Java OOPs
Basics of Jav
Concepts Involved :
Object and Clas
Passing class to functio
Access Modifiers - Public, Private, Protected, Defaul
Getters and Setter
‘this’ keywor
final keywor
static keywor
static functions
What is an Object?
An entity that has a state and behavior is known as an object e.g., a chair, bike, marker, pen, table, car, etc. It
can be physical or logical (tangible and intangible). Basically Intangible means that we can’t touch that thing
but it is still there like the ‘banking system’. A particular type of bank can be an example of an object but it can’t
be touched but can be felt by seeing its various behaviors. Don't worry if you have not understood it yet. We are
gonna see a lot of examples in this lesson to know the crux of the topic.
Characteristics of an object:
withdraw, etc.
Identity: An object identity is typically implemented via a unique ID. The value of the ID is not visible to the
external user. However, it is used internally by the JVM
A class is a group of objects which have common properties. It is a template or blueprint from
which objects are created. It is a logical entity. It can't be physical.
A class is a user-defined blueprint or prototype from which objects are created. It represents the
set of properties or methods that are common to all objects of one type. Using classes, you can
create multiple objects with the same behavior instead of writing their code multiple times. This
includes classes for objects occurring more than once in your code.
int x = 5;
The above code will create a class with name as Main and variable x equal to 5.
Now, let’s create an object of the above class and relate the code of class and object to understand how they
are related.
int x = 5;
The above code shows creation of an object named myObj which is of type Main. if we see above then we will
see that the Main class contains a variable x equal to 5. So, we can access the value x by using the ‘.’
operator. myObj.x will be equal to 5 in this case as assigned by us previously. We can change this value by
writing any value in front of myObj.x in the main function.
Till now, If you have understood the difference between object and class and how they are related, then fine
but if you still have doubt about it, then see below examples.
Example 1
let’s see example of a Car. You all know that Car in general is a vague term. Why? Because car can be of
many types/models. So, we can call car as a class and different models of car as object. Car is a blueprint on
which different models of the car have been made up of. Car doesn’t exist physically in general but exist as
different models in real life.
Example 2
Similarly, Take another example of Animal, if you will see an animal then after seeing it you will know that which
type of animal it is. It can be dog, cat, lion, goat etc. but in general terms it is an animal. So, Animal can be
called as a Class and different types of animals like cat, dog etc. will be termed as objects. Different objects
have different behaviors. Dog barks. Lion roars. They have different colors.
A code is given below, try to understand in on your own first. After seeing the code, see the explanation given
below to understand the main concept behind this code.
Explanation of the code: In this code, we have made a class named Lamp. It has two functions named turnOn
and turnOff. Using these functions we can on or off the Lamp. Now we have made two objects of type Lamp.
One object is named as led and other is halogen. Now we have applied those functions on the objects and
printed the output.
For Class
Name of the class should start with an uppercase letter
Use upper camel casing in case the name of the class contains more than one word. e.g BankController.
The class name should give us an idea of the code in the body of class
The name of the class should be a noun.
e.g Student, Bank
For Object
Name of the object should start with a lowercase letter
e.g For class Student, we can give object names like student1,student2 etc. in a general way.
Main function is created inside the class. This type of creation of class is less used as the class created cannot
be used again as it also contains the main function.
Main function is created outside the class.In real time development, we create classes and use the object of
these classes in another class. It is a better approach than the previous one because this has the advantage
that we can reuse our .class file somewhere in other projects without compiling the code again
• data member
• method
• constructor
• nested class
There are four ways to create objects in java. Basically an object can be created by only new keyword and the
rest of the ways to create an object internally use new keyword.
Using new keyword: It is the most common and general way to create an object in java.
Using clone() method: clone() method is present in Object class. It creates and returns a copy of the
In Java, access modifiers are keywords that determine the visibility and accessibility of a class, field, method, or
constructor. There are four types of access modifiers in Java
private: A class, field, method, or constructor that is declared as private can only be accessed within the
class in which it is declared
protected: A class, field, method, or constructor that is declared as protected can be accessed within the
class in which it is declared, as well as by any subclass of that class
public: A class, field, method, or constructor that is declared as public can be accessed from anywhere in
the code
default (also known as package-private): A class, field, method, or constructor that does not have an
explicit access modifier specified is considered to have default (package-private) access. This means that
it can only be accessed within the package in which it is declared.
More Restrictive Less Restrictive
The private access modifier in Java is the most restrictive access level. A class, field, method, or constructor
that is declared as private can only be accessed within the class in which it is declared.
