Tissue Repair: Cell Regeneration and Fibrosis
Tissue Repair: Cell Regeneration and Fibrosis
Tissue Repair: Cell Regeneration and Fibrosis
Parenchymal cell proliferation and
differentiation, which involves interaction of
the proliferating cells with soluble chemical
mediators and insoluble extracellular matrix.
Cell proliferation
Intracellular receptors
Ligand must be hydrophobic to enter the cell e.g. Vit D,
steroids and thyroid hormones.
Receptor-ligand complex directly associate with nuclear
Interstitial matrix:
A three dimensional amorphous gel, present in the spaces
between cells in connective tissue, and between epithelium
and supportive vascular and smooth muscle structures
Synthesized by mesenchymal cells
Collagens (fibrillary and nonfibrillar), proteoglycan and
glucoproteins are the major constituents.
Forms of ECM
Basement membrane:
A highly organized and specialized matrix, present
around epithelial, endothelial and smooth muscle
Synthesized by epithelial and mesenchymal cells
give the tissue the ability to recoil and returns back to the
baseline structure after physical stress
Central core of elastin protein surrounded by a meshwork of
fibrillin glycoprotein.
Elastin require glycine at every third position, but has fewer
Fibrillin serves as a scaffold for the deposition of elastin and
the assembly of elastic fibers.
High content in tissues requiring recoil like walls of large
vessels, uterus, skin and ligaments
Defects in fibrillin are associated with Marfan syndrome.
Proteoglycan and hyaluronan: