Inheritance: Java Dr. Ashraf Uddin 1
Inheritance: Java Dr. Ashraf Uddin 1
Inheritance: Java Dr. Ashraf Uddin 1
The objectives of this presentation are:
subclass: - employeeID: int
- salary: int
- startDate: Date
Person Person
- name: String name = "John Smith"
- dob: Date dob = Jan 13, 1954
is a kind of name = "Sally Halls"
dob = Mar 15, 1968
Employee employeeID = 37518
- employeeID: int salary = 65000
- salary: int startDate = Dec 15, 2000
- startDate: Date
Java Dr. Ashraf Uddin 12
Inheritance in Java
anAccount name = "Craig"
accountNumber = 123456 OverdraftAccount
name = "John"
accountNumber =
account1 3323
limit = 1000.0
Java Dr. Ashraf Uddin 23
Dynamic Method Dispatch
run-time polymorphism.