Here is an example of how the private access modifier can be used in a Java program:
In this code, the MyClass class has a private field called privateField and a private method called
privateMethod. The MyClass class also has a public method called publicMethod, which calls the
privateMethod. The Main class has a main method that creates an instance of MyClass and calls the
publicMethod. Because the publicMethod is public, it can be accessed from any other class in the code.
However, the privateMethod is private and can only be accessed within the MyClass class. As a result,
attempting to call privateMethod directly from the Main class will cause a compile-time error.
The protected access modifier in Java is similar to the private access modifier, with the added ability to be
accessed by subclasses of the class in which it is declared. A class, field, method, or constructor that is
declared as protected can be accessed within the class in which it is declared, as well as by any subclass of
that class.
In this code, the MyClass class has a protected field called protectedField and a protected method called
protectedMethod. The MySubClass class is a subclass of MyClass and has a public method called
publicMethod, which calls the protectedMethod. The Main class has a main method that creates an instance of
MySubClass and calls the publicMethod. Because the publicMethod is public, it can be accessed from any
other class in the code. However, the protectedMethod is protected and can only be accessed within the
MyClass class and its subclasses. As a result, attempting to call protectedMethod directly from the Main class
will cause a compile-time error.
The protected access modifier is often used to allow subclasses to access certain members of a class, while
still preventing access from other classes. This can be useful for implementing inheritance and building a class
The public access modifier in Java is the most permissive access level. A class, field, method, or constructor
that is declared as public can be accessed from anywhere in the code, regardless of whether it is in the same
package or a different package.
In this code, the MyClass class has a public field called publicField and a public method called publicMethod.
The Main class has a main method that creates an instance of MyClass and accesses the publicField and
publicMethod. Because both the field and the method are public, they can be accessed from any other class in
the code.
It is important to note that, while the public access modifier allows for the greatest level of accessibility, it
should be used with caution. Overuse of the public access modifier can lead to poor encapsulation and
maintainability of the code. It is generally a good practice to use the private access modifier for fields and
methods that do not need to be accessed from outside the class, and to use public access only when
The default (also known as package-private) access modifier in Java is the access level that is applied when
no explicit access modifier is specified. A class, field, method, or constructor that does not have an explicit
access modifier specified is considered to have default (package-private) access. This means that it can only
be accessed within the package in which it is declared.
In this code, the MyClass class has a default field called defaultField and a default method called
defaultMethod. The Main class is in the same package as MyClass and has a main method that creates an
instance of MyClass and accesses the defaultField and defaultMethod. Because both the field and the method
have default access, they can be accessed from any other class in the same package.
The default access modifier is often used to limit the visibility of a class, field, method, or constructor to only
those classes in the same package. This can be useful for organizing code into logical packages and
controlling the accessibility of certain members.
Getter and Setter are methods used to protect your data and make your code more secure. Getter returns the
value (accessors), it returns the value of data type int, String, double, float, etc. For the program’s convenience,
getter starts with the word “get” followed by the variable name.
While Setter sets or updates the value (mutators). It sets the value for any variable used in a class’s programs.
and starts with the word “set” followed by the variable name. Getter and Setter make the programmer
convenient in setting and getting the value for a particular data type. In both getter and setter, the first letter of
the variable should be capital.
Getter and Setter give you the convenience of entering the value of the variables of any data type by the
requirement of the code. Getters and setters let you manage how crucial variables in your code are accessed
and altered.
// Getter
return color;
// Setter
this.color = c;
The getter method returns the value of the attribute. The setter method takes a parameter and assigns it to the
‘this’ keyword
In Java there are a lot of keywords and some of them are really important like ‘static’ and ‘this’. Let us study
about them in detail.
What is a keyword ?
Keyword is a word which is reserved by the programming language. That is, a keyword has a special meaning
so it can’t be used as the name of some variable/class/function. A keyword has a special meaning which
defines specific parameters of the program.
Keywords in Java
In the Java language, We have a lot of keywords such as static,this,public, long,protected,boolean etc. These
keywords are used to define access of objects/classes/functions or to define some important values in the
The most common use of this keyword is to eliminate the confusion between class attributes and parameters
with the same name (because a class attribute is shadowed by a method or constructor parameter).
Don’t understand ? No problem. Think in this way. If you are creating an object of a class and now you want to
change the attributes of the class then what will you do ? Will you change class attributes or only object
attributes ? Obviously, you will only change object attributes. So, this keyword denotes the object's attributes
instead of class attributes while writing code.
For example, if a car has different models, then using this keyword you can assign a model its specific
attributes like model_name, color, price etc. which will be specific to that model.
