assist you to complete the works. ( New Hire Checklist Handbook)

1 員工資料已登錄在人事及目錄索引資料庫內

2 登錄並取得公司帳號及密碼

3 申請網域帳號

4 設定電子郵件帳號

5 申請在家上網帳號

6 安裝軟體

7 申請分機、使用等級、語音信箱、 PHS 行動電話、手機郵件服務

8 申請其它系統權限

How to get help at TI
There is one place
to request help for
any problem, Access forums for quick help

question or issue:

Search solutions to
common problems Chat or call the help desk

Search for your issue/question Submit a help ticket Mobile phone support
Find & Share Calendars
There are several ways to view someone’s outlook calendar. You can make it easier for others
to see yours by sharing it.
To View Someone Else’s Calendar: To Share Your Calendar:
1. In outlook, go to calendar in the 1. In outlook, go to calendar in the navigation pane.
navigation pane.
2. Then, right click the default calendar folder. This is usually
under My Calendar, and is displayed as Calendar.
2. Click Open a Shared Calendar…

3. Type in the name of the person’s calendar you are trying

to view as it would show up in an email.
3. Select Change Sharing Permissions.
4. On the Permissions tab,
in the Name box, click Default
4. Click the Name of the calendar you want to view in the left
Navigation Pane. 5. Under Permissions, in the
Permissions Level list,
5. If Calendar is not available, you can view their busy/free
select Reviewer, or your
time in an invite on the Scheduling assistant tab
desired permissions level.
Start / Join a WebEx
WebEx is the application TI uses to remotely view other’s desktops during meetings. It is preinstalled on your computer.

You can click the link to check Webex quick start guide,
training video, detail homepage.
Webex Help Center https://help.webex.com/
Apply for IP Phone and Company Cell-phone
To apply for IP phone, IP communicator, and company cell-phone, please go to
http://www.taiwan.ti.com/ipt/comm.htm to apply.
Add new item

Selection the type of phone to apply

S&A Office Employee

Select type
-Randomly select the phone model
and type “xxx” in MAC Address. IT
will assign a phone to you.
IP Phone Dialing Instructions
• To dial domestic phone
→Ex: Press “New Call”, and then press 0 and phone number 2175-2566

• To dial cell phone

→Ex: Press “New Call”, and then press 0 and phone number 0911-123456

• To dial foreign phone

→Press 0 002 + 國碼 + 國外電話號碼 +( 嘟聲後 )62580#

• To dial TI foreign extension

→Press 8+ 後 7 碼
Back to Ch2.
Other Function

③ ① ②
Voice Mail
• Step1.
Press the button ①, and follow the instruction to activate the voice mail. (Original
password is 12345 and “#” means confirmed. If you are a new hire to get this IP
phone, please submit a STARS ticket to reset passcode)
• Step2.
After activating the voice mail, you can press the button ① + Your password + “#” +
After hearing the message, press “7” for deleting.
Historical Record
• To check missed calls, press button ② and select “Missed Calls”.
• To check Received calls, press button ② and select “Received calls”.
• To check dialing history, press button ③ directly.
2.5 Transfer the Phone Back to Ch2.

Press transfer
“Transfer” extension


Do you need to work from

the office, home or hotel?

Do you need information

on email, meeting
collaboration tools?
Go to
and select the tab for the
information you need
VPN Step-by-step
1. Complete mandatory training sessions for new-hires (take course marked “‧”
at Taipei column). This is to ensure you understand and aware of TI’s
information use policy.
2. Request for VPN access
• Go to https://saw.ext.ti.com/vpn/index.html
• Choose Remote Connectivity Request Process
• Choose Tiers and Contractors and complete the steps
3. Install two-factor authentication in your mobile device
4. To connect to TI’s intranet via VPN, please connect to external internet, and
then go to https://vpn.ti.com/

VPN Page
When you link to VPN page, choose the nearest server to log in. In Taiwan, we
use “Hong Kong.”
Connecting to TI’s external wi-fi

• MobileNet is TI’s Wi-Fi that provides access to the internet for

personally owned mobile devices
– https://infolink.sc.ti.com/business_rooms/mobilenet_room/
– From Infolink search for MobileNet
– Follow step-by-step instructions to create your account
– SSID – externalhotspot84

Keeping items secure

• All laptops and other TI-issued property are required to be secured

to a work area when not in your possession
• Laptops are required to be secured with a cable lock

• When you are away from the site, all items should be hidden away

• Make sure to lock your vehicle and take your keys

Finance Related Tools
 AE Card Application
 Travel Policy & FAQ
 Concur expense system
AE Card Application
In TI, we use American Express Card (AE Card) for business travel. It will directly connect to our internal
reimbursement system (CONCUR). Please apply for the card within two weeks upon your on-boarding. If
you have any questions related to AE card, please contact Finance department.
Application Steps
1. Download and print out
 S&A Office:
 A/T Site:
2. Fill out the information, and submit to either General Manager or Finance Director for
sign-off on P. 5
3. Send the paper form, together with the copy of your national ID card, to 105 台北市松山
區復興北路 363 號弘雅大樓 12 樓 台灣美國運通國際股份有限公司收 , and you shall
receive the card within 2 weeks
Travel Policy and FAQ


Expense Report Filing – Concur System


Concur Expense Common Errors
• 以下 Concur 系統報帳較常犯的錯誤,請各位同仁注意:
– 成本中心主管不能核淮自已的差旅、交際 ( 包括內部會議或餐敘 ) 與費用開支。
– 實報實銷。公司政策並沒有提供每餐定額餐費津貼。私人場合的餐費禁止報銷 ( 如與朋友家
人聚餐等 ) ,餐費請以每餐實際餐費申報,而非全部餐費加總來平均攤銷。
– 所有國外出差開支超過 TWD500 ,需檢附收據或發票作為報銷之依據。中國出差開支若超過
TWD500 ,需檢附消費明細及發票。

