Subject: Data Structures & Algorithms Ecture: 03
Subject: Data Structures & Algorithms Ecture: 03
Subject: Data Structures & Algorithms Ecture: 03
Lecture : 03
char ** c;
a = 'z';
b = &a;
c = &b;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
void increase (void* data, int psize) { char a = 'x';
{ if ( psize == sizeof(char) ) int b = 1602;
increase (&a,sizeof(a));
{ char* pchar; increase (&b,sizeof(b));
pchar=(char*)data; cout << a << ", " << b
<< '\n';
++(*pchar); } return 0;
else if (psize == sizeof(int) ) }
{ int* pint; y, 1603
pint=(int*)data; ++(*pint); } }
Memory leak
Suppose you have the following declaration:
int *p; // this statement declares p to be a pointer variable of type int.
p = new int; // line 1
*p = 54; // line 2
p = new int; // line 3
*p = 73; // line 4
The statement in line 1 allocates memory space of type int and stores the
address of the allocated memory space into p. suppose that the address of
allocated memory space is 1500. then the value of p after execution of this
statement is 1500.
Line 4 stores 73 into the memory space to which p points, which is 1800
Memory leak..
Now the obvious question is, what happened to the memory space
1500. to which p was pointing, before the execution of the statement
in line 3? After execution of the statement in line 3, p points to the
new memory space at location 1800. the previous memory space at
location 1500 is now inaccessible.
In addition, the memory space 1500 remains marked as allocated. In
other words, it cannot be reallocated. This is called memory leak
there is an unused memory space that cannot be allocated.
How to avoid memory leak. When dynamic variable is no longer
needed, it can be destroyed, its memory can be deallocated. The C++
operator delete is used to destroy dynamic variables. delete p;
Dangling pointers
Depending on a particular system, after the delete p;
statement executes, the pointer variable might still contain
the addresses of the deallocated memory space. In this
case we sat that these pointers are dangling.
One way to avoid this pitfall is to set these pointers to
NULL after the delete operation.
int *p;
p = new int;
*p = 34;
delete p;
p = NULL;
p = new int;
*p = 60;
Dynamic Two-Dimensional Arrays
There are various ways you can create dynamic two-
dimensional arrays. One way is:
int *board[4];
This statement declares board to be an array of four
pointers where each pointer is of type int. because
board[0], board[1], board[2], board[3] are pointers, you
can now use these pointers to create the rows of board.
Suppose that each row of board has six columns. Then
the following for loop creates the rows of board.
for (int row =0; row<4; row++)
board[row] = new int [6];
Note that expression new int[6] creates an array of six
components of type int and returns the base address of the
Dynamic Two-Dimensional Arrays
After the execution of for loop, board is a two-dimensional
array of 4 rows and six columns.
The number of columns of board can be specified during
execution. However the way board is declared, the number of
rows is fixed. So in reality, board is not a true dynamic two-
dimensional array.
Next consider the following statement:
int **board;
This statement declares board to be a pointer to a pointer. In
other words, board and *board are pointers. Now board can
store the address of a pointer or an array of pointers of type
int, and *board can store the address of an int memory space
or an array of int values.
Dynamic Two-Dimensional Arrays
Suppose that you want board to be an array of 10 rows
and 15 columns. To accomplish this, first we create an
array of 10 pointers of type int and assign the address of
that array to board.
board = new int*[10];
Next we create the columns of board. The following for
loop accomplish this:
for(int row = 0; row < 10; row++)
Board[row] = new int[15];
Number of rows and number of columns of board can
be specified during program execution.
Dynamic Arrays example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void fill (int **p, int rowSize, int columnSize);
void print (int **p, int rowSize, int columnSize);
int main () {
int **board;
int rows, columns;
cout<<“ Enter the number of rows and columns: ”;
cin>>rows>> columns;
board = new int* [rows]; //create the rows of board
for( int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
board[row] = new int [columns]; //create the columns of board
fill ( board, rows, columns); //insert elements into board
print ( board, rows, columns); //output the elements of board
return 0;}
Dynamic Arrays example
void fill ( int **p, int rowSize, int columnSize)
{ for ( int row = 0; row< rowSize; row++)
{ cout<<“Enter ”<<columnSize<<“number(s) for row”<<“number
”<<row<< “ : ”;
for( int col = 0; col < columnSize; col++ )
cin>>p[row][col]; cout<<endl;
void print( int **p, int rowSize, int columnSize)
{ for (int row = 0; row < rowSize; row++)
{ for ( int col = 0; col < columnSize; col++)
Shallow Vs. Deep Copy and Pointers
Suppose that you have the following declaration:
int *first;
int *second;
Further suppose that first points to an int array.
Next, consider the following statement:
second = first; //this statement copies the value of first into
second. After this statement executes, both first and second point to
the same array.
The statement first[4] = 10; not only changes the value of first [4], it
also changes the value of second[4] because they point to the same
Let us execute the following statement:
delete [ ]second;
After this statement executes, the array to which second points is deleted.
Shallow Vs. Deep Copy and Pointers
First and second pointed to the same array after the statement
delete [ ] second; executes, first becomes invalid, that is, first ( as
well as second ) are now dangling pointers.
Both first and second now point to their own data. If second deletes its
memory, there is no effect on first. This case is an example of Deep
Copy. More formally, in a deep copy, two or more pointers have their
own data.
The process of solving a problem by reducing it to smaller versions of
itself is called recursion. Recursion is a very powerful way to solve
certain problems for which the solution would otherwise be very
fact (1)
Because sum != 0
return 1 * fact (0);
fact (0)
Because sum is 0
return 1;
When function calls another function and that function calls the
calling function, then this is called indirect recursion. For example:
function A calls function B and Function B calls function A.
Indirect Recursion Example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int fa(int);
int fb(int);
int fa(int n)
return 1;
else return n*fb(n-1);
int fb(int n)
return 1;
return n*fa(n-1);
int main()
int num=5;
return 0;
} January 18, 2021
Monday, 22
Advantages and Disadvantages of Recursion
It makes our code shorter and cleaner.
Recursion is required in problems concerning data structures
and advanced algorithms, such as Graph and Tree Traversal.
It takes a lot of stack space compared to an iterative program.
It uses more processor time.
It can be more difficult to debug compared to an equivalent
iterative program.
An object may be composed of other smaller
Example – Composition of Chair
2 1 4
Arm Seat Leg
Example – Composition is