So, when we initialize a parameterized constructor, then we will take care that this keyword is used because it
makes it easy to see the code and to understand what is actually happening in the code.
The code shows how this keyword is used to initialize an object’s attributes.
Output :
In this code, this keyword is used from a non parameterized constructor to a parameterized constructor.
The above code shows how current class instance is printe with the help of this keyword.
The code shows how this keyword can be used as a parameter in the constructor.
Output :
The above code shows how ‘this’ keyword can be used invoke a current class method.
Using this keyword as an argument in the constructor call. A constructor of A has been called without creating
of class.
As known from the word constructor, it means to build something. Similarly, In Java, constructor is used to
initialize the object. Seems confusing? No problem. Let’s see below how a constructor initializes an object and
first of all why we need a constructor. We will cover every detail about Java constructor here. So, Let’s start with
the basics!!
What is a Constructor?
A constructor in Java is defined as a method which is used to initialize objects. A constructor is called when an
object of the class is created. Constructor can be used to set values initially for attributes of object.
Need of a Constructor
As you know, class is a blueprint using which object is created. Class does not exist in real life but objects do
exist. So, Let’s assume we have created a class named “Room”. So, this class will have attributes like
roomLength, roomWidth and roomHeight. Now, when we will create an object of the class “Room” then as we
know that the object will be present in real in computer memory , so attributes like roomLength, roomHeight
and roomWidth can be initialized with some value.Now, the object can only be created if the constructor will be
present in the class because constructor is called first when we are creating object and is necessary for object
creation. This is where we need a constructor. Constructor will be called whenever an object is created and
attributes of the object will be initialized with given values in the constructor. So constructors are used to assign
values to the class variables at the time of object creation, either explicitly done by the programmer or by Java
itself (default constructor).
We will see how a default constructor is made and different types of constructors in next parts. Keep reading.
Types of constructor
A constructor that has no parameter is known as the No-argument or Zero argument constructor. If we don’t
define a constructor in a class, then the compiler creates a constructor(with no arguments) for the class. And if
we write a constructor with arguments or no arguments then the compiler does not create a default
Explanation :
In the above code, we have made a constructor with no argument. So, whenever an object is created of the
class ‘Bank’ then “Constructor called” will be printed. As we have not assigned any initial value to the attributes
of the Bank class, therefore id = 0 and name = null have been assigned by java on its own which are the
default values for the corresponding data types. So, that is how initialization works if we do not assign any value
to the attributes.
2) Parameterized constructor
A constructor that has parameters present in its representation is known as a parameterized constructor. If we
want to initialize the fields of the class with our own values, then we use a parameterized constructor.
In this code, we have used a parameterized constructor. How ? We have the constructor that is taking two
arguments, and it will assign those values to the corresponding attributes of the object while initializing it. So,
we can initialize the object's name and id according to our use case.
This is a special type of parameterized constructor which takes all attributes of a class as parameters.All
Argument constructor is a constructor with 1 parameter for each field in your class i.e whichever attributes we
have written in the class will be used as arguments in All Argument Constructor.
4) Default Constructor
A default constructor is invisible. A default constructor is a no argument constructor, but is not present explicitly
in the class. It is made by java if no constructor will be written by us. So, if we write any constructor for
initialization, then there will be no default constructor.
In this code, we have not defined any constructor. So, when we are making an object, then a default constructor
has been called out which will assign default values to the class attributes corresponding to their data types.
Constructor Overloading
In Java, constructor overloading is a technique of having more than one constructor with different parameters .
They are arranged in a way so that each constructor performs a different task. These are differentiated by the
compiler by the number of parameters taken and their types
Overloaded constructors have the same name(name of the class) but different number (or types or both)
of arguments
Depending upon the number and type of arguments passed, specific constructor is called.
In this code, we have created three constructors. Why? because when we are calling the object, then there can
be only one argument given, or there can be an argument with a different type, or there can be more number
of arguments. So, Accordingly we have written the constructor for the class.
So, we have done constructor overloading here. That is , a constructor will be called according to the
parameters given while initializing the object. The decision of which constructor to call is taken at runtime.
A constructor cannot be declared as static because it is associated with the creation of an instance of an
object, and a static method is associated with a class rather than an object. A static method can be called
without creating an instance of the class, but a constructor can only be called when an instance of the class is
The definitions of constructors and methods look similar in code. They can take parameters and they have
bodies in braces. But, despite appearing similar, here are the differences between them :
It basically means that we can copy values of the object created before in the new object only by specifying
that object in argument. Let’s understand this through code.