– 機票如在出發前報帳,需檢附電子機票與代收轉付收據。登機證亦為報帳所需憑證,待旅程

– 小額設備購買。緊急的金額小於美金 USD200 的設備、工具及物料購買需成本中心主管事先

核淮。 Concur 是用來報銷不需經由公司採購流程的差旅、交際與費用開支,所有和製造及
營運用途的採購請透過採購部程序,不可自行購買並使用 Concur 報銷。 64
Concur Expense Common Errors
• 針對常犯的報銷錯誤, Concur 系統有以下變更,請遵照正確的報帳方法來進行核銷:
– 里程數與停車費 :
• 里程數與停車費申報需按單趟單日,請勿數筆併計申報。
• 個人車輛單趟里程費用報銷上限為 TWD3,500 。
• 停車費單日報銷上限為 TWD1,000 。應以單日實際支出報帳,非以各日平均費用報銷。
• 需提供個人車輛用於商務用途之旅途 “ From” 和 “ To” 工作地點,請勿只提供城市到城

– 因為無法杜絕高鐵費用報銷分類錯誤,因此所有火車費用報銷 High Speed Rail & Normal

Train 都需提供車票票根。

– Car Rental: 適用於自行駕駛租車費用申報例如 AVIS 。

– Limo/ 永興 / 享享 / 和運 (under expense type: Taxi / Limo) : 適用於國內外包車接送費用,並 65

Travel Policy & Concur Expense Reminder
• 租車注意事項

根據亞洲差旅及費用報支政策要求,國際自行駕駛租車須透過 TI 合作的旅行社或直接與 TI
preferred 汽車租賃公司 (AVIS) 來預訂。租車注意事項如下 :
• 公務差旅之租車費用應以企業卡付款。
• 為避免汽車租賃公司收取高額加油費用,租賃車輛必須在還車前自行加滿油。
• TI 提供所有必要保險,承保範圍含意外商業險,其餘保險皆不得核銷。員工租車時不應加保
非必要保險 (CDW TPC PAI- 個人意外險 )

• 不可報銷事項
• 搭乘商務艙和頭等艙 ( 含高鐵商務艙 ) 非經特殊核准,不可報銷。
• 商務差旅中屬於個人行程的額外支出不可報銷。
• 因當地法律和習俗需要,於用餐、提領行李、搭乘計程車或其他服務而禮貌性支付的小費,
Escalation Process for Late Expenses
30 day rule (expenses older than 30 days)
• Late expense notification: an automated approval system in Concur went live on July 25 th,
2016.  The new process will have 2 notifications prior to being escalated to Asia Finance Director
and Asia President.

– Notification 1 will be to the CC manager at 30 days.

– Notification 2 will be to the Country FD and Country MD at 45 days.
– Notification 3 will be to the Asia FD and Asia president at 60 days from the date the expense
was incurred.

Late expenses include:

1. Unassigned credit card transactions not filed in a report.
2. Un-submitted reports which contain “not submitted” or “sent back to employee”.
3. Un-submitted out-of-pockets travel and entertainment expenses. For example, mileage, parking
fees, and tolls.
Late Expense Reporting
Obtain approval for late expenses ≥ 45 days by fulfilling the requirements:
1. Categorize transactions into ≥ 45 days – 60 days and ≥ 60 days and report each
category in one report.
2. Provide reasons for the late submission.
3. Provide corrective actions to prevent late expense submission.  
4. Confirm all ≥ 30 days late expenses (include out-of-pocket and AMEX transactions)
have been submitted for approval.

Contact Person
Category Go-to person
Printer, IP phone, company • S&A -Felix Liu (Ext.2782)
cell-phone, VPN • A/T Site-IT at Site 1 or submit tickets for help
AE Card, CONCUR • Victor Chan (Ext.6759)
HR Ops Team • [email protected]
S&A HR • Vicky Chen (Ext.6337)
• Claire Chen (Ext.6659)
-HR Matters for Test, Planning, Finance & Operations,WPL, IT,
A/T HR Facilities
• Jerry Huang (Ext.6987)
-HR Matters for Assembly, QRA, SCP, EM, AEO, TTG, DLP

Useful Links
Name and Description Site Address
Business Information Portal (BIP): Mainly a location for reports, but also include access to
People Search, links, references and documentations

Concur Expense: Expense Manager that helps file your business expenses Documentation https://expense.itg.ti.com/concur/expense/

Enterprise Software Distribution (ESD): Location where you can access software for your pc http://esd/

Mailing List: Site to search or create mailing lists http://list.ti.com/

Meetings: Reservation site for conference rooms or team rooms http://meetings.ti.com/
Infolink/My TI: Your employee resource site. You can access Benefits, Time, Pay stubs, etc. http://my.ti.com/
Stars Ticket: Site to submit an issue to a helpdesk https://stars.itg.ti.com/
Work Anywhere: Site that provides Mobile Email (active sync). Also, provides instructions on getting
TI email on personally owned iphone, ipad, android, etc. and connecting to TI server from home https://voice1.itg.ti.com/
your home (Virtual Private Network (VPN))

http://eform.taiwan.ti.com/ffwMenu/index.jsp?appMenu=eForm (A/T)
Business Card Application http://www.taiwan.ti.com/hr/tool/form/namecard%20update.xls (S&A)

TI Acronyms https://infolink.sc.ti.com/news_rooms/p/acronyms

EWC Website (Ellen Lin, Ext 6466) http://www.taiwan.ti.com/hr/WFC/index.htm

Thank You

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