Planet Project Booklet

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A Vacation Among the

Pack your bags because our assignment is to persuade us to take a trip to
your planet! This is going to take some creativity, but it is going to be so
much fun!
Ask what is it that makes their planet so great? Is it cold? Attract the winter
sport loving type. Is it hot? Have a beach getaway. Is it mountainous?
Appeal to the adventurous type. Is its gravity less than Earth? Show-off
your planet's weight-loss perks. Be creative. Let your imaginations run
Find out many things about your planet, the surface features, its
temperatures, how long its days and years are (its rotation and
revolution). The goal is to persuade us to visit it so show it off!
Take all the information you have and turn it into a tourism
advertisement. For this you will make a poster advertisement on your
planet, and a paragraph / sales pitch that persuades us even more to visit
your planet.

However, all things on your planet will not be good. You might
have active volcanoes, long nights, gravity wayyyy heavier
than earth, things like that. You are going to need to warn us
of these not so good things about your planet. You will warn us
by creating a waiver. This way they can make a good decision
what planet to visit once they know all the facts.
A waiver is a list of warnings and risks that a person needs to
sign before doing something, for example, I needed to sign a
waiver to ride a surf simulator encase I fell off and hurt myself.
You will present your poster and sales pitch to the class next
Enjoy your journey through space!


• Monday- Research
• Tuesday- Sales Pitch & Waiver
• Friday- Sales Pitch & Waiver Must be done or homework
• Monday- Poster
• Tuesday- Poster & Practice Presenting

• Wednesday- No work time- presenting to class! 

MONDAY- Research
When researching your planet, fill out all the questions on this sheet

1. Where did your planets name came from?

2. How long does a rotation and revolution takes on your planet? (a length of a day
and year)

3. How hot and cold does your planet get?

4. What are its surface features? (craters, rocky, smooth, gassy, has volcanoes)

5. How much is the gravity compared to Earth? (how much heavier or lighter)

6. How many moons does it have? (this could be a selling point)

7. How big is it?

8. What colour is it?

9. What’s the weather on your planet (windy, stormy, humid)

10. What are some unique things about your planet? (Jupiter’s big red spot,
Saturn’s rings, etc.)

Here is some space to write some extra notes about your planet for when
you start your sales pitch and waiver:
Paragraph – Sales Pitch

Write a paragraph that convinces us to visit your planet. Talk about the
good parts of your planet. Is it cold? Attract the winter sport loving type. Is it hot?
Have a beach getaway. Is it mountainous? Appeal to the adventurous type. Is it's
gravity less than Earth? Show-off your planet's weight-loss perks. Be creative.
What you need
- 10 Sentences
- Rotation and revolution (length of day and year)
- Colour
- Surface Features
- Gravity
- If it has rings and how many moons it has
- At least 6 sales points (6 good things about the planet, this can be the same as the things
- Needs to be persuasive (makes us want to visit your planet)

EXAMPLE Sales Pitch Paragraph

Find your worth at planet Earth! This beautiful planet is perfect for absolutely
everyone. Feeling adventurous? Hike one of earths seven huge mountain ranges!
Enjoy the water? Earth is covered in it! Over 70% of it! Earth has stunning beauty
with many places for dynamic photographs, from luxurious rain forests to beautiful
beaches. You will definitely not be lonely on this planet, just ask one of its 8 billion
people! Is your family split on whether hot and cold weather is better, or day or
night? That is a thing of the past on earth, from the frosty Antarctica to the toasty
Sahara Desert, there is a climate for the whole family; and with a short revolution
period of 24 hours, you will get day and night before you can finish the Phineas and
Ferb Series (which is also a great thing on earth). So what are you waiting for? Call
1800-267-2001 Now and book your trip to the big and beautiful planet of Earth!
Write your Planet Sales Pitch here





























Waiver – Warnings and Risks

No good things come without some bad things. Create a list of warnings
and risks that your tourists need to know before entering your planet. This way
they can make a good decision what planet to visit once they know all the facts.
What you need
- At least 5 warnings
- A signature box – so your tourist would be able to sign it

EXAMPLE of a waiver
I, _________________ understand that there are risks when taking such an
amazing trip to Earth. Those risks include, but are not limited to, drowning in the
ocean that covers 71% of the earth, getting heatstroke in one of the 23 deserts,
freezing in a climate that can go below -50 degrees Celsius, having only 510 million
square km compared to Jupiter’s 61.5 billion km, injury due to tornadoes,
hurricanes, lightning, and tsunamis, and falling from great heights (the greatest
height being almost 9000 meters!)
This travel agency is not responsible for any injury, death, or disappointment
of this planet. I have read and understand every risk written above.
Write your Planet Waiver here
Bad/Dangerous things about your planet:

Put these things into a paragraph/waiver:










Waiver continued:














Poster – Advertisement

You will be making a Poster to go along with your

sales pitch. This will list the top interests of your
planet with a picture to go along with it.
What you need
- Picture of your planet
- Name of your planet
- At least 3 selling points (they can be the same
as your sales pitch)
- Drawings of these selling points on your planet
(ski slopes, beaches, etc.)
- A convincing slogan – “Find Your Worth at
Planet Earth!”

Sketch a QUICK rough copy of what you want on your poster (take like 5
Wednesday will be your presentation of your planet to the
rest of the class. This will need to be prepared beforehand
(practice it on Tuesday)
Your presentation will need to have
- Rotation and revolution (day and year length)
- Colour
- Surface Features
- Gravity
- If it has rings and how many moons it has
- At least 6 sales points (6 good things about the planet)
- Needs to be persuasive (makes us want to visit your

You may want to have a cheat sheet on the back of your

poster to help you! 
Planets Colour Length of Length of Surface Gravity Rings and
Day Year Features Strength Moons








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