Copy Constructor
Copy of Object is
Object created
Here, we have created a class ComplexNumber, Our main objective is to copy the values of object c1 to object
c2 without using a parameterized constructor. So, what we are doing is we are creating an object c1 and then
we are copying the values of attributes into a newly created object named c2.
What is Destructor?
A destructor is a special type of function or method in some programming languages(C,C++), that is used to
clean up and release resources when an object is no longer needed. Destructors are often used to deallocate
memory, close file handles, and release other resources that were acquired during the lifetime of an object.
In Java, Destructor is not present because it has an automatic garbage collector which destroys resources
which will no longer be needed.
The final keyword is a non-access modifier used for classes, attributes and methods, which makes them non-
changeable (impossible to inherit or override).
The final keyword is useful when you want a variable to always store the same value, like PI (3.14159...).
The final keyword in java is used to restrict the user. The java final keyword can be used in many context. Final
can be
The final keyword can be applied with the variables, a final variable that have no value it is called blank final
variable or uninitialized final variable. It can be initialized in the constructor only. The blank final variable can be
static also which will be initialized in the static block only.
In Java, the final keyword is used to indicate that a variable, method, or class cannot be modified or extended.
Here are some of its characteristics
Final variables: When a variable is declared as final, its value cannot be changed once it has been
initialized. This is useful for declaring constants or other values that should not be modified
Final methods: When a method is declared as final, it cannot be overridden by a subclass. This is useful for
methods that are part of a class’s public API and should not be modified by subclasses
Final classes: When a class is declared as final, it cannot be extended by a subclass. This is useful for
classes that are intended to be used as is and should not be modified or extended
Initialization: Final variables must be initialized either at the time of declaration or in the constructor of the
class. This ensures that the value of the variable is set and cannot be changed
Performance: The use of final can sometimes improve performance, as the compiler can optimize the code
more effectively when it knows that a variable or method cannot be changed
Security: final can help improve security by preventing malicious code from modifying sensitive data or
Overall, the final keyword is a useful tool for improving code quality and ensuring that certain aspects of a
program cannot be modified or extended. By declaring variables, methods, and classes as final, developers
can write more secure, robust, and maintainable code.
Static keyword
The static keyword is mainly used for memory management in Java. A static keyword can be applied with
variables, blocks, functions and class. The static keyword is a property of a class rather than an instance
of the class. The static keyword is used for a constant variable or a method that is the same for every
instance of a class.
Output :
The static keyword is a non access modifier in java which is applicable for the following :
Static Variables
If we declare any variable as static, then it is called a static variable. When a variable is declared as static,
then a single copy of that variable is created and shared among all of the objects at the class level. static
variables are global variables. All instances of the class share the same static variable.
We can create static variables at the class level only. Static blocks and static variables are executed
according to the sequence in which they are written in the program.
Why static ? It makes our program more efficient as every object doesn't allocate separate memory to a
static variable.
Let’s understand with an example. Assume there is a school which has 1000 students. Now every student is
a separate object. Each student has attributes like name, ID and principal name. Now, let’s assume that
the principal of that school is changed. So, As every student in a school has the same principal, every
student’s principal will be updated to the new principal name. But, this will consume a lot of memory and
computation. So, what we do is, we will make the principal name as static which means that it is a
property of the class. So, when one student’s principal has changed, then it will automatically change the
principal name for all students without doing it separately for each of them. By doing this, it will save
memory and computation.
The code shows that the static block is executed before the main function.
The code shows how changing college name changes the name of college for all students showing static
is a property of class.
Static Block
It is used to initialize static data member. It is used to initialize before the main method at the time of
loading of class. It gets executed only once when class gets loaded. After executing once, it is not needed to
be executed again while creating different objects.
The above code shows that the static block is executed first no matter whether it is written below the main
function or above.
Static class
We can declare a class static by using the static keyword. A class can be declared static only if it is a
nested class. It does not require any reference of the outer class. The property of the static class is that it
does not allow us to access the non-static members of the outer class.
To understand the concept of static class well, we have to first understand the meaning of outer class, inner
class and nested class. After that we will see how static class can be useful to us while writing java
Outer class : The class in which nested class is defined is called outer class.
Inner class : The classes that are non-static and nested are called inner classes. We cannot create an
instance of the inner class without creating an instance of the outer class. Without using the reference to
the outer class instance, an instance of the inner class can access the members of its outer class. It makes
the program simple and concise.
The code shows nested static class. Str variable is called by display function in the nested class.
Output :