Business Forecasting: Topic: Backshift Notation
Business Forecasting: Topic: Backshift Notation
Business Forecasting: Topic: Backshift Notation
What is a Time Series?
Set of evenly spaced numerical data
◦ Obtained by observing response variable at regular time periods
◦ Year: 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
◦ Sales: 78.7 63.5 89.7 93.2 92.1
Time Series Components
Trend Cyclical
Seasonal Irregular
ARIMA and Backshift Notation
ARIMA models aim to describe the autocorrelations
An approach to time series forecasting
Time series models involve lagged terms and may involve differenced data to account
for trend
There are useful notations used for the same
The ARIMA model introduces the Backshift (Lag) operator
Using Backshift Notation, the ARIMA model equation becomes:
A very useful notational device is the backward shift operator, B, which is used
as follows:
Byt = yt−1 .
In other words, B, operating on yt, has the effect of shifting the data back one
period. Two applications of B to yt shifts the data back two periods:
B(Byt) = B2yt = yt−2 .
For monthly data, if we wish to shift attention to “the same month last year,”
then B12 is used, and the notation is B12yt = yt−12.
First difference: 1−B.
Double difference: (1−B)2.
dth-order difference: (1−B)dyt.
Seasonal difference: 1−Bm.
Seasonal difference followed by a first difference: (1−B)(1−Bm).
Multiply terms together together to see the combined effect:
(1−B)(1−Bm)yt = (1−B−Bm + Bm+1)yt = yt −yt−1 −yt−m + yt−m−1.
Series of arithmetic means
Provides overall impression of data over time
It is a trend-following, or lagging, indicator because it is based on past values