All Planet Research Projects

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Lesson Sky Science – Planet project Date December 7th 2020

Title/Focus introduction and research time

Subject/Grad Grade 6 Science Time 1:50-2:50

e Level Duration 1 hour


General Learning 6–7 Observe, describe and interpret the movement of objects in the sky; and identify
Outcomes: pattern and order in these movements.

9. Recognize that the other eight known planets, which revolve around the Sun, have
Specific Learning characteristics, and surface conditions that are different from Earth; and identify
Outcomes: examples of those differences


Students will:
● Research characteristics of their chosen planet
● Assess and outline warnings and risk of visiting other planets
● Understand what makes the planets different

ASSESSMENTS (How I will know students have achieved the objective(s)

● Research will be done by the students using computers. Students will research questions provided to
them in their project handout. I will be looking at these throughout the class


● Have project handout printed and handed out to ● Project handout

the students
● Have project handout ready on a laptop so you
can go through it with the class


Introduction Time

Hook: What did we talk about last week? minutes

- The Milky Way and its planets. The atmosphere
After this, ask students to talk with their table:
- What planets is your favorite? Why?
- If you could visit any planet what one would it be? Why?

Key ● How are our planets different? minutes

Questions: ● What are important characteristics to know about a planet?
Transition/ ● After these questions, I will transition into the lesson which will be minutes
Expectations: introducing the mnemonics of the planets as well as what their made of
(rock or gas). Also introducing the project

Body Time

Learning Start out by explaining some of the differences between the planets 10-15
Activity 1 - Some planets have rings, (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) some have minutes
more moons, such as Saturn’s 87.
- Some planets are made of gas and some are made of rock
- (First four rock, last four gas)
- Tell them that they must know which planets are made out of what
- Also let them know that they need to know the order of the planets.
- Explain that there are 8 planets, and that Pluto is not longer a planet
because of its size.
Do a Planet Mnemonic to help them remember their order
● My, Very, Educated, Mother, Just, Served, Us, Nachos (Platters for
● My, Very, Easy, Method, Just, Speeds, Up, Naming, (Planets)
Give them time to come up with their own mnemonics, this was fun last time.

Introduce the project quickly– make it clear and concise

This is just an overview of the project, I will explain more each day so its fresh
in their mind

Let them know that this is done at the end of the week!
PowerPoint will have the outline of the project on it
● Monday – Research
● Tuesday and Friday– Paper and Waiver
● Next Week Monday / Tuesday - Poster
● Wednesday - Present

Learning Students will then work on researching their planet. minutes

Activity 2 They will research by answering the questions provided on their project
outline handout.

To do this, they will be getting a laptop or laptops for their group and looking
up their questions on the links provided. If they cannot find an answer in these
links, I will tell them to just look up their question in Google and they will find
their answers. Might want to include “for kids”

To get them started researching, I will provide them with these links on
Google Classroom

Transition/ Picking groups and planet minutes

Expectations - Since student’s attendance is unpredictable, I will list the planets up on
the board and students can sign up for what planet they want – No
more than 3 per planet
- I will ask them to come up one table at a time so there will be less
chaos during this time. Hopefully this will mix up the groups a little

There will be a reminder at the end of class that to be on pace for the project, minutes
Closure their group should be done or very close to done answering their research
questions so they can start their sales pitch next class.

I will also be looking at the student’s research nearing the end of class to
gauge how well they are working and if they are ready to move on to the next
part of the project

Consolidation of Learning
I will be looking through the student’s handouts throughout the class to make sure they
are understanding the research project and are writing down the correct things on their

Transition to ● This overlaps with the closure. minutes

next lesson

Sponge: What ● If they finish their research questions, I will ask them to start writing minutes
can students their sales pitch. I will give them more information about this part if
work on if they get this far.


This project is split into groups because of differentiation. I am hoping students can compliment each other’s
strengths and weaknesses to have a group that can perform well.
This way, if someone struggles with writing, someone else in the group can do that role while they work on
something else.

Also, for the students that struggle with writing, they will not need to fill out the project handout, only one
needs to be filled out for the group.


What went well in this project was the introduction, talking about our favorite planets, the links I
provided, and the activity worksheet. I think the introduction of asking the students what their favorite planet
was and why was a great way to get them engaged with thinking about the differences of each planet. I also
think I was well prepared for this lesson in that the links I provided for them were really kid friendly and super
beneficial to their research. I also think that the research handout I provided them with was straightforward and
easy to follow.
What I would change in this lesson is my transitions. I think they were okay but did lack some clarity.
The students needed more reminders to use the links that I provided for them. Lots of them were having trouble
just googling the answers, but when I pointed hem back towards the links, they did just fine. Also in the
transitions I should have explained more of the logistics of the project like, who in the group should do what,
how should you split up the work load, how long of answers do you need, little things like that.

Lesson Planet Research Project DAY 2 Date December 8th 2020


Subject/Grad Grade 6 Science Time 1:50-2:50

e Level Duratio 1 Hour


General Learning 6–7 Observe, describe and interpret the movement of objects in the sky; and
Outcomes: identify pattern and order in these movements.
Language Arts
3.1 - Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas
and information.
4.3 - Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the
clarity and artistry of communication.

