EE314 Lab 1 Final
EE314 Lab 1 Final
EE314 Lab 1 Final
Engineering Design
Lab #1: Internet of Things (IoT) system to
monitor light and temperature levels of the
Group Member
The internet is the foundation for network organization in the information era, and it has been
extended to numerous technologies to create the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things
connects systems and objects at various scales, resulting in complex systems known as Cyber-
Physical Systems (CPSs). The Internet of Things (IoT) technology allows the integration of a
variety of heterogeneous things, such as a basic object with Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) or an autonomous car; or objects with high processing capacity or low computational
resources [6].
Sensor clouds allow data to be uploaded, evaluated, and actions to be made on actual objects
based on the results. With the advent of Sensor Clouds, data storage and processing has gotten
much easier. The service has a wide range of applications, including healthcare, structural
monitoring, environmental monitoring, disaster monitoring, and agricultural, among others [5].
This experiment will cover the design of IoT for University to monitor the lab's daily light and
air-conditioning usage in order to cut down on excessive energy use [5].
Following the 10 steps of the design process was taken place for this experiment where;
2. Information Phase where research is done mainly on IoT system and applications
3. Stakeholder Phase
5. Hazard Analysis
7. Creative Design
8. Conceptual Design
9. Prototype Design
10. Verification
Design Process
Renewable consumption
energy Reducing system
the useed
of electricty
Component’s specification
A microcontroller is used to obtain values of physical conditions through sensors
connected to it.
I. Arduino Mega 2560 Microcontroller
The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. It has 54 digital
input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs
(hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP
header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply
connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get
started. The Mega 2560 board is compatible with most shields designed for the Uno and the
former boards Duemilanove or Diecimila. [1]
This microcontroller is very convenient to use, the coding or programming of this controller is
also easier. One of the main advantages is that it can be write-erase as many times as possible
because it uses FLASH memory technology. It has a total number of 40 pins and there are 33
pins for input and output.
III. ATmega168
This is the CPU (central processing unit) of our project. We are going to use a microcontroller of
the 8051 family. The various functions of the microcontroller are like:
I. Reading the digital input from ADC which is derived from Temperature and Light sensor. II.
Sending this data to LCD so that the person operating this project should read the values of
temperature and light. III. Controlling the parameters like Temperature, light is turning On/Off
the respective relays IV. Sending the values of temperature and light to the computer using a
serial port. [4], [5].
• 16 KB SRAM in RTC
• QSPI supports multiple flash/SRAM chips
Clocks and Timers
• Internal 8 MHz oscillator with calibration
• Internal RC oscillator with calibration
• External 2 MHz ~ 60 MHz crystal oscillator (40 MHz only for Wi-Fi/BT
• 34 × programmable GPIOs
• 12-bit SAR ADC up to 18 channels
• 2 × 8-bit DAC
• 10 × touch sensors
• 4 × SPI
• 2 × I²S
• 2 × I²C
• 3 × UART
• 1 slave (SDIO/SPI)
• Ethernet MAC interface with dedicated DMA and IEEE 1588 support
• CAN 2.0
• IR (TX/RX)
• Motor PWM
• LED PWM up to 16 channels
• Hall sensor
Light Sensor
I. Photoelectric Sensors
Photoelectric Sensors detect photo-optical work pieces. OMRON provides many varieties of
Sensor, including diffuse-reflective, through-beam, retro-reflective, and distance-settable
Sensors, as well as Sensors with either built-in or separate amplifiers and Fibre Units [6].
Photoelectric sensors XU, photo Elec sensor label fork 40x3, 12...24 V DC, PNP/NPN NO/NC
connect M8 [7]
Temperature Sensor
• Operates from 4 to 30 V
Features [11]
• Measures Temperature Rate of Change Calculation with Preemptive Alert(s)
Limits • Up to Four External Temperature Monitors: – 8-Lead Devices: ±1°C
maximum accuracy (-20°C to +105°C TA, -40°C to +125°C TD) – ±1.5°C
maximum accuracy (-40°C to +125°C TA, -40°C to +125°C TD) – 10-Lead
Devices: ±1°C maximum accuracy (-20°C to +125°C TA, -40°C to +125°C TD) –
±1.5°C maximum accuracy (-40°C to +125°C TA, -40°C to +125°C TD)
• Internal Temperature Sensor: – ±1°C maximum accuracy, -40°C to +125°C
• Temperature Sensor Resolution (Internal/External): 0.125°C
• Configurable Alert Pins
• Operating Voltage: 1.62V to 3.6V
Component’s name Microcontroller Temperature Light sensor Cloud
Arduino Mega 2560 DHT11 Photoelectri
c Sensor
- USB or external - VCC Power - 12 – 24V
power supply supply 3.5 – 5.5V power supply
Power - 6 to 20 volts - Operating current Output – Visualization
0.3mA NPN Data
- Maximum current management
draw is 50mA Data
-Design to reset - IP66 analysis
- use polyfused. None Protection
Protection 500mA current level
applied, fuse
automatically breaks.
Interface/Programming - Comes programmed - 8-bit - Move and
with a bootloader Microcontroller to reset less
- Not using external output temperature than 1ms
hardware programmer response
- 16 Analog input pin - Temp range 0°C - 0.02 kg
- 256KB of used 8KB to 50°C weight
Specification Flash memory - Humidity range - 4m distance
- 8KB SRAM 20% -90% detection
- 4KB EEPROM - Accuracy ± 1°C
- 16MHz Clock speed and ± 1%
Table 2.0: Table below show the component use for design 2
Design #2 Microcontroller Temperature Light Sensor Cloud
Component Names PIC16F8722A EMC1833T- XUB2BKSWM12T SENSORCLOUD
Industrial Processes Automobiles Visualization
SLEEP mode
Data memory - 128 Sensing Operating
temperature-40°C ~ temperature -25...55
125°C °C
Specification Timer - 3 DC 10...36 V DC
voltage range: 2.0V Working voltage 35 mA (no-load)
to 5.5V 1.62V ~ 3.6V
64 bytes of Accuracy ±1.5°C 1 male connector
EEPROM Data M12, 4 pins
< 2mA @ 5V IP65
5 input channels
DC - 20 MHz clock Computable with < 15 ms
input DC - 200 ns PIC microcontroller
instruction cycle
Others MSSP <= 500 Hz
Table 3.0 Table below show all the component and specification for design number 3
The ESP32 is a 2.4 GHz WIFI and Bluetooth chip which is designed for best power
performance, and reliability in various applications [7]. Additionally, ESP32 is of series of chips
of ESP32-DOWDQ6, ESP32-D2WD, ESP32-SOWD, and ESP32-DOWD [7]. This chip is
designed for IoT applications, smart phones, and many more. The ESP32 takes actions only
when a precise condition detected by a low power IoT sensor, which means that using ESP32
can be useful in terms low power consumption [8]. Moreover, due to its robustness and low
power consumption, ESP32 has become popular in IoT applications.
Security Features
ESP32 has two security features called secure boot, and Flash security [7]. Flash security is a
feature with a main purpose of protecting the Flash memory. As the flash security gets enabled,
the binaries or data flashes into the memory, and then the device encrypted each and every
partition, using AES Flash encryption. After encryption, the device restarted with the
programmed logic processing. However, ESP32 Secure boot is a feature that verifies every flash
memory’s binary with eFuse RSA-3072, before running application firmware. In other words,
the Secure Boot protects the ESP32 from damaging [8].
Block diagram
Blynk app is an app that uses sensors to collect data from appliances, HVAC systems and
security systems, and many more, for controlling hardware. Moreover, the Blynk software
develops apps for homes, industries, laboratories, offices where actions can be taken
automatically for monitoring and controlling issues or power wastage [11]. Also, Blynk app
offers data visualization to optimize the stakeholders’ decision making. Lastly, but not least, the
Blynk app enables only secured devices to connect to the user’s network where the software
controls and runs diagnosis on system for protection from any threats.
Circuit Diagram
In this experiment, an IoT system for power monitoring for USP lobotomy was designed. The
experiment went through ten major design steps, including identifying the problem, obtaining
data, producing various solutions, and assessing the selected solution.
The experiment begins with determining what the major problem is that has to be solved and
defining it in a problem statement. After the problem has been resolved, the design moves on to
the information phase. The goal of this portion of the experiment was to find a solution to the
problem stated in the problem statement. Figure 1.0 depicts several approaches to resolving the
power consumption issue. The experiment finds four key solutions: efficiency appliances,
renewable energy, power consumption control, and monitoring using a smart system (IoT). The
experiment focuses on the Internet of Things (IoT) system. The experiment moved on to seek for
information on the IoT system after picking a solution for the problem in step 2. Step 3 contains
data and specifications on the various components utilized in an IoT system. Microcontroller,
sensor, and cloud are the three basic components of an IoT system. As seen in step 3, the
experience has different specifications for each IoT component.
Furthermore, the experiment generates multiple solution for the design required for the problem.
As shown in table 1.0 to 3.0 shows different design component with specification. Design 1 use a
Arduino microcontroller, DHT11 temperature sensor and Photoelectric sensor Design 2 use
PIC16F8722A microcontroller, EMC1833T-2E/RW temperature sensor, and XUB2BKSWM12T
for light sensor. Design 3 use ESP32 microcontroller, LM35 temperature sensor, and IR sensor
for light sensor. The experiment notice that all design is have pro and cons, however to make fair
decision on the best design, the experiment use a matrix decision In table 4.0, show the design
decision, based on the specification of each component the experiment rank from 1 to 3.
According to the result design number 3 was selected for the final design.
The experiment was effective in designing a solution to the problem of excessive power usage in
USP Labs. Design number three was chosen as the final design based on the design requirements
and decision matrix. To carry out the dosage, the experiment employs engineering design
approaches (step).
[1] "Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3", Arduino Official Store, 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 09- Sep- 2021].
[6] M. Geller and A. Meneses, "Modelling IoT Systems with UML: A Case Study for
Monitoring and Predicting Power Consumption", American Journal of Engineering and Applied
Sciences, vol. 14, no. 1, p. 81, 2021. Available: 10.3844/ajeassp.2021.81.93.