Elements Project - Cobalt
Elements Project - Cobalt
Elements Project - Cobalt
Cobalt-60 is a radioactive
isotope. It is an important
Cobalt can be used to make
Other alloys of cobalt are Cobalt salts have been used Cobalt is needed for human, source of gamma-rays. It is
magnets and batteries. It is Cobalt salts can be given
used in jet turbines and gas for centuries to produce plant, and animal life in very widely used in
combined with aluminum to certain animals in small
turbine generators, where brilliant blue colors in paint, small amounts and forms cancer treatment, as a
and nickel to make doses to correct mineral
high-temperature strength is porcelain, glass, pottery and part of the active site of tracer and for
particularly powerful deficiencies.
important. enamels. vitamin B12. radiotherapy. In some
countries, cobalt is used to
irradiate food to preserve it.
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