Review For Midterm Examination: Assessment in Learning 2 (Alternative Assessment)
Review For Midterm Examination: Assessment in Learning 2 (Alternative Assessment)
Review For Midterm Examination: Assessment in Learning 2 (Alternative Assessment)
(Alternative Assessment)
Performance Assessment
and Its Tools
Performance Assessment
and Its Tools
assessments are complex,
authentic, process/product-
oriented, open-ended, and time-
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)
Performance Assessment
and Its Tools
When evaluating student work and
assessing for learning teachers tend
to choose two trends of appraisal:
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)
Performance Assessment
and Its Tools
Process-oriented or performance-based
assessments are based on observing the
development of the learning processes. It is a step-
by-step interaction where there is input and output at
all times between the teacher and the student.
During a process-oriented evaluation the student is
allowed to make mistakes, as they constitute an
important part of the entire exercise.
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)
Performance Assessment
and Its Tools
Product-oriented evaluation seeks to assess
performance through a finalized product that
should meet specific requirements. The product-
oriented evaluation is often accompanied by a rubric
that the student evaluates himself to see if the
expectations of the final product are being met. It is
a summative, and not a formative type of evaluation.
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)
Performance Assessment
and Its Tools
Ways to state product-oriented assessment competencies:
1.Level 1.(Beginner). The finished product illustrate the
minimum expected parts.
2.Level 2.(Skilled level). The finished product contains
additional parts and function on top of the minimum
requirements which tend to enhance the final output.
3.Level 3.(Expert level). The finished product contain basic
minimum parts and function, have additional features on
top of the minimum and is aesthetical pleasing.
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)
Performance Assessment
and Its Tools
Both product-based and process-based
assessments provide information about
how a student understands and applies
knowledge and involves hands-on tasks
or activities that students must complete
individually or in small groups.
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)
Performance Assessment
and Its Tools
Examples of Product-Based
1. Visual Products
2. Kinesthetic Products
3. Written Products
4. Verbal Products
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)
Performance Assessment
and Its Tools
Examples of Process-Based Assessment
1. Oral Presentations/ Demonstrations
2. Dramatic Creative Performances
3. Public Speaking
4. Athletic Skills Demonstration/ Competition
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)
Performance Assessment
and Its Tools
Criteria of a Good Performance Assessment
1. It is authentic - meaningful and realistic.
2. It provides opportunities for students to show both what they
know and how well they can do what they know.
3. It allows students to evaluate their own and their peer’s
performance and output
4. It assesses more complex skills.
5. It explains the task, required elements and scoring criteria to
the students before they do their Performance Tasks or
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)
Performance Assessment
and Its Tools
How to Conduct Performance Assessment?
1. Define the purpose of performance or product-based
2. Choose the Performance Task (activity/output) you
will assess.
3. Create a Rubrics – (a) Criteria, (b) Levels of
Performance, (c) Score and (d) Descriptors of Levels
of Performance
4. Assess students’ Performance Task using the Rubric
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)
Performance Assessment
and Its Tools
Sample Rubrics to do Performance Assessment
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)
Affective Assessment
and Its Tools
Why do affective assessment?
1. Students are human beings, with feelings.
2. Emotions need to be processed, in order
not to interfere with one’s life and works
3. Emotions and internal conditions can
improve learning and even teaching
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)
Affective Assessment
and Its Tools
What are the taxonomy of affective domain?
1. To receive - accepts what you give or teach
2. To respond - answers positively your questions
or obey instructions
3. To value - belief on something
4. To organize - prioritize what is good and proper
5. To characterize - live or consistently do
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)
Affective Assessment
and Its Tools
Affective Variable Important to Learning
1. Attitude
2. Values and Beliefs
3. Interest
4. Motivation
5. Self-Confidence
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)
Affective Assessment
and Its Tools
Affective Assessment Tools
1. Self-Report Questionnaire (Likert, Semantic
Differential, Checklist)
2. Interview (Structured, Unstructured;
Individual, Group)
3. Journals
4. Observation (Structured, Unstructured)
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)
Affective Assessment
and Its Tools
Sample Self-Report Likert Scale to do Affective Assessment
To what extent do you agree or disagree Strongly Agree Slightly Disagree Strongly
with the following views about Agree (5) (4) Agree (2) Disagree
Mathematics? (3) (1)
1. Mathematics is the study of formula, rules
and procedures in solving problems.
2. In Mathematics, you can discover new
things that can be exciting
3. To be able to solve Mathematical
problems, you have to memorize and follow
procedures as taught in the class
4. Mathematics is an exact subject that
requires precision and accuracy
5. Mathematics is logic and reasoning
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)
Affective Assessment
and Its Tools
Sample Structured Interview to do Affective Assessment
Questions Teacher Notes
1. How did you feel about your participation in our class
today? ___________________________________________
2. What did you think about the story that we discussed?
3. Did the story interest you? ___________________________________________
4. What is the part of the story that caught most of your ___________________________________________
attention? Why?
5. What makes you read a book without being told so by ___________________________________________
your teacher?
6. How do you like reading class? What makes you dislike ___________________________________________
it if ever you feel so?
7. What different approach should your teacher use to ___________________________________________
help you and your classmates better?
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)
Written Goals
Documents Selected
Organzation/ Arrangement
Neatness/ Aesthetics
Writing/ Grammar
Assessment in Learning 2
(Alternative Assessment)