Specific Learning 9. Recognize that the other eight known planets, which revolve around the Sun,
Outcomes: have characteristics, and surface conditions that are different from Earth; and
identify examples of those differences

Language Arts
3.1 Plan and gather information - develop and follow own plan for accessing
and gathering ideas and information, considering guidelines for time and length of
investigation and presentation


Students will:
● Research characteristics of their chosen planet
● Assess and outline warnings and risk of visiting other planets
● Understand what makes the planets different
ASSESSMENTS (How I will know students have achieved the objective(s)

● Students will be creating a Sales Pitch and a Waiver for their planet which I will be checking before
they move on


● Project handout prepared ● Project handout

● Examples prepared ● Examples
● Project handout prepared on Smart Board


Introduction Time

Hook: ● The hook will be reviewing what we did yesterday and having 5 minutes
students share how it their projects are going and if they have any Done by
questions 1:55

Key Questions: ● How are our planets different?

● What are important characteristics to know about a planet?

Transition/ ● Transition will be talking about their expectations for the day and
Expectations: explaining the sales pitch and waiver.
● Before they move on, THEY MUST finish their research questions
from yesterday.

Body Time

Learning ● Explanation of The Sales Pitch / Waiver Activity 5-10

Activity 1 I will go through the student’s handout for the research project for the section minutes
od Sales Pitch and Waiver. (they will have their own copy of this to follow Done by
along) 2:10 at
In this, there will be a few examples and expectations of the project.

Learning ● Work Time Rest of the

Activity 2 Students will start the sales pitch/ waiver part of the project IF they are Class
finished their research.

Here is what they need:

- 10 Sentences
- Rotation and revolution (length of day and year)
- Colour
- Surface Features
- Gravity
- If it has rings and how many moons it has
- At least 6 sales points (6 good things about the planet, this can be the
same as the things above)
- Needs to be persuasive (makes us want to visit your planet)
Waiver – Warnings and Risks
No good things come without some bad things. Create a list of
warnings and risks that your tourists need to know before entering your
planet. This way they can make a good decision what planet to visit once
they know all of the facts.

What they need

- At least 5 warnings
- A signature box – so your tourist would be able to sign it

Transition/ - Make sure they are finished the research. If they are, go around and
Expectations look at their answers BEFORE they move on
- Remind them to look at the handout and the examples
- They are working together, no one will be left out

Closure Time

Consolidation ● I will be checking the sales pitch and waiver periodically while they
of Learning are working on it and once they finish it.

Transition to ● Once the students are done this project, it will directly relate to the
next lesson next part of the project which is creating a poster for their planet.

Sponge: What can students work on if done

If the students finish the project, they are going to be encouraged to put more into it or to start on their poster
if there is enough time.


Being in a group, the people who have trouble with writing do not have to type. They can just come up with
ideas for the sales pitch instead.


This project went very well. I think I took just the right amount of time explaining it as the students were
able to understand the project and have enough work time to get the project finished. I think my instructions
were clear and the handout gave precise instructions so that was great.
However, I think that maybe one or two examples may have helped them even more. They did a great
job at explaining some of the great things about their planets, but it lacked flow. I think by showing them a
video or two or a promotional ad would have been beneficial for their writing.
Overall, I think this was a good lesson. The only thing I would change is that I would add another

Lesson Planet Research Project - Poster Date December


Subject/Grade Grade 6 Sky Science Time 11:15-12:00

Level Duration 45 minutes


General Learning 6–7 Observe, describe and interpret the movement of objects in the sky; and
Outcomes: identify pattern and order in these movements.
Language Arts
3.1 - Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas
and information.
4.3 - Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the
clarity and artistry of communication.

Specific Learning 9. Recognize that the other eight known planets, which revolve around the Sun,
Outcomes: have characteristics, and surface conditions that are different from Earth; and
identify examples of those differences
Language Arts
4.3 Use effective oral and visual communication - adjust volume, tone of voice
and gestures to engage the audience; arrange presentation space to focus audience


Students will:
● Present in an appropriate way that persuades other classmates to visit your planet on a fictional
● Research characteristics of their chosen planet
● Design a poster that persuades other classmates
● Assess and outline warnings and risk of visiting other planets
● Understand what makes the planets different

ASSESSMENTS (How I will know students have achieved the objective(s)

● Poster will be created as a tool to be used for their sales pitch presentation. The poster will be a
advertisement for their planet.


● Have example poster on the smart board ● Poster example

● Have research handout ● Research Handout
● Have poster paper pre- ripped out ● Poster paper


Introduction Time

Hook: ● Hook will be a discussion of how the project is going and if anyone 2-5
wants to share any fun facts or ask any questions about the project minutes

Key ● How do we make a poster that engages and persuades a viewer minutes

Transition/ ● Transition will be going from talking about what we have learned minutes
Expectations: and transitioning into what we are doing in this class (the poster)

Body Time

Learning ● I will explain what we are going to do today (the poster) and 10
Activity 1 explain how we are going to do it. minutes
● I have this in their project handout along with an example and I
will also put this on the board so they can follow along

Poster - Advertisement
You will be making a Poster to go along with your sales pitch. This will list
the top interests of your planet with a picture to go along with it.
What you need
- Picture of your planet
- Name of your planet
- At least 3 selling points (they can be the same as your sales pitch)
- Drawings of these selling points on your planet (ski slopes, beaches,
- A convincing slogan – “Find Your Worth at Planet Earth!”

Learning Students will then have the rest of the period to finish up their sales pitch and Rest of the
Activity 2 waiver and to start on their poster. Class

Transition/ Transition will be reminding the students that they present on Wednesday
Expectations and it would be nice if they could rehearse it beforehand.
Also telling them what paper to use for the poster and to use lots of color
Remind them to do a draft first

Closure Time

Consolidation ● I will be walking around and checking in on groups progress and minutes
of Learning looking at their posters

Transition to ● Next lesson will be another work period on the poster. minutes
next lesson

Sponge: What can students work on if done

There will be no sponge, just more work time on the project. They will not get finished this